3 Ways to Overcome Unemployment Status

3 Ways to Overcome Unemployment Status
3 Ways to Overcome Unemployment Status

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Unemployment can be quite burdensome and demoralizing. However, there are steps that can help you deal with this situation so that you can bounce back, learn new skills, and eventually land a job. You have to maintain good manners and find new ways to practice and build relationships, whether you've been unemployed for a week or a few months.


Method 1 of 3: Channeling Skills in the Job Market

Overcome Unemployment Step 1
Overcome Unemployment Step 1

Step 1. Ask for job vacancies at the job fair center

In the United States, usually job fair centers also offer resume creation services for free, in addition to providing information on vacancies and job opportunities. The job fair center can also help you apply for unemployment status if you wish to do so. Do it immediately after losing your job, to be able to take advantage of job training. In Indonesia, you can try visiting the office of the Ministry of Manpower.

  • To find a labor department office in your city, enter the keyword “labor department office at [City Name]” in an internet search engine.
  • For those who live in the United States, you can also use the interactive Employment and Training Administrations online map at https://www.doleta.gov/usworkforce/onestop/onestopmap.cfm to find the nearest job fair center.
Overcome Unemployment Step 2
Overcome Unemployment Step 2

Step 2. Enrich your professional practice through educational opportunities

Train yourself while you are unemployed to make the most of your time and increase your chances of finding a new job. This is a great time to earn a certificate or improve your computer skills.

  • Try contacting the Department of Manpower, Training Center, or campuses in your city and enrolling in a class that will make you more competent with your skill set.
  • For example, if you work as a teacher but most of your skills are self-taught, take a few courses to learn some new knowledge and pedagogy.
  • This step can help you see that this period of unemployment is a time for growth rather than a bottleneck.
Overcome Unemployment Step 3
Overcome Unemployment Step 3

Step 3. Find new jobs related to your skills through job search sites

Don't assume that you can only get the same job as before. If you lose your job due to modernization, it will be difficult to find a similar job. If it is likely that you will find it difficult to get a job in your old field, look for a new type of job.

  • Browse sites like Monster, LinkedIn, or Indeed, and look for jobs that are different from your previous one. Think about ways you can apply your skills to this new line of work.
  • For example, say you used to work in a factory, but now it's been taken over by automated machines. If you acquired administrative skills while working in a factory, look for ways to transfer them to work in a new field.
Overcome Unemployment Step 4
Overcome Unemployment Step 4

Step 4. Volunteer to build skills and relationships so it's easier for you to get a job

The best volunteer positions for resumes are those that allow you to go out and build relationships with the community. Volunteering positions in the community will look great on a resume and sound great in an interview.

  • To find volunteer work opportunities, contact directly the organization you wish to work for. Or, enter the keyword “[City Name] volunteer wanted.” on internet search engines.
  • For example, if you want to work in veterinary medicine, volunteer at an animal shelter in your city. If you're a teacher, try asking if there are any volunteer vacancies at a high school or college in town.
  • It's good to keep yourself busy, but don't overwhelm yourself because you could miss the opportunity to find a good job.
Overcome Unemployment Step 5
Overcome Unemployment Step 5

Step 5. Look for a disability service program in the city if you have a disability

If you are unemployed and have a health problem or disability, the disability program in your city can help you receive vocational rehabilitation. You may be eligible to undergo retraining for a new career at no charge.

There are also a number of resources on the internet designed to help people with disabilities find work. For those who live in the United States, check out this website

Method 2 of 3: Coping with the Emotional Consequences of Unemployment

Overcome Unemployment Step 6
Overcome Unemployment Step 6

Step 1. Take time to process the negative feelings that accompany losing your job

When you lose your job, whether it's because of being fired, laid off, quitting, or the related company goes bankrupt, it's natural for you to experience a variety of negative emotions as a result. These negative feelings can include shame and grief, frustration, and anger.

