Does your boyfriend speak Hindi? Would you like to express your feelings to him in his native language? In Hindi, there are several ways to say "I love you", besides, the words that men and women pronounce are usually slightly different. Fortunately, whether you are a man or a woman, this sentence is not so difficult to say. With a little practice, you will be able to captivate your Indian girlfriend in no time.
Method 1 of 3: Saying "I love you" as a man

Step 1. Say "Play tumse pyar kartha hoon
"While there are several ways to say "I love you" in Hindi, this sentence is one of the simplest and easiest for you to learn. As stated above, in Hindi, both men and women say "I love you" in the same way. slightly different. As a general rule, most masculine verbs in Hindi end in the letter "a". So if you were a man, you would use the masculine verb "kartha" instead of the feminine verb "karthee" as in the sentence on.
Note that you can use this sentence not only to express your feelings to a woman, but also to a man, such as a brother, son, friend, and so on

Step 2. Practice saying it
If as a native Indonesian you try to pronounce the above sentence as it is written, chances are your boyfriend will understand what you mean, but maybe you will make a few mistakes in pronouncing it. For best results, try to pronounce it with the correct pronunciation of Hindi, using these steps:
- Say "play" like "may." In Hindi, when the letter "N" is at the end of a sentence, it is usually not pronounced. This means that the letters are only spoken briefly and are barely audible; with the nose, so that "main" almost becomes "may".
- Pronounce "tumse" as "tume". The "S" in "tumse" doesn't need to be pronounced.
- Pronounce "pyar" as it is written.
- Say "kartha" in a light "th" sound. The syllable "tha" shouldn't sound like you would say "the" in English. You have to pronounce it like somewhere between "the" and "da".
- Pronounce "hoon" as "hum/n." The same rules as for the word "main" apply here, but more like the sound of the letter "M".

Step 3. Listen to how to pronounce "Mai bhee aap se pyaar karthee hoon
"If your message gets through, you'll probably hear your boyfriend reply in that sentence. Congratulations! This means he's saying "I love you too."
In terms of pronunciation, the beginning of this sentence sounds almost like if you say the word "maybe" in English. The next word sounds like "op-sei". While the rest is exactly the same way women say "I love you" in Hindi, see Next steps
Method 2 of 3: Saying "I love you" as a Woman

Step 1. Say "Play tumse pyar karthee hoon
"If you are a woman, the way you say "I love you" is very similar although not exactly the same way a man says it. Use the feminine verb "karthee," and don't use the masculine verb "kartha." Apart from this, the rest of the sentence everything else is the same.

Step 2. Practice saying it
Since the masculine and feminine sentences for "I love you" are very similar, you can use the pronunciation hints above to help pronounce all the words except "karthee." To pronounce this word, you must use the same soft "th" pronunciation as above, but you must follow it with an "i" sound, not an "ah" sound.

Step 3. Listen to "Mai bhee aap se pyaar kartha hoon
"Similarly, if you say the above sentence correctly, you will probably hear this sentence in return. Like the above, this sentence means "I love you too." It's just that this sentence is pronounced with the verb "kartha" instead of "karthee ".
Method 3 of 3: Using Similar Sentences

Step 1. Try using another Hindi word to say "love"
Just like Indonesian, sometimes the word "darling" "like" "love" and so on, Hindi also has a word similar to "love". If you want, you can change the meaning of your sentence a little by using a different word to express love. Here are some words in Hindi that can replace "pyar" in the sentence above:
- Ishq
- Mohabbat
- Dholna

Step 2. Use "aapse" for older people
Like many other languages (such as Spanish), Hindi has different words for formal and casual situations. The sentence "I love you" above can be used for those closest to you; girlfriends, siblings, and so on. But for people who are older than you, or for people you don't know very well, use the word "aapse" instead of "tumse."
By replacing it, the formal version of "I love you" becomes "Main aapse pyaar kartha / karthee hoon."

Step 3. Add the word "bahut" to say "I love you so much
"If you really want to express your love for someone else, try adding the word "bahut" before "pyar" in the standard "I love you." Bahut in Hindi means "very" or "so."
"Bahut" is not pronounced the way it is written, but is more like saying "bout" with a very soft "h" between the letters "o" and "u", so it's not like saying "ba-hut"

Step 4. Know how to ask someone out
If you really like someone, but you're not ready to say "I love you," then you might want to spend some time getting to know them more before saying it. In this case, knowing how to ask someone out in Hindi can make a good first impression. Try using the following short sentences, replacing verbs ending in "a" with "ee" if you are a woman:
- "What are you playing khaane par le jaanaa chaahathaa / chaahathee hoon." (I want to invite you to dinner).
- "Kyaa ham ek saaTh ghoomane jaayem?" (Would you like to take a walk together?)
- "Kyaa what are they saaTh baahar jaayenge?" (Would you like to go out with me?)
- "What play ke saaTh aur vakth bithaanaa chaahathaa / chaahathee hoon." (I want to spend more time with you.)
- Be aware that dating between Indians is likely to be much more formal than regular dating and may involve arranged interactions between family members (including marriage). However, in recent years, young Indians have started dating in a more relaxed fashion. To be on the safe side and to prevent embarrassment, you may want to find out a person's personal rules before you ask him out.