If you dream of becoming a professional spy or just want to make it a hobby to fill your spare time, learning how to observe other people or interpret events that have happened is very beneficial. Here are some tips to get you started
Part 1 of 4: Applying the Personality of a Spy

Step 1. You have to be brave
When spying, you are forced to enter an unsafe situation (known as "the danger zone" or the danger zone), can have bad results, and there are many things you don't know. Can you handle it? And did you know that your only weapon is the ability to think quickly and cleverly?
If the answer is “yes”, you can do it. Start throwing yourself into unfamiliar situations from now on – the more you can handle any situation, the less likely you are to be confused about the information you're learning and the strange people you'll meet

Step 2. You have to be smart
You have to do more than just watch '60s spy movies – you have to be smarter to spy well. Expand your knowledge and skills and become a ruler. Knowledge is your power.
- Expand your knowledge. That way, when your target says something like “I love every single thing from Picasso's blue period,” you can reply with the relevant thing, carry on the conversation and you can continue your investigation. The more you know, the more you can follow your sources of information.
- Read non-fiction and spy books. Basing your spy knowledge from James Bond movies won't help you much in the real world. The film is good but not realistic; choose books and web pages that describe what spies actually learn and can do. Television shows can help too, but don't watch fictional shows.

Step 3. You have to be creative
You can only depend on yourself to find answers. You won't have high-end gadgets, so you should be able to process situations and problems using what you have.
Techniques and recommendations can be found on this page, but you'll need to think further to become a spy. Everyone can be a clue or you can use. How can you manipulate your surroundings to reach your target?

Step 4. Find a part time job
Do you know how Clark Kent got to work at the Daily Planet even though he had to be Superman all day? That is you. Unfortunately, for most spies, you have to find a job that makes you look like a normal person with normal hobbies. If you lie to someone about your job, you'll find out later. And on the plus side, you'll have an alibi and won't have to lie.
But this means that you will often work overtime. This is the life of a spy. No one said it was an easy job – but many said it was a lot of fun. So you have to work hard, find a part time job, and apply your John Smith/Jane Doe personality

Step 5. Exercise
While physical fights are something a spy always avoids, exercise is necessary to help you work through the day, follow someone, and escape. Get in the habit of walking/running long distances, strengthening your arms and legs, and if possible learning to defend yourself.
Parkour had a role in spying, too. Not only do you have to move fast in reconnaissance, but you also have to be quick to think. When there is a problem, what is the fastest way you can solve it? In the same way you practice Parkour with your body, train your mind too
Part 2 of 4: Hiding

Step 1. You have to make yourself invisible
A spy's first objective is to blend in. Don't wear spy clothes like expensive suits and glasses, wear different clothes for different places and situations. Wear dark, shabby clothes if lurking in pink cafés, bring a bag and camera if you want to blend in with the group of tourists.
If you don't want to dress according to a certain theme, wear your work clothes. You're just a normal person buying drinks after work. Hold your paperwork and briefcase, and no one will suspect. Complete your spy cabinet with objects that can be used everyday

Step 2. Don't bring a lot of equipment
Carrying less gear means you can move faster, so bring items that are essential for your investigation and safety. Do not carry a gun, as this is not only dangerous and unlawful, but will be burdensome and reveal your identity if caught.
- If you are attacked, use improvised weapons from everyday objects; better yet, take martial arts training to defend yourself (never attack people first).
- If there is a conflict, be careful when speaking. Spies are good at manipulating and you can make anyone believe you. You can also smile and even wink one eye.

Step 3. Follow the activities around you
If the people around you are eating ice cream, drinking coffee, or eating corn dogs, buy one of these to mingle with others. While observing others is allowed, don't overdo it. Do simple activities, or you'll stand out (especially if you're not used to doing them). Plus, you won't be able to escape if you do things that are too complicated, like being in a locked room or having to go through a big crowd.
When a mother has a baby, they often fall asleep with “one eye open”. You should look like you're enjoying your corn dog while stalking the suspicious bearded guy at your 4 o'clock. Practice in familiar situations with your friend and ask if you seem unfocused or strange. Pay attention to your body movements

Step 4. Remove yourself from the internet
Disguising yourself won't work if anyone can see your online profile, photo albums, and blog posts. You can use the internet but do it discreetly. You don't want other people to recognize you.
This can be done. You can live without Facebook. It's not easy, but you can do it. If someone asks, you can tell them that you're not as interested in – or needing – the latest technology as everyone else. Usually, they would stop asking any further

Step 5. Never run in a crowd
This will make people pay attention to you. If you must, pretend to be a worker rushing back to the office for a meeting, saying things like "I'm running late for a meeting, excuse me!"
Avoid attracting other people's attention. Try to make yourself look unattractive. The more people who pay attention to you, the less you can do. But remember this doesn't mean you have to be quiet and silent – it means "enough" to be quiet and quiet so that others don't see you

