A painted mug is a pretty thing that can brighten up a cabinet or coffee table. Painting mugs can be a fun DIY project that makes a special gift. Just prepare the mug, wash it, dip the spirit into the area you want to paint, and you're ready to start painting!
Method 1 of 3: Painting a Mug with Acrylic Paint

Step 1. Spread the newspaper on the workbench
Make sure the newspaper covers the entire work area. If you're worried about the newspaper sliding down, tape it down with tape. Use 2 or more layers of newspaper if you tend to work in a messy manner.

Step 2. Pour the acrylic paint of your choice onto the painting palette
Pour about 1 teaspoon of each color onto the palette. Separate each color by about 2.5 cm if you are using an even palette. If you want to mix colors, pour a small amount of each color into a small container and mix with another clean brush.
- Use a paper plate if you don't have a painting palette.
- Don't pour too much paint!

Step 3. Use a pencil to outline the design on the mug
Graphite pencil is the best drawing tool because it glides easily on the mug and can be erased. Do not let the design touch the lips of the mug.
Use painting tape to help draw straight lines

Step 4. Apply the first coat of paint on the mug and let it dry
Dip the brush in water and dry on a paper towel. After that, dip the brush in the acrylic paint of the color of your choice. Pick up the brush and paint whatever you want. Do not paint on the lips of the mug.
To paint a larger area, such as a background color, use a thick foam brush. When painting smaller details and designs, use a small, pointed brush

Step 5. Apply more layers until your design is finished
Wait until the first coat is relatively dry before adding the next. For a glossy finish, add a top coat of clear acrylic paint. Take a clean foam brush and lightly apply clear acrylic over the painting design.

Step 6. Allow the mug to air dry for 24 hours
Place the mug on a sheet of newspaper and store it in a safe place. Do not touch the mug while it is drying. Touching it will prolong the drying time and damage the paint.

Step 7. Clean the design with an eraser or spirit
For paint stains, use a cotton swab that has been dipped in spirit to rub it clean. Be careful not to erase any part of the painting's design.

Step 8. Bake the mug at 180 °C for 35 minutes
Sit the mug upright on the baking sheet. After the oven is heated to 180 °C, place the baking sheet in the oven. After 35 minutes, remove the mug and allow it to cool completely.
- Read paint labels. If the label says special baking instructions, follow them.
- Watch out for hot mugs and ovens!

Step 9. Wash the mug by hand
Do not use the dishwasher as this can damage the design of the painting. Just use dish soap and warm water to rinse the mug. Once clean, the mug is ready to use.
Method 2 of 3: Painting a Mug with a Paint Pen

Step 1. Draw the outline of the design on the mug with a pencil
This step is not mandatory for the process of painting using a paint pen (paint-based marker), but it can help keep the image design clean and tidy. Also, if you make a mistake, just delete it. Again, don't draw the design on the lip of the mug.
Use painting tape to make straight lines

Step 2. Draw the first layer on the mug with a paint pen
Use an oil-based paint pen to decorate the mug. You can follow the pencil-drawn design or modify it. However, do not use a sharpie (permanent marker) instead of a paint pen because the sharpie will fade quickly.

Step 3. Add more paint pen layers
Wait a few minutes to let the first coat dry before adding a new one. Continue adding more layers until you get the color, thickness, and level of texture you want. Be careful not to mix the colors.

Step 4. Wipe and/or rub the wrong area with a cotton swab dipped in spirit
Use an eraser to clean pencil marks. If there is a stain on the wrong paint pen, wait for it to dry before removing it. After that, use a cotton ball that has been dipped in spiritus to rub it clean. Dry the cotton swab before use so that the spirit does not drip.
Work slowly and scrub carefully. You certainly don't want to accidentally delete or omit any part of the image design

Step 5. Allow the mug to air dry for 24 hours
Place the mug on a sheet of newspaper to dry. Do not touch the mug while it is drying. Touching it will prolong the drying time and damage the design.

Step 6. Bake the mug at 190 °C for 25 minutes
Sit the mug upright on the baking sheet. Place the mug and baking sheet in an oven that has been preheated to 190 °C. After 25 minutes, turn off the oven, but let the mug sit in it for 2 hours. After 2 hours, remove the mug and refrigerate.
Use a claw when removing the mug from the oven

Step 7. Wash the mug with dish soap
While rinsing mugs in the dishwasher may seem easier, don't use them. The dishwasher may be too loud for the mug and could damage the design of the image. After cleaning, the mug is ready to use.
Method 3 of 3: Painting Watercolor Designs with Nails

Step 1. Fill the Tupperware container with warm water
Leave about 10 cm of space from the top lip of the container. Tupperware must be deep enough to soak the mug. If you don't have Tupperware, use any plastic container, large bowl, or even a sink.
Nail polish can leave residue. So, use an ugly container

Step 2. Pour a few drops of nail polish into the water
Use as many colors as you want. Add more polish if the color hasn't spread all over the water. Work quickly to prevent the nail polish from drying on the surface of the water.
Check out the color wheel if you're having trouble choosing a nail polish color. The color wheel will show which colors match together

Step 3. Gently swirl the nail polish using a toothpick
Hold a toothpick and swirl the nail polish in a snake, zigzag, or random pattern. Do it slowly so that the nail polish does not clump. This step isn't mandatory, but it can easily create a pretty pattern.

Step 4. Dip the mug into the nail polish design for 3-4 seconds
Hold the mug upright and lower the bottom into the water. After 3-4 seconds, lift. Keep the mug upright when lifted to protect the nail polish design.
Step 5. Allow the mug to air dry for 1 hour
Place the mug on a sheet of newspaper and set it outside to dry. To protect the design, place the mug upside down. And remember, don't touch the mug while it's drying!

Step 6. Wash the mug by hand
Rinse the mug using cold or warm water and dish soap. Do not use the dishwasher as this may damage the design. After washing, the mug can be given as a gift, used, or displayed at home.
- Store acrylic paint upside down to prevent air bubbles from forming.
- Search the internet for designs for inspiration before painting.
- The baking process can be dangerous. Put on oven mitts.
- Do not paint on the lip of the mug.