5 Ways to Recognize Tabby Cats

5 Ways to Recognize Tabby Cats
5 Ways to Recognize Tabby Cats

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The tabby cat, sometimes also known as the tiger cat, is not an easily recognizable cat breed because it lacks personality and conspicuous behavioral characteristics. In fact, all cats that have stripes on their fur are considered taboo cats. The stripes on the cat's fur can be thick or thin. All tabby cats have a prominent “M” pattern on their forehead, and usually have a thin “pencil” line along the face. Not all cats have stripes, and there are five different types of stripes in a cat's coat. Learn the basics of cat stripe pattern recognition and you'll be able to tell the difference between tabby cats and other cats.


Method 1 of 5: Recognizing the Classic Tabi Cat

Identify a Tabby Cat Step 1
Identify a Tabby Cat Step 1

Step 1. Look for the pattern of the stain on the cat

The classic tabby cat tends to have a smudge-like pattern all over its body, so the classic tabby cat is also known as the stained tabby cat.

Identify a Tabby Cat Step 2
Identify a Tabby Cat Step 2

Step 2. Look for stripes with wide stripes

The stripes on classic tabby cats tend to be wider and thicker than other tabby breeds. The thick stripes can resemble the stains that are characteristic of the classic tabby cat.

Identify a Tabby Cat Step 3
Identify a Tabby Cat Step 3

Step 3. Notice the circular line motif

The classic tabi cat sometimes has circular or twisted stripes on its coat. In some cats, this pattern looks like a target circle.

Identify a Tabby Cat Step 4
Identify a Tabby Cat Step 4

Step 4. Check the color

Tabi cats generally have black stripes on brown fur. There are other color variations, but these tabi cats are usually referred to according to their color characteristics, such as the red tabi (orange and white stripes) or the blue tabi cat (gray and white stripes).

Method 2 of 5: Recognizing Mackerel Tabby Cats

Identify a Tabby Cat Step 5
Identify a Tabby Cat Step 5

Step 1. Look for the pattern of light stripes

The mackerel tabby's stripes tend to be thin, in contrast to the classic tabby tabby's thick stripes.

Identify a Tabby Cat Step 6
Identify a Tabby Cat Step 6

Step 2. Notice the unbroken pattern

Mackerel tabby cats have a pattern of unbroken stripes and even the spacing between the stripes is generally the same. This stripe pattern tends to start at the head, run down the sides of the cat's body and end at the tail.

Identify a Tabby Cat Step 7
Identify a Tabby Cat Step 7

Step 3. Look at the pattern of the spine (spine)

The most striking feature of the mackerel tabby cat is the striped pattern on its back. The line that runs across the cat's entire body comes from a single line along its back. This pattern of stripes branching from the dorsal line sometimes resembles the shape of a fishbone (and hence the name mackerel).

Method 3 of 5: Recognizing the Agouti Tabi Cat

Identify a Tabby Cat Step 8
Identify a Tabby Cat Step 8

Step 1. Take a good look at the fur

Unlike other tabi cats, the agouti tabi cat does not have clear fur lines. Instead, each strand of the agouti tabi cat has a stripe or collection of color variations. This is the origin of the name tabi agouti cat.

Identify a Tabby Cat Step 9
Identify a Tabby Cat Step 9

Step 2. Look at the typical facial hair pattern

Although different from the tabi cat in general, the agouti tabi cat still has a distinctive pattern in its facial hair. Look for the "M" shape of the forehead and the thin pencil lines on either side of the cat's face.

Identify a Tabby Cat Step 10
Identify a Tabby Cat Step 10

Step 3. Notice the slightly see-through fur of the cat

Not all tabby cats have see-through fur. However, some breeds such as the Abyssinian have slightly see-through fur.

Method 4 of 5: Recognizing the Leopard Taboo Cat

Identify a Tabby Cat Step 11
Identify a Tabby Cat Step 11

Step 1. Notice the cat's dotted fur line

The spotted tabby's name comes from the cat's pattern of dotted fur that looks like dots. However, this cat is still a striped type because it has a pattern of stripes.

Identify a Tabby Cat Step 12
Identify a Tabby Cat Step 12

Step 2. Observe the variation of the dots on the feathers

The dots on a cat's fur come in a variety of shapes and sizes. There are big ones, and small ones. Some are round, oval, or rose-patterned.

Identify a Tabby Cat Step 13
Identify a Tabby Cat Step 13

Step 3. Recognize the difference between mackerel and spotted tabby cats

The coat of each spotted tabby cat has a slightly different pattern, so that sometimes it resembles a mackerel tabby cat's fur pattern. For example, there may be a point that appears to extend from the dorsal line so that it looks like a mackerel tabby cat. The difference between the two is that the spotted tabby cat still has a more blotchy or dotted appearance.

Method 5 of 5: Recognizing Tortoiseshell Tabby Cats (Tortoiseshell)

Identify a Tabby Cat Step 14
Identify a Tabby Cat Step 14

Step 1. Pay attention to the characteristic pattern of the mixed feathers

The tortoiseshell tabby cat generally has the characteristics of a tabby cat and the coat pattern of other cat breeds. This tabby cat may have the characteristics of the four main tabby cats as a striped element in its fur.

Identify a Tabby Cat Step 15
Identify a Tabby Cat Step 15

Step 2. Look at the combination of brown and red stripes

Tortoiseshell tabby cats have red fur mixed with brown dots or stripes.

Identify a Tabby Cat Step 16
Identify a Tabby Cat Step 16

Step 3. Observe the cat's head and paws

The most characteristic feature of this tabi cat is most often found on the cat's feet and head.