Step 6. Don't look nervous or react if you are seen
Remaining normal will help you convince the person to dispel his suspicions. If you feel that you are being watched, don't walk away. Wait for a good chance to escape.
The human mind is very impressionable. If you feel that you are being watched, change your movements. If you feel like you've been hiding behind a newspaper for too long and you're glancing the other way too often – it's time you should call your friend and ask her whereabouts – you've been sitting here reading the newspaper alone for 30 minutes!
Another way is that you can approach the person and ask questions. Of course with good intentions. Your directness may make him uneasy, and turn the situation around

Step 7. Recognize when silence is needed
If you're following someone closely, you should stay quiet. Don't breathe too deeply, step too hard, or wear clothes that make noise. You can follow the sound of your surroundings (an open public space would be easier) but if you're alone in a park – the risk is up to you.
To make things easier, before starting, check the area for creaking floors or doors, animals, surveillance cameras, and get to know the surroundings. This will be very useful later

Step 8. Disguise
Yes, it's not mandatory, but it can be useful – and it doesn't have to be perfect! In fact, looking strange can dispel the doubts or suspicions of others. If necessary, consider this option.
Wear a bad jacket, big glasses, and if you have eye-catching hair (like bright red, yellow, or long black) wear a short brown wig. It's a lot of fun too
Part 3 of 4: Using Spy Techniques

Step 1. Learn to hear other people talk
It's very difficult to hear other people's conversations secretly when no one else is around, but it's even more difficult to distinguish individual voices while blending into the crowd. Learning the right way will help you get important information even in the most difficult places.
Technology can be your best friend. Put on a pair of headphones or pretend to play a game of Candy Crush. Do something, but be sure to keep the voice down – or you can't hear the conversation

Step 2. Learn how to read lips
If your target is far away or inaudible in a crowded place, lip reading can be of great help to you. You can even follow the conversation using binoculars or a camera.
To train yourself, watch a DVD and mute it, then use subtitles to see how your lips move as you speak. Once you get the hang of it, get rid of the subtitles and see what you can catch. Use a movie you know to get started

Step 3. Master how to lie and detect lies
After all, all the important information you have gathered will be useless if it is filled with lies. To read and understand other people, you can also learn body language.
The hardest part is that you can't accuse people of lying. The same goes for body language – you can't go up to him and ask if he's standing like that because he's been cheating on him with his wife. To find out if you're right, you'll have to look further.

Step 4. Learn how to follow someone
They won't be around for very long, so make sure you know what to do if the target moves. What is the reason for going in the same direction?
Always have a plan if you are spotted. For example, try to be near a place like a water fountain or a newspaper seller so that, if someone senses you're following them, you can do something else

Step 5. Steal something without getting caught
The suspect may be carrying evidence that could be a useful clue, or if you want to go further, you can steal something from the suspect as collateral to force him to provide information. As said before, you have to take advantage of your surroundings when you're in a tricky situation, so it's helpful if you can steal useful items to escape the situation without being seen.
- Try to steal small items from your friends, such as pens or folders, and return them discreetly.
- Don't use this as an excuse to steal. This article is used if you are working for the right cause.

Step 6. Get to know the latest technology
You don't have to hide or read lips with binoculars anymore. With enough technology, this tool will spy for you!
- While you might run into some legal issues (mild warning), place the camera where your target will come to be observed later. Come to the place early, plug in the camera, then leave. Need proof? There is.
- Spy with your computer. Now the ability to "hacking" is not only mastered by technology experts. If you can access someone's personal data, you don't need to follow them. And you only need a keyboard.

Step 7. Improve your ability to see in the dark
Secret jobs mostly take place in the dark, so make sure you can see what's going on. Even if you're human and have a hard time seeing in the dark, there are a few things that can help you.
Start working in the dark. Your eyes, in time, will adjust and you won't have to be afraid in the dark, so you can think and move faster

Step 8. Improve your memory skills
Intelligence won't help if you don't have a strong memory. Play memory games and ask yourself about events that happened in the past. Over time, you will become more discerning and easy to remember facts.
There are lots of fun tricks (songs, rhymes, mnemonics) that can help you. If your memory is like a goldfish, don't worry. You don't have to print the information on your body to remember it
Part 4 of 4: Building a Protocol

Step 1. Decide on a place to meet your partner
Make sure you don't always meet in the same place, as this will raise suspicion and attract unwanted attention. People will think that spies meet in dark alleys or similar places, so use a relaxing place (cafe, dining area, library, etc.) or common area (park, museum, etc.).
- There are many reasons to discuss but a business meeting is one of the best. Plus, it's especially good in crowded places; You don't want other people to hear what you're talking about.
- Remember public places are safer. Most public places are too large to explore (let alone control) and are filled with potential witnesses. Avoid places with surveillance cameras.

