Playing basketball requires natural skills, but you can actually become a great basketball player if you get in shape, practice properly, and master the mental aspects of the game. Great basketball players work hard and train to become experts on the court, and have personalities that coaches value.
Method 1 of 3: Improving Your Offensive Play

Step 1. Improve your dribbling skills
Some experts believe that the ability to dribble well is the most important thing in this game. You don't have to think much when dribbling if you practice diligently. An effective way to improve this skill is to practice herding.
- Practice dribbling in a circle. In this exercise, you will use one hand to bounce the ball in a circle around your right foot. Then, use the other hand and foot. Also practice dribbling between cones or benches.
- Try to dribble into a figure 8, bouncing it between your legs to form a number 8. Bounce the ball from one hand to the other. Practice your dribbling skills with both hands so you can change direction more easily on the court.
- Suicide training builds body capacity while improving dribbling skills. Start on one side of the court. Dribble while sprinting to the nearest free-throw line and back. Then, dribble to the halfway line and back. Then, dribble as far from the center line as possible and come back. After that, dribble to the end of the court and back.
- Start at one end of the field. Dribble along the court line and take a layout or jump shot. Catch your own ball on the rebound, and do the same again at the other end of the court. Do it three times as fast as you can.

Step 2. Improve your passing skills
Passing is a skill that every basketball player must master. There are two main ways to pass. The first way is a chest pass, which is done by throwing the ball to a teammate, without bouncing it first. The second way is a bouncing pass, which is done by bouncing the ball once when you throw it to a teammate. This second pass is the most difficult pass for the opponent to cut.
- Players practicing passing skills may have to play a pickup game, which means a practice match without dribbling, so the focus is solely on the pass. Practice passing with both hands. This way, you will have more control over the ball.
- Take advantage of your body weight when passing. This will increase the speed and control of the ball. Aim the ball into the hands of a teammate when passing. Pass to a specific partner instead of just in the direction of his voice.
- Your thumb should be pointing downwards at the end of each pass, and you should follow the movement of the ball. Otherwise, the ball will be more difficult to catch because of the improper turning force.
- You don't have to pass the ball very fast. If your passes are too complex, you could trigger more turnover.
- Don't jump when you're about to receive a pass. If you do this, you won't be able to land with the ball still on your hand, making the pass more difficult to accept. Approach the ball when you get a pass. This way, the opposing defender will have a harder time interrupting him. Try catching the ball with both hands.

Step 3. Improve your shooting skills
Shooting experts are usually the most praised by fans, and play an important role in this game. However, do not let your shots are often blocked or missed. If this happens, you will sit on the bench.
- Use fingertips. Fingertips help you maintain good ball control while shooting.
- Bend your legs and stay in a low position as you start shooting. Then, throw the body until the position ends up upright and both hands are in the air. When the player shoots from a standing position, the chances of entry are reduced. Foot position is important when shooting. In fact, you actually have to bend your legs a lot throughout most of the basketball game.
- Aim for shots that have a high probability of scoring. Don't always try to make a complicated shot. Determine the types of shots that are difficult for you, and focus on those that are easier for you. In this way, you will appear to be a good shooter.
- Point your elbows toward the center of the hoop and don't stretch. Also make sure your middle finger moves when you shoot. Complete the shot in a position as if you were going to put your hand in the ring. Your fingers should also hang down at the end of the shot, not together or pointing at an angle.
- Fully stretch your arms when the shot ends. Make sure your elbows move back. Keep your elbows over your eyes as you release the ball.

Step 4. Adjust your body condition
You should train in conditions that force your body to play offensively, not just exercise for fun. Coaches usually choose players who are in good shape - who can take the first step with gusto, or who can jump up to 60 cm in the air.
- Use an exercise plan. There are many exercise plans to regulate your body, which will help your body get used to it and increase your stamina. Even 45 minutes of exercise done just three times a week can make a big difference.
- Some exercises for body conditioning involve sports such as jumping rope, sprinting from the free throw line to the hoop and touching the net with your hands, shooting for a minute from various points on the court, and performing certain defensive moves.
Method 2 of 3: Increasing Defensive Ability

Step 1. Keep moving your legs
A good defender must have agile feet and keep moving. If you stand too long at one point on the court, you will not be a good defender.
- Imagine that your foot just got into a can of paint. Ask yourself this question: how many footprints will you leave on the field? Make sure you “paint the floor” by moving around often and being all over the place. Increase your activity while defending and you will play more effectively.
- Try to survive every situation.
- Don't watch the ball - watch your opponent. If you pay attention to the ball, you can be tricked by a trick move. Maintain eye contact with the player you are guarding. Make sure he stays away from the defensive line and force him to the sidelines.

