Interested in how to say "I love you" in German? Great, it's very easy and almost anyone can pronounce it. Learn to impress others with your German skills or express your feelings to your Schatzy.
Method 1 of 2: Saying the basic "I Love You"

Step 1. Say “I Love You” by saying “Ich liebe Dich
"We'll show you how to pronounce each word, but phonetically it will sound like this: [ɪç 'li:bə dɪç].

Step 2. Saying "ich
"This is the "I" in "I Love You. " The /ch/ sound in "ich," will not be pronounced the same as in English. This will sound like a /j/ in Spanish, like a snake.
The /ch/ sound is difficult to master for non-native speakers. Most English speakers pronounce it "ish," as in "finish" or "fish."

Step 3. Say "liebe
This is the "love" in "I love you." Say it slowly "lee-buh." The "l" is pronounced normally but the "ie" is pronounced like the "ee" in "tree" and "bee." The "be" at the end pronounced like the "b" in "burn." Put them together in the form of "liebe."

Step 4. Say "Dich
"The "ich" in "Dich" is pronounced the same as the "ich" in the first step. The "dich" sounds familiar like the English word "dish," except that the /ch/ sound part is produced in the middle of the mouth instead of the middle. It is the "you" in "I love you ".
Method 2 of 2: Another way of saying "I Love You"

Step 1. Say "I'm in love with you
" A different, more formal way of saying “I love you”, this letter is more romantic. Here's how to pronounce it: "Ich habe mich in dich verliebt." The phonetic pronunciation is [ɪç 'ha:bə mɪç n dɪç fɛɐ'li:pt].

Step 2. Saying "I really like you
" To say this: "Ich mag dich sehr," which means directly "I like you very much. The phonetic pronunciation is [ɪç ma:k dɪç ze:ɐ].

Step 3. Say "I like you
" To say this: "Du gefällst mir." The phonetic pronunciation is [du: gə'fɛlst mi:ə].

Step 4. Add a little to your compliments
If you want your compliment to be memorable, add a few words to your “I Love You.” Here's what you can add:
- "Schatz," means "dear" but literally "treasure." Phonetically pronounced [ʃats]. Try "Mein Schatz, ich liebe dich!" or "Ich liebe dich, Schatzy."
- "Liebling," means "darling." Phonetically pronounced ['li:plɪŋ]. Try "Liebling, you bist so hübsch." ("Honey, you are so beautiful.")
- Be careful to pronounce it correctly. So you are understandable and don't have to be ashamed of having to repeat.
- Smile when you say it.
- Don't pronounce "ich" into "itch".
- Don't pronounce "dich" for "ditch".
- Don't make the beginner mistake of saying "Ich liebe du" in place of "Ich liebe dich".
- Don't say that unless you're serious.
- This pronunciation is not entirely correct, it's just a hint. To hear it right, use Google Translate to read it for you.