Changing other people's lives (or even changing the world) for the better is a very noble goal, even though it may seem naive and difficult to achieve. The mission also fills your mind? Before trying to make it happen, make yourself happy first; believe me, you can only help improve the quality of life of others if the integrity of your life has been fulfilled. You may be wondering: how can one person change the lives of those around him? If that question is also weighing you down, try reading this article to find out the answer!
Method 1 of 3: Starting from Yourself

Step 1. Find personal pleasure
Make yourself happy before making others happy! What can make you happy? Think of a specific answer to the question; surely, you will be helped to make other people happy in the right way.
- Think about the happiest times in your life. Try to browse through your photo albums and look at the photos that record your happy and/or peaceful expressions. What were you doing at that time? Who is with you?
- Do you still have time to do these activities? If not, try to start taking the time to do it again.
- Even if you don't have time to run around the stadium every weekend, at least make time for a jog around the city park once or twice a week. Prepare to be surprised when you see the positive results for your life!

Step 2. Make your life more purposeful
Trust me, you won't be able to help other people if your life is still a mess. If you really want to change the world for a better place, at least make sure you don't get distracted by your personal problems.
- If you want to help find a decent job for someone else, at least make sure you already have a decent job. After all, your actions will be taken more seriously if the situation is so.
- However, do not immediately bury the goal just because you don't have an established job yet. Do everything in tandem in reasonable portions; once your life situation is more stable, you are more likely to find it easier to help others who are experiencing similar problems.
- Remember, you will only truly understand the other person's situation and be able to give legitimate advice if you have successfully addressed all of your personal problems.

Step 3. Have a goal of improving – not perfecting – your life
While one of the first steps to helping others is to help yourself, make sure you don't take it too long. Remember, you can never have a perfect life, happiness and work.
- If your goal is perfection, you will never really find the right time to start helping others.
- Even if you can't become a career counselor for other people, you can at least help the homeless by providing them with appropriate clothing to wear to a job interview.
Method 2 of 3: Self-Evaluating

Step 1. Identify your abilities and talents
Before changing the world, understand everything about yourself first. If someone asked, "What are your strengths?", what would your answer be?
- Are you a systematic person? Do you have an advantage in public speaking? Are you fond of reading and good at writing? Do you understand a lot about computer programs? Are you actually good at exercising?
- Open yourself up to all possibilities. Do not immediately eliminate the things that you think is ridiculous before thinking about it carefully.
- For example, maybe you're actually good at manicures (a hobby you've always considered unimportant). In fact, some nursing homes actually need volunteers to do manicures, you know!

Step 2. Think about the best working conditions for you
In addition to understanding your best abilities, also think about what kind of environment is most conducive to you. Try answering the following questions to find out the best method you can choose to help others.
Are you more comfortable working outdoors? Or do you prefer to work in a cool, quiet room? Are you a person who likes to be alone and therefore does not like working in an office?

Step 3. Understand the things that really interest you
In addition to figuring out what you're good at, think about the things that interest – and don't interest you. To be able to help others consistently, try not to feel bored or exhausted; one way is to do things that really interest you.
Before teaching writing techniques to others, make sure that the field of writing really interests you. Otherwise, you will most likely not be able to make a long-term commitment and help others to the fullest

Step 4. Identify the issue or event that is important to you
As you plan, think about your true passions and interests.
- What issues have come to your attention? Are you an animal lover who prefers to interact with animals over fellow humans? Do you really care about issues related to women? Does your passion lie in reforming education?
- Try to identify an event that touched your feelings or made your blood boil with anger. At the very least, make sure you are committed to the things that really matter to you.

Step 5. Determine how much time you can devote to helping others
Record all of your current responsibilities (work, family, academic, etc.) to identify how much free time you have.
- Don't make false promises about the time you can dedicate to others.
- For example, it's fine if you promise to work 15 hours a week for a local organization. However, chances are your body will give in and ask for a break after working for a few weeks. No matter how sincere your intentions, make sure you always take the time to rest.
- However, make sure you prioritize these activities if you really want to do them. In other words, take the activity as seriously as you would any other commitment.
Method 3 of 3: Changing the World for the Better

Step 1. Find ways to help others in this time
Sometimes, humans tend to think too far to help others; in fact, various simple opportunities actually lay before them. Think about what simple things you can do right now to change someone else's life.
- No matter how busy your activities are, you can always make time to make other people's lives easier.
- For example, get up a few minutes early and use that extra time to clean up fallen leaves on the neighbor's car before you go to work.
- If you're still in school, try forming a study group ahead of an exam or sharing notes with friends who didn't have time to take notes because of illness.

Step 2. Find simple ways to help others
Try to make a resolution to do at least one positive thing every day. The best way to fulfill these resolutions is to do simple things that have a positive impact on others, such as:
- Open doors for others and smile when you do.
- Allow people who appear to be in a hurry to pay first at the cashier.
- Buy enough diapers and give them to couples who have just had children, even if you don't know them.
- Collect shopping coupons from various local media, shop for these coupons, and donate your groceries to soup kitchens in the area where you live.
- Sincerely and politely ask how the people who serve you (restaurant waiters, gas station attendants, parking attendants, etc.) are doing.
- Although simple, in fact these actions will still have a big impact on other people.

Step 3. Think ahead
In fact, you are bound to make changes in other people's daily lives, no matter how small. However, make sure you also think about actions or favors that will have a long-term positive impact on the lives of others.
- For example, do you plan to volunteer or work for a nonprofit one day? Would you like to work for an organization like Doctors Without Borders? Do you want to provide appropriate teaching materials to students in different regions?
- Referring to your long-term goals, try to start taking the time to sharpen the necessary skills and knowledge.
- You may also need to return to formal education, do an internship, or even change career paths.
- Even though as a result your time is now increasingly limited to do social work, in fact you are actually preparing yourself to create long-term change for the wider community.

Step 4. Be grateful
Think about the positive things in your life, and understand how to share that positivity with others.
- For example, do you currently have a brilliant career because of your good education history? If so, perhaps the best way to express gratitude and help others is to donate books worth reading to school children.
- In addition, you can also become a volunteer teacher for children who are less well off financially.
- Most importantly, find ways to turn your gratitude into valuable help for others.