Step 2. Keep lowering yourself down
Good defenders bend their knees. He will also continue to move while crouching. He must also keep his head lower than the head of the person he is guarding.
- Spread your legs apart and bend them as you defend. Keep moving your legs. If your feet are close together or crossed, it will be easier for attacking players to get past you.
- Make sure your nose is lower than the nose of the person you are guarding. This way, you can quickly react to the moves made by your opponent.
- Standing tall can make a defender lose his balance. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart and your knees should be slightly bent.

Step 3. Grab the ball with your hands
If you're careful, you can steal the ball to make you a better defender, without breaking the opposing players you're guarding.
- If your opponent is holding the ball in a shooting position, place your hand on the ball. This way, it will be more difficult to shoot the ball.
- If your opponent holds the ball below their midsection, place their hands on top of the ball. It will be more difficult to shoot.

Step 4. Become a better rebounder
The rebound can determine the final outcome of the match. Your team cannot score if they don't get the ball.
- Move into a deep position (closer to the ring) so you are more likely to catch the ball bouncing.
- Don't stand up straight. If you crouch, you will be stronger when you jump, so you are more likely to catch the ball. As you jump, spread your arms as wide as possible.

Step 5. Improve your body condition to survive
The defenders have to run and crouch a lot to keep the opposing players properly. Endurance exercises can improve your game.
- Wall sits are a great way to improve your body condition while defending. You just have to find a wall and sit back against it, as if there was a bench under your buttocks. Make sure your back is against the wall. Slide your body until your knees form a 90-degree angle to the floor. Stay in this position for about 60 seconds when you are just starting out.
- Try to jump rope with two legs and do it as fast as possible. Keep track of times and count the number of jumps so you can track your progress. This sounds simple, but jumping rope can really improve your body's condition to survive a game of basketball, as it increases stamina and agility.
- Try other agility exercises. Stand on the sidelines on the right. Run as fast as you can to the right corner of the court (on the free throw line), then move to the left corner, returning to the side line in your starting position. Then, move to the right corner of the field and do the same. The target time for men is 10-14 seconds, while for women it is 11-15 seconds.

Step 6. Do strength training for the lower body
Lifting weights will increase your overall body strength. This body strength is needed when you're defending, which is when you're rebounding or trying to hold off a shot. Make sure your workout is varied.
- Do squats. Grab dumbbells, and squat as close to the floor as possible while keeping your thighs parallel to them.
- Try lunges and step ups. Do this using dumbbells or barbells. Keep your front foot flat on the floor, in an upright position. Step up onto a box, then come back down or jump forward with both feet.

Step 7. Try exercises to develop upper body strength
These exercises are divided into pushing and pulling exercises. You can use a rubber band to help you hold your feet or knees while practicing chin-ups or pull-ups if you're having trouble getting started.
- Use dumbbells or barbells to do the bench press or shoulder press. Lie on a bench with your feet flat on the floor as you bench press. Lower the weight bar and raise it back up with straight arms. Lower to the center of the chest, then push up while locking the elbow movement. Don't lift your buttocks off the bench. Try doing it in sets, with five reps each.
- Use dumbbells or barbells to do bicep curls. As you do this, stand up straight holding a dumbbell in each hand. Bring your elbows close to your body. Make sure your palms are facing forward. Then, lift the dumbbells until your biceps are fully contracted and the dumbbells stop at your shoulders. After that, lower the dumbbells back to the starting position. Repeat..
Method 3 of 3: Improve Playing Intelligence

Step 1. Master the rules
Sometimes, young basketball players forget the rules of the game. If you don't memorize the rules by heart, you will cause problems for your team. A good way to master the rules is to join a club when you are young, or in between seasons.
- If the attacking team holds the ball in its half court area, they may only do so for 10 seconds and must move the ball into the opposing half of the court. Otherwise, they will lose the ball. Understanding rules like these helps you prevent a turnover state.
- The attacking team must not bring the ball back into its half-court area, or they will lose the ball. These are rules that smart basketball players understand.

