4 Ways to Braid Leather

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4 Ways to Braid Leather
4 Ways to Braid Leather

Video: 4 Ways to Braid Leather

Video: 4 Ways to Braid Leather
Video: How to make Paper Pyramid ( very easy ) | DIY Crafts 2024, October

Braided leather is an ancient art form that looks amazing, and makes it easier than we think. There are several leather braiding techniques, including three braids, decorative braids, and four braids. See Step 1 for tutorials on how to easily and quickly complete each method.


Method 1 of 4: Decorating Triple Braids


Step 1. Cut a strip of leather 2.5 cm wide

Determine the length you need, and add 1/3 of the extra length to the skin before cutting.

  • The braiding process will shorten the material once you're done braiding, so cutting the skin longer will create a braid of sufficient length when you're done.
  • Use sharp scissors to cut the strips of leather to the required length. For practice, a sufficient length is about 22.5-25 cm.

Step 2. Make 2 parallel slices in the center of the strip, but don't cut to the ends

The leather strip should be divided into 3 equal parts. For the next steps each section will be referred to as 1, 2, and 3 from left to right.

  • Make sure the slices are evenly spaced from each other. The distance between the slices should be about 0.8 cm.
  • Stop slicing at a distance of 1.88 cm from the tip. This technique is necessary to keep the strips together, unlike braiding hair or thread.
  • If you are cutting with a cutter, place cardboard, wood, or backing board under the skin to protect the surface on which you are cutting.

Step 3. Take the lower end of the strip and bring it up towards you

Pass under numbers 2 and 3. Pull the end of the strip down from the other side so that it returns to the starting position.

  • Looping the strips through numbers 2 and 3 will curl them so that each little strip is twisted and easier to braid.
  • When done correctly, your strip will have a loop in the center and won't be flat. You will be able to see it through the slice you just made.

Step 4. Pass number 1 over number 2 starting at the top of the leather strip

Enter number 2 through the intersection between numbers 2 and 3.

If done correctly, number 1 should now be behind number 3


Step 5. Move number 3 over 1

The top of the strip is now like a woman crossing her legs while sitting.


Step 6. Move number 2 over number 2

There should now be a gap between numbers 2 and 3 at the base of the braid.


Step 7. Bring the lower end of the strip up toward you again

Circle through the distance between numbers 2 and 2 and pull back down.

Do the twist you did before in step 3 and complete one cycle of braiding. The braid itself should now be at the top of the strip


Step 8. Repeat steps 4-6 to braid the small strips

Make sure that as you move the underside of the strip through numbers 2 and 3 to complete the braid cycle, as shown in step 7.

If you choose to braid a strip of leather 22.5 cm x 7.5 cm, you are done after 2 cycles of braiding

Method 2 of 4: Making Four Round Braids


Step 1. Cut 4 separate strips of leather

Increase the length of the strip as this technique will use more skin.

  • Remember that you are now using 4 strips, so the braid will be thicker than the previous method. You can cut a slightly thinner strip than the first method.
  • Using 4 braids will also result in a round braid instead of a flat one.

Step 2. Tie the top end like the previous methods

For the following steps, the 4 strips will be referred to as the letters A, B, C and D from left to right.

  • Since you'll be working with a lot of strips, try tying the ends to a key ring ring and placing the ring under the leg of a chair. This will keep the strips in a secure position and you can focus on only the slightly complicated processes.
  • To help you follow each strip, you can practice with colored yarn first. It's easy to lose the strips in the middle of the process. You can also tie colored thread at the end of each strip.

Step 3. Take strip D and move it to the left over B and C

from left to right, your stripe order should now be A, D, B, C.


Step 4. Move strip B over D, also moving left

Now the order is A, B, D, C.


Step 5. Move strip A to the right so that it passes over B and D

Now the order is B, D, A, C.


Step 6. Move strip D to the right so that it passes over A

The order is now B, A, D, C.

If you did the previous step correctly, the D and A strips should be in the middle. Strip B on the far left and C on the far right


Step 7. Take strips B and A into your left hand and strips D and C into your right hand

Pull the two strips in each hand away from each other to secure the braid.


Step 8. Move strip C to the left over strips D and A

The order is now B, C, A, D.


Step 9. Move strip A to the left over C

The order is now B, A, C, D.


Step 10. Move strip B to the right over A and C

The order is now A, C, B, D.


Step 11. Move strip C to the right over B

The order is now A, B, C, D. You have completed 1 cycle of the braiding process.

Tighten the braid as in step 7. You will need to do this after each cycle to make sure the braid is tight and won't come loose


Step 12. Repeat steps 3-11 until you have braided the leather the desired length

Since this process is very detailed, it is recommended that you start with shorter strips.


Step 13. Tie the end of the braid when you're done

You can tie the unbraided end to the keychain again, such as the top end. This is an easy way to join the ends together to make a bracelet or necklace.

Method 3 of 4: Using the Braiding Technique


Step 1. Make 3 strips of equal width from one leather strip

Leave one end together while the other end is divided by 3, or you can cut the 3 end to end into 3 separate strips.

Don't forget to measure the length and width the same as the methods listed above. To make a thicker bracelet, make wider strips. To make a necklace use a strip that is longer than 22.5 or 25 cm


Step 2. Tie the top end

If you are making 3 separate strips, you can tie the top ends or tie the ends of the 3 strips with another piece of leather, leaving about 2.5 cm from the end. For the following steps the strips will be referred to as "left," "middle," and "right."

Make sure the ends of the strips are aligned so that the braid is as even as possible


Step 3. Move the left strip over the center strip

The two strips now swap places so that the left becomes the center and vice versa.


Step 4. Move the right strip over the new center strip

Now the right and center strips will swap places.


Step 5. Alternately move the left and right strips over the center strip

Keep doing this until you get a braid of the length you want.

If you want to make a bracelet but the remaining strips are too long, use scissors to trim the rest


Step 6. Tie the bottom end about 2.5 cm from the bottom

You can use the same technique, tie all three together or tie with another leather.

Method 4 of 4: Making Jewelry from Braided Leather

Braid Leather Step 28
Braid Leather Step 28

Step 1. Make a bracelet from braided leather

Bracelets can be made in several ways, one more beautiful than the other.

  • As described in braid method 4, you can tie both ends of the braid to a key ring and connect the two rings to make a bracelet. While this is the easiest method, it doesn't look very attractive.
  • Alternatively, you can use a braided leather and make small holes about 1.88 cm from both ends. Thread a strip of leather through both holes and tie it in a knot. Adjust the size of the connecting strip according to your wrist size.
  • To create a high-quality bracelet that looks professional, hold the ends together until they are parallel (this is not required for the 3rd braid method). Take a bracelet clamp - which can be purchased at most jewelry supply stores - and place the end of the braid inside. Use pliers to press the bracelet clamp until it closes at both ends. Now your bracelet has metal edges like those bought in a jewelry store!
Braid Leather Step 29
Braid Leather Step 29

Step 2. Make a necklace using the clasps used on the bracelet

Although for necklaces you need to use a longer braid, and you can add other accessories to make it unique.

  • Look for beads with through holes. You can thread your braid through the beads so that the beads are centered like a pendant. Or you can fill the entire bottom of the braid with beads so that only half of the braid is visible.
  • In addition to beads, you can put pendants on your braids. Put your photo in it and give it to someone special as a token of your friendship. Or you can use letter pendants and arrange them to form your name on the braid. The variations are endless!
Braid Leather Step 30
Braid Leather Step 30

Step 3. Use tiny braids into a leather ring

Once you're good at braiding regular size strips, challenge yourself to make smaller braids.