  • Don't try to suppress these feelings or push them away. Instead, feel the feelings, and acknowledge the negative emotions in yourself that you feel. Understand that all of these feelings are normal and healthy to experience in this situation and will go away with time.
  • If you're having trouble dealing with these feelings, or are worried you'll fall into depression, it's a good idea to get the services of a therapist.
Overcome Unemployment Step 7
Overcome Unemployment Step 7

Step 2. Manage stress by expressing your feelings and exercising

Losing a job is a very stressful situation. Reduce your stress by writing down your feelings, whether in a diary, a list of thoughts and feelings, or even poetry and prose.

  • Pouring these negative emotions onto a piece of paper will more or less relieve your stress. Physical activity is also a great stress reliever. Try to exercise at least 30 minutes a day.
  • You can do activities such as jogging, running, walking, swimming, dancing, weight training, or self-defense.
Overcome Unemployment Step 8
Overcome Unemployment Step 8

Step 3. Build a supportive network of friends and relatives

Share your feelings and concerns with friends and family to improve your emotional state after losing your job. Unemployment often leads to self-doubt and depression. Ask for support in these difficult times.

  • For example, ask a friend if he or she would like to hang out with you every weekend so you don't feel socially isolated.
  • You can also share your feelings about your unemployment status with family members so they can help you through and deal with your frustrations.
Overcome Unemployment Step 9
Overcome Unemployment Step 9

Step 4. Keep yourself busy by looking for work online and in person

When unemployed, it's important to fill your time and stay busy. Do it by looking for jobs through job search sites on the internet, starting with LinkedIn and Monster. You can also look in the job vacancies section of the newspaper.

  • In fact, it helps if you think that job hunting is your full time job. If you don't do anything while you're unemployed, your prospects of finding work will worsen.
  • At the same time, it's important to have fun and enjoy life. So if you're looking for a job, applying, and taking interviews from morning to evening every day, make sure to do something you enjoy at night.
  • Keeping yourself busy will also prevent you from feeling sorry for yourself or getting discouraged about your job search.

Method 3 of 3: Building a Network of Relationships to Find New Job Opportunities

Overcome Unemployment Step 10
Overcome Unemployment Step 10

Step 1. Ask a friend if he knows of a job vacancy

Many people know about job opportunities through their social networks. So, take advantage of this by contacting friends who work and asking if there are job opportunities that can be tested. Your friends and family will be willing to help if you ask.

You could say, “Are you still working for that company? I'm having a hard time getting a job after being laid off. Are there any vacancies open in your company? Or, will you refer me to your boss?”

Overcome Unemployment Step 11
Overcome Unemployment Step 11

Step 2. Join a local business or job group to stay up-to-date on the latest job vacancies

Most cities have business networks with a local focus, sustainable business networks, or the KADIN (Indonesian Chamber of Commerce) group. Get involved so you can meet the people who are hiring. This group or club will regularly provide information about job vacancies in the city and help prepare your resume.

Business groups sometimes also gather at local places of worship

Overcome Unemployment Step 12
Overcome Unemployment Step 12

Step 3. Visit job fairs to connect with potential employers

Spruce up your resume, put on a suit, and promote your experience and qualifications at this show. Also find out if job fairs offer the option of submitting resumes online. In addition, depending on the type of business group gathered in the community, you can also request an invitation to a Rotary Club or KADIN group.

Also, if you know a friend is going to a dinner with a client or work colleague, you can ask to join. This is the perfect time to meet new people and make your name known in the community

Overcome Unemployment Step 13
Overcome Unemployment Step 13

Step 4. Keep in touch with your old colleagues and bosses

They may want to share info related to job vacancies before it is released to the public. As long as you leave the company on good terms, you can consider them a network partner.

  • This not only means that you can get your old job back, but at least ask your supervisor or old co-workers if they know of any job vacancies in general.
  • However, if you're having an argument when you leave the company, it's best not to call old coworkers and ask about job opportunities.


  • Don't lie on your resume. Lying about your employment history, previous salary, or current job will make you untrustworthy when employers contact your references to prove the truth.
  • Try to fill your idle time with practice, volunteer work, or freelance work.