Step 2. Bring a spare outfit handy in case you get chased
This will help you blend into the crowd. At least, bring a hat or jacket that is easy to wear.
Or, you can also wear layers of clothing that are easy to remove. If necessary, wear clothes you don't like – you may have to throw them away

Step 3. Don't take your ID with you
If necessary, bring a fake ID card. Remember you are bringing tech tools and vehicles, so you have to be careful.
Don't create fake ID cards that are easy to verify and/or can cause legal problems; better, bring a postcard or letter with your fake name and address and say that you left your ID at home

Step 4. Do some research before undertaking a mission
Use the previous hours, days, or weeks to research the area, learn common routes, and let people get used to seeing you. You will feel more comfortable to begin with.
It's great if you have a satellite map of a particular area so you can identify it; or at least, get used to using Google Maps. You can even see the house and lawn up close – what more do you need?

Step 5. Learn the habits of the person you are stalking
This will help you anticipate their next move. Find out what car they use, their license plate number, their close associates, and more. If you can do this, it will be very helpful.
Do some research on the internet too. Depending on their connections, you may be able to get an overview of their social networks and the activity they follow – which will point you to the right place

Step 6. Pay attention to your surroundings at all times
Train yourself to think fast and use your wits, but still look relaxed (or even a little stupid). Try to practice new and useful ways to use the things you carry, or replace them with new ones that have multiple uses.

Step 7. Always have a backup plan or a cover story
Even the best plans have the potential to fail. If you are asked, you must be prepared. Confidence will probably protect you.
If you feel you have to run away, do so. If you wait too long, you can get caught. However, if you leave before it's too late, you can try again the next day

Step 8. Consider finding a partner
It's good to have more than one spy to observe the area and protect you. Cooperation is very important for all spies. Communication, good manners every day, planned action, or at least an electronic communication tool are helpful. Anything discrete and unobtrusive can be used.
With a partner, you have to make plans in more detail. If you're on your own, you don't need to plan it. But with a partner, you will have to exchange opinions, communication protocols, moves, and backup plans. However, the more people the better
- Make hand signals that only you and your team understand, but don't make them too complicated or suspicious.
- Remember that if you enter a place, you must leave it in the same state. If you turn on a light, turn it off when you're done, etc.
- Don't shy away from being seen by positions or people who might suspect you, approach them and act stupid and ask for directions. If they don't see you as a threat, they won't see you as a suspect.
- If you're spying indoors, try to wear soft shoes (or just your socks) so you don't make any noise.
- If you don't have a strong memory, you can use a cell phone or voice recorder to record a conversation.
- Don't be surprised if you find new information. Even shocking information. A spy's job is to find things like this and report them to their boss. If you are spying for a reason (such as damage to the earth's environment), be sure to document it using photos, notes, etc. because you have to convince other people.
- Knowing more than one language is very useful. If you work with other people, learn another language or code.
- Give each person in your group a specific role. For example, a reporter, bodyguard, or scout to see if the place is safe or not.
- Your base should be in a secluded or closed location. Try to create private workspaces, meeting rooms, and computer rooms.
- Professional spies were trained in various techniques over a very long time and under difficult conditions. You can use the training they receive to improve your spy skills; remember you will be good if you practice often.
- Practice drawing sketches quickly; This will help you draw a specific place that you will revisit. If you want to take a photo, make sure it's not visible.
- If you know your location well, it can be very helpful in planning how to escape. This will be very useful. (Don't forget surveillance cameras, if any).
- Write notes in a notebook, type on the computer, and throw away the paper. But remember that your computer can be stolen, so always have backup storage.
- Learn how to pry a keyhole.
- If you're on a mission in a dark place, wearing black won't help you; wear dark colored clothes such as gray, dark purple, and dark blue. Black clothes make you look suspicious and stand out, unless you live in a place where workers usually wear black (usually a business center). Chocolate is better because people won't notice you.
- Do not immediately believe any information you hear. Always wait until you have proof. Even if you're on the right side, it doesn't mean the guilty person is stupid.
- If you want, you can create a spy club.
- Make sure no one is spying on you.
- Remember, you may get into trouble with the law while working as a spy. For example, you may be accused of being a stalker. Be careful.
- Even when with your friends, you still have to be vigilant. You never know who is near you in any given situation, your friends may reveal your whereabouts or identity. Maybe even your boss! So be careful, don't trust anyone too much.
- If you are spying to gather evidence, avoid breaking the law while doing so, such as trespassing, damaging property, etc. It's easy to find out the culprit if it's published on the internet or in print.
- Always obey the law. Going to jail with the excuse "I just want to help" doesn't help you gain honor.