If you want to burn fat fast, combine cardiovascular exercise with strength training, and complement it with a healthy diet. To burn fat at home, you don't need to sign up for a gym membership, or buy complicated and expensive exercise machines. Pay attention to the food you eat, do light exercise while doing your daily work or when you're relaxing, and get in the habit of doing light cardio. All of which will make you look and feel different in the not too distant future!
Part 1 of 3: Eating Food to Burn Fat

Step 1. Track the calories you consume
The body is like a calorie bank; the more calories consumed, the greater the number of calories that accumulate in the body. However, unlike a real bank, the body suffers from storing too many calories. Excessive calories can make you overweight and suffer from heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and so on. By tracking the calories consumed, you can begin to balance the food so that the bank in your body will achieve a healthy balance.
- Write down everything you eat and the approximate calorie count of each food. This can help you identify which foods are high in calories and which are not impacting your waistline.
- Find the average of your calorie counts by dividing the total number of calories you've consumed by the number of days you've tracked calories. Healthy, moderately active adults are usually advised to consume about 2,000 calories a day.
- Maybe you can keep a food journal while you're struggling to burn fat. This is to ensure that you don't get off track and return to a lifestyle that consumes a lot of calories.

Step 2. Increase your water intake
Water helps the body to regulate the quantity of what you eat, what is in your digestion, and even regulates kidney function! To keep you healthy, doctors recommend consuming at least 15 ml of water for every 0.45 kg of body weight.
- For example, if you weigh 72 kg, you should drink about 2.3 liters of water a day, and more if you are physically active or live in a hot place.
- Some foods that contain lots of water such as fruits can also produce a low BMI (body mass index) and reduce waist circumference.

Step 3. Reduce salty foods
Most people consume too much salt in excess of a healthy intake. Excess salt in the diet can increase fluid retention in the body, which puts a heavy burden on the heart over time and can lead to high blood pressure.
The fluid retention associated with high salt consumption can also cause bloating, which will negatively affect any physical activity you want to do throughout the day

Step 4. Increase consumption of vegetables
Vegetables contain lots of fiber and other nutrients that are very useful for weight loss. Because fiber can help you feel full, eating fiber keeps you from feeling too hungry throughout the day, which can result in reduced calorie intake and weight loss.
Some foods that are high in fiber include: vegetables, fruits, and whole grains

Step 5. Eliminate the temptation to start at home
When the urge to eat food comes when you are at home, it must be difficult for you to avoid eating a bag of chips or sweet food. However, you should avoid foods that contain lots of calories if you want to burn fat. Also, almost all snacks have little nutritional value, so it's a good idea to switch to healthy snacks to increase your overall nutritional intake. Some of the snacks you can try include:
- Berries
- Carrot
- Celery
- Kale Chips
- Hummus

Step 6. Eat only what is on the plate
Even if you assume that you will only take one chip out of the bag and then put it back where it belongs, some studies show that it is very difficult for you to stop eating more than you need. Health experts recommend that dieters only eat food that is on the plate so as not to overeat from the food bag.
Portion control has been linked to excessive calorie intake. This is another reason why you should keep a food journal when trying to lose weight

Step 7. Establish a regular eating schedule
Eating regular meals in reasonable portions can help you to form healthy living habits. The more consistent you are with your diet and healthy habits, the easier it will be for you to maintain the weight you've lost and improve your health once you've lost weight.
Part 2 of 3: Doing Sports All Day

Step 1. Think about starting an exercise routine
Once you get used to something even if it's hard, like running every morning, it will become easier as you continue to do it. If this works for you, take time in the morning, afternoon, or evening to do the exercises while you are at home.
Combine the exercises with activities you have planned to do at home. For example, if every Wednesday night you watch a TV show, maybe you can do some light exercise while watching it

Step 2. Buy weights
You don't have to buy all the weights or tons of dumbbells in different sizes at the gym! You can buy weights cheaply at thrift stores or flea markets. The weight of the dumbbells you buy depends on your fitness level. Try to choose weights that challenge, but don't torture you.
- Lifting weights can work multiple muscle groups at the same time so this exercise is very efficient.
- Dumbbells weighing 2, 4, and 7 kg are enough to get you started with weight training.

