We all want to wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day. In fact, many of us hit the snooze button more than once, in order to delay the unpleasant need to drag ourselves out of bed. The good news is that there are various methods you can use to wake up full of energy and sleep better at night. Please keep reading to find out how.
Method 1 of 3: Using Quick Fix

Step 1. Wake up to the sun
Are you installing blinds that block out the light? Blocking sunlight from entering can make getting up early in the morning. The sun is the natural wake-up system, signaling the body that a new day has begun and it is time to wake up. If you can find a way to let the sun in, do it!
- If you need to block light from the street, try choosing curtains or curtains in a neutral color that will block out a lot of light at night, but still allow you to feel the sun rise. Leaving your room brighter in the morning will help you feel more refreshed.
- Try going to bed earlier so you can wake up when the sun comes up. That way you won't have to block the sun at dawn.

Step 2. Drink a glass of water
During a night's sleep the body will be slightly dehydrated, which causes you to be more sleepy. When you wake up and go to the bathroom, drink a glass of cold water to hydrate your body. You will feel more awake in a matter of minutes.
- Make it easy for yourself by providing a glass of water at your bedside. You can hydrate your body even before you stand up.
- Try to drink water before coffee or tea. Coffee and tea don't hydrate you in the same way.

Step 3. Brush your teeth with peppermint-scented toothpaste
The components in peppermint leaf stimulate the trigeminal nerve, which makes you feel a slight jolt of energy. Brushing your teeth in the morning keeps you awake and freshens your breath, two good reasons to do it first thing in the morning.
If you don't like peppermint-scented toothpaste, bring a tube or small bottle of peppermint extract or essence with you. Inhaling the aroma will give you the same benefits as using peppermint toothpaste; The scent is stimulating

Step 4. Lower your body temperature
The hardest part of getting out of bed is leaving the sheets warm and comfortable. The bed keeps you in a comfortable sleepy state with a slightly elevated body temperature. To get up, get out of bed and take a shower or change your clothes. Staying in a warm bed for a long time will prevent you from being fully awake.
- It may be easier to get up early if you don't wear warm pajamas.
- Sleeping with the windows open can also help. Cool air will circulate in your room, and when you wake up, it will help refresh you instead of holding you in a warm cocoon.

Step 5. Do something interactive
Stimulating the brain a little is a great way to force yourself to wake up. Grab a book and read a chapter or two, read a new story online, or watch a funny video that makes you react and laugh. You can also chat with your partner or write an email or two. The point is to take your mind off the sleepy state and into a fresh mind.

Step 6. Move your body
Circulate the blood by getting out of bed and stretching, jumping around, doing some yoga poses, or jogging outside. Getting moving is a surefire way to wake up quickly, and keep you energized throughout the day. Here are some ideas for physical activity in the morning:
- Take your dog for a walk.
- Jog to the end of the block and back again.
- Fast exercise with video guided.
- Do a household chore or two, such as folding laundry or vacuuming the floor.

Step 7. Be passionate about something
It's easier to wake up in the morning when you have a good reason to get out of bed. When you open your eyes, focus on the positive things that will happen that day, rather than dwelling on tasks and obligations that will only make you want to stay lazing in bed. Any little thing can be reason enough to wake up and welcome the day.
- Focus on something you want to do to pamper yourself, like take a hot bath or make a delicious omelet for breakfast.
- Think of the friends and loved ones you will meet that day.
- Think about the clothes you will wear to work or college.
- Remember that no matter what happens that day, you will eventually be back in bed again!
Method 2 of 3: Changing Your Bedtime Habits

Step 1. Spend your energy during the day
Getting enough physical activity will help you sleep better and wake up feeling refreshed the next morning. If you tend to sit more during the day, you probably won't be tired enough for a good rest. Start walking after dinner, jogging in the afternoon, or taking a yoga class so that by the time you get to your pillow, you're already tired.
- If it's hard to fit an exercise schedule into your day, choose a place to walk or bike instead of driving. Even if you don't want to walk or bike anywhere, at least you've been moving your body for a while.
- Do not exercise right before bed, because this can actually make it difficult for you to sleep.

Step 2. Avoid caffeine and alcohol at night
Both of these substances can have a negative effect on your sleep, causing you to feel sleepy and have difficulty getting up the next morning. Stay away from caffeine from 2 or 3 pm to give him enough time to leave your system. If you drink alcohol at dinner, drink plenty of water and try to space a few hours between the last alcohol and bedtime.

Step 3. Make sure your sleeping environment is comfortable
You can sleep 7 or 8 hours at night and still feel sleepy during the day if your sleep is not quality. The body needs a good night's sleep with rapid eye movements in order to fully rest. Think about the condition of your bedroom and ask if there is anything you could change to make your sleeping environment better.
- Is your room dark enough at night? Maybe you need better blinds or curtains. You can also wear an eye patch while sleeping.
- Is your neighborhood noisy? Earplugs can solve that problem and have helped many people sleep better.
- How about the temperature? Cooler air can help you sleep better. Open the window and put on an extra blanket.

Step 4. Try a melatonin supplement
Melatonin is a hormone that controls the body's sleep and wake schedule. Melatonin levels drop with age and due to other factors. When your hormones are low, melatonin supplements can improve your sleep quality.

Step 5. Think of something happy before bed
Try to calm your mind before going to bed, so your mind doesn't rumble with negative thoughts at night. A calm mind also gives your body a chance to rest.
- Don't sleep bringing anger to your partner. You'll roll over and turn around anxiously if you're dizzy from remembering the issues you've been arguing about.
- Don't sleep with electronics. Your brain will stay awake and you won't fall asleep at the thought of checking your email.
- Try meditating right before bed to calm your mind.
Method 3 of 3: Maintaining a Routine

Step 1. Go to bed at the same time every night, and wake up at the same time every morning
A tight schedule, even on weekends, is great for getting quality sleep, so your mornings will be more enjoyable. Set a bedtime so you'll be able to wake up refreshed at the time you want to wake up, and stick to that schedule as much as possible.

Step 2. Don't be too busy
If every day you are exhausted, stealing sleep when the opportunity arises, then you will never feel like you can rest. Maybe you should cut back on your activity to give your body a chance to catch up. Tasks that must be done at night really need to be avoided, because they have the biggest impact on your sleep.
- Find out what you can lose. Are there any obligations that you can walk away from? Determine what causes the most stress.
- Keep the most healthy routine intact.

Step 3. Realize what works and what doesn't
Everyone has different physical needs and sleep patterns, so the question of how to wake up will get a slightly different answer from each person. Think about your life, as well as your unique habits and routines. Choose which ones are healthy and which ones may have a negative impact on your sleep and wakefulness.
- Keep a journal of your nighttime habits, and look for patterns, both positive and negative.
- Take note of how you feel in the morning after making certain changes. Over time, you will be able to determine what is good and what is not.

Step 4. Make waking up fresh a priority in life
Many people get frustrated when they go to bed early, wake up, and still feel weak. After years of getting used to a certain routine that makes you sleepy all the time, change won't happen overnight. But if you prioritize getting up on time, you will be able to change your schedule and habits in a way that suits your lifestyle and physical needs.
- Take a lemon in the morning to wake you up.
- Place the alarm in a place far away from the bed.
- Don't watch TV right before bed.