Dog bites come in many forms, from superficial skin sores to serious injuries. The risk of infection in superficial wounds can be reduced by prompt cleaning of the wound. You should then take the cat to the vet for a checkup and follow the instructions given for home care. Keep in mind that a large dog can bite a cat causing internal injuries, including crush injury (a compression injury that causes muscle swelling and/or nerve damage), fractures, damage to internal organs, or air leaks in the chest. If the dog bites and shakes the cat, you should immediately take him to the vet because of the potential for trauma to the cat's internal organs. Remember, an injury caused by a large dog is more than a superficial cut.
Part 1 of 3: Taking the First Action

Step 1. Treat the bleeding immediately
Immediately see if the cat is bleeding or not. If the wound is from a dog bite, even a small cut can cause bleeding.
- Press the wound with sterile gauze. The gauze in the first aid kit for humans is also safe for cats. If you don't have a first aid kit, you can use a large, sterile bandage. Do not use objects that can cause infection, especially tissue or toilet paper because they can contain a lot of bacteria.
- The bleeding takes 5-10 minutes to stop. Your cat may be so frightened that it will instinctively run and hide. You may need someone else's help to hold the cat so it doesn't move around a lot. You can also cover the cat to prevent it from kicking and scratching.
- If possible, apply gauze or tape when the bleeding has stopped. If removed, the blood may clot and cause bleeding to occur again.

Step 2. Check if the cat has any other injuries or not
Even if only one wound appears to be bleeding, check the cat's body thoroughly for any other injuries. Dog bites and scratches can cause a variety of injuries.
Cats may have small cuts to the skin, puncture wounds, or scratches. Although it may not bleed at all or bleed only a little, the wound should still be cleaned

Step 3. Clean the wound as best you can
After dealing with the bleeding and examining other wounds on the cat's body, clean the wounds immediately. Instead, clean the wound with an antiseptic solution. However, if you don't have one, you can use water.
- You can make an antiseptic liquid by dissolving a concentrated solution containing iodine or chlorhexidine diacetate in water. These solutions can be purchased at most pharmacies and must be dissolved until they are a tea or light blue color. Never use disinfectants that contain phenolic compounds, as these are toxic to cats. When in doubt, make a brine solution by adding 1 teaspoon of salt to 500 ml of pre-boiled water. Then, let the solution cool.
- Pour the solution onto the wound surface. If possible, use a syringe to do this. If the wound is large or deep, or is a stab wound, clean the area around the edges of the wound and not the inside of the wound.

Step 4. Learn about the possible complications
If left untreated, dog bites can lead to many complications. The wound can become infected and trigger other symptoms.
- Untreated bites can develop into abscesses, which are fluid-filled lumps under the skin's surface. Cats may also walk with a limp, lose their appetite or be lethargic. The hairs around the bite wound may also fall out and the skin may become red and produce an unpleasant discharge or odor.
- If the cat has not recently received a vaccination and you are not aware of the dog's rabies status, the cat should be vaccinated immediately. You may also need to quarantine the cat and watch for signs of rabies.
Part 2 of 3: Contacting the Vet

Step 1. Make an appointment with the vet as soon as possible
Even if the wound appears minor, any injury should be treated by a veterinarian immediately. Dog saliva can cause infection and if there is no follow-up treatment that can be done at home, it is best to take the cat to the vet immediately for a check-up.
- In addition to checking normal vital signs such as heart rate and temperature, the vet will perform a thorough examination of all wounds to determine the best treatment for them.
- Prior to the physical examination, the cat's fur around the wound may be shaved. X-rays may also be needed for certain wounds, depending on how deep or severe the wound is.
- If still shaken by the fight, the cat may become aggressive at the vet and may need to be sedated. If you take your cat to a new vet, be sure to briefly explain the cat's medical history. Anesthesia may have a negative effect on some diseases, such as heart murmurs.

Step 2. Do the treatment
Treatment depends on the severity of the wound. Your vet will choose the right type of treatment for your cat.
- Minor wounds may not require much treatment. The vet will clean the wound and may use skin glue to seal the edges. However, deeper wounds will be cleaned more carefully and sutured (if they appear less than 12 hours).
- If contaminated, or very large and deep, the wound may need a penrose drain. A penrose drain is a soft rubber tube that drains contamination from a wound.

Step 3. Ask for instructions regarding the medications given
The cat may have to take medication. Depending on whether or not there is an infection in the wound, your cat may need antibiotics. Cats may also need painkillers to manage the pain. Make sure you understand how and when to administer any medication your cat is giving and ask your vet about possible side effects.
Usually, your vet will prescribe antibiotics for your cat for one treatment. Give the cat all the medication as directed by the veterinarian. Even after the symptoms subside, continue to give antibiotics until the amount runs out
Part 3 of 3: Caring for Cats at Home

Step 1. Don't let the cat lick the wound
You should make sure that the cat is not licking or biting the wound. This can lead to infection or premature opening of the bandage, drain, or suture.
- You may have to ask your vet for an Elizabethan collar. An Elizabethan collar is a cone-like device that is attached to a cat's neck to prevent the cat from licking the wound. Depending on their temperament, the cat may be able to wear an Elizabethan collar.
- If you see your cat licking or nibbling on the wound, try to gently stop the behavior. Clap your hands and say "no". At work or school, you may have to ask someone else to watch over your cat. This is to ensure that the cat does not bite the wound.

Step 2. Change the bandage according to your veterinarian's instructions
The veterinarian will give instructions regarding changing the cat's bandage. Follow your vet's instructions and ask any questions you have.
- You may have to change the bandage every 2-3 times a day. If you're busy, ask a friend or family member who is comfortable with your cat to change the bandage while you are at work or school.
- Depending on the treatment your vet has given you, you may also have to apply an antibiotic ointment around the wound while changing the bandage.
- If the wound has an unusual odor or discharge when the bandage is changed, take your cat to the vet for a re-examination.

Step 3. Make an appointment for the required controls
If your cat has been given stitches or a drain, you should make a follow-up appointment with your vet for removal.
- The sutures are usually removed 10-12 days after the suturing process.
- Drain penrose is usually removed in 3-5 days.

Step 4. Prevent the same case from happening again
Make sure that the cat will no longer be bitten by the dog. Dog bites can have fatal consequences.
- If the bite was caused by a neighbor's dog, talk to your neighbor to make sure it doesn't happen again. Politely ask the neighbor not to let his dog roam free and suggest disciplined training to deal with his aggression problem.
- In general, don't allow cats to roam unsupervised in your neighborhood. This can prevent him from meeting other dogs.
- If your cat is bitten by your dog, you should separate the animals until they are both calm. Then slowly reintroduce the cat and dog. At first, let the dog and cat interact through the door and then interact face-to-face for short periods of time while you keep an eye on them.