Step 2. Learn the game
You have to understand everything about your positioning and field strategy. You will get more playing time if you are good at strategy, in addition to being good at playing.
- You can find lots of exercise videos on Youtube.
- Study the past games and the play of your opponents. What strategies worked? What's not? After the game, sit down and discuss with your coach. Try to find an area of the game that you need to improve. Then, work on that area in a practice session.
- Find a mentor. You can ask a great basketball coach or player to teach you.
- Different coaches have different philosophies and systems. Decide what suits you so you can adapt. A coach may not want his point guard to make more than three turnovers in a game. Whatever the personal rules are, it's very helpful for you to learn them.
- Watch other professional and high-level matches to find out how they play. Use what you learn when you compete yourself.

Step 3. Understand your role
Don't focus solely on scoring. One of the common mistakes young players make is that they want to score as many points as possible. Focus on how you can play an important role for the team. For example, you might become the expert passer on your team.
- If you're not good at three-pointers, don't try it too often. Give the role to a teammate who is more skilled at it.
- Maybe you are the type of player who is good at taking passes and shooting the ball straight away. If this is the case, focus on those skills. If you're a center player, spend some time practicing rebounding and positioning around the ring instead of dribbling. Determining your role is what will be very helpful in choosing the right type of exercise.

Step 4. Make sure you are mentally strong
Basketball is a mental game, not just a physical one. Some experts argue that the mental aspect accounts for 70% of the game of basketball. Coaches usually look for mentally strong players.
- Prepare 100 percent effort. Basketball is a game that talks about dedication and hard work. Don't be afraid of criticism. Criticism is how you learn.
- Coaches usually want players who are passionate, who want to get better and will work hard to improve, and have a strong determination to prepare to win, not just to win.
- Be aggressive. Coaches are looking for players who are aggressive and can focus, both on and off the pitch. Coaches want players who don't hesitate to throw themselves on the field to save wild balls, and always put pressure on opposing players when defending.

Step 5. Remember that this game is a team sport
The game of basketball involves two teams, consisting of five players each, who will try to score a goal through a hoop installed at a height of 3 meters from the court floor.
- Great players can improve the performance of their teammates when playing on the field.
- To be a good team player, pass more often, aim for open spaces to help teammates who are surrounded by opposing players, help block shots, master rebounds, etc. People will like you and come back to help you!
- When training your body for playing basketball, keep in mind that you will need to do frequent sprinting exercises. So joining a local marathon team and running long distances probably won't help you, in fact it can have a negative effect on your body.
- Hard work is the key to being a great basketball player. The right mentality and positive attitude on the pitch will also help.
- Eat right and more. Calories are burned quickly when you compete - make sure you're healthy by replacing those calories or you'll feel nauseous and tired the next day.
- Be social - never ever shout at teammates. Pride is an unattractive thing. Do not exaggerate.
- Learn how to interact with other basketball players, their signals, etc.
- Be friendly to all players - even opposing players! This shows respect. People will immediately notice your attitude. If you are rude and enjoy cursing and bossing people around, they will not enjoy playing with you.
- Offensive games can win games, but good defensive skills can win championships.
- Keep your body clean! There's nothing worse than playing with a fellow player whose armpits stink, his shirt smells like it's just been soaked in mud, etc.
- Rest as much as your body needs. Most people need 8.5 hours of sleep a night. Bedtime like this really improves your body's function. If you don't know how many hours you need in a night, look for a guide on our site.
- Wear quality shoes, but at an affordable price. Buy shoes that make you comfortable to move, not ones that are stiff and restrict your movement. Try on shoes at the shoe store by walking in them. Jump up and down. Turn left and right. If you think the shoe is too small but you like the style, don't buy it. Ask for a larger size. If the shoe store doesn't have them, look for other shoes. Don't buy shoes that make it difficult for you to play.
- Take chances and play with all your heart on the pitch. Make sure you're always looking for ways to receive the ball, dribble it, etc.; both in defense and attack. Confidence in your own abilities and those of your team-mates will also be a useful key to performing well.