Step 3. Do weight training with your weight lifting equipment
It is very important to apply good form of exercise when you are lifting weights. In general, you should keep your body straight and fully stretch the muscle you are working with the dumbbells. If you don't know how to do an exercise using weights, look up the wikiHow article on how to train with dumbbells.

Step 4. Use weights to work your biceps
Start by gripping a dumbbell in each hand and placing it at your side. You can work each hand alternately or do it simultaneously at a time, lifting the dumbbells from the sides of the body to shoulder height. Keep your elbows still and don't jerk your upper body while performing this movement in a controlled manner.

Step 5. Perform a shoulder press using weights
With your body straight and your hands gripping the dumbbells, lift the dumbbells over your shoulders with your palms facing forward. Lift the dumbbells straight above your head until your arms are almost locked, pause, then lower your dumbbells back to the starting position in a smooth motion. Make sure you don't jerk your back when doing the shoulder press, as this could result in injury.

Step 6. Perform lateral raises to train your laterals using weight lifting equipment
Grab a dumbbell in each hand and place it in front of your hips with your palms facing each other. Elbows should be slightly angled, and try to maintain this position throughout the exercise. From the starting position, raise the dumbbells until your arms are parallel to the floor, pause in this position, then lower your dumbbells back to the starting position in a controlled motion.

Step 7. Use a resistance band
These straps can be used for complete strength training, and are very effective for building muscle and burning fat. This tool can be used in a narrow space, the price is cheap, and can be carried anywhere. This device, which looks similar to a jump rope, is made of a plastic tube manufactured in various resistance levels (light, medium, heavy or a certain weight). Some exercises you can try include:
- Bicep curl: Place your foot in the center of the resistance band so that the rope is stuck on the floor. Grasp both ends of the resistance band grips, then pull your arms up to shoulder height by bending your elbows inward in a full, controlled motion.
- Deltoid fly: with your feet shoulder-width apart, place your feet on the resistance band so that the rope is stuck on the floor. Grasp both ends of the rope with your arms at your sides, then stretch your arms up so that your body and arms form a T, and your palms face down (when your arms are fully extended).
- Kneeling crunch: Wrap a resistance band around a tree or post about waist-high, then kneel on the floor. You can use an exercise mat or yoga mat so that your knees don't experience as much stress as you do this exercise. Grasp both ends of the resistance band a few inches above your chest, then bend your body toward the floor at a 90° angle so that it forms an L shape, keeping your arms in front of your chest. With a controlled movement, return to a fully upright position and repeat as desired.

Step 8. Do wall sits (sitting on a wall) to work your butt and thigh muscles
Since it only involves the thighs and buttocks, this particular exercise is great for working out those areas. This is especially true if you have a knee injury that prevents you from doing other exercises, such as squats, because this exercise puts very little stress on the knee. Steps to do a wall sit:
- Keep your back straight against the wall.
- Slide your back down until your legs are bent at a 90° angle.
- Do not extend your knees beyond your ankles. Keep your knees over your ankles.
- Tighten your abs when you stop in this position.
- Hold this position as if you were sitting for 20 to 60 seconds.

Step 9. Do planks to get rid of fat
Planks are an excellent body exercise, which you can do on the living room floor while watching TV. To perform this exercise, you must lower your body towards your hands and knees on a clean floor. Hold your body with your forearms and stretch both legs back at the same time until they are fully extended. Only the toes and arms are allowed to touch the floor. The next step you have to do:
- Keep your body straight from your shoulders to your ankles.
- Pull your stomach in as hard as you can to engage your midsection.
- Hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds.
- Repeat this exercise 2 to 3 times for best results.
Part 3 of 3: Doing Cardio Around the Home

Step 1. Increase your heart rate by doing jumping jacks
This simple exercise can really get your blood pumping. Stand with your feet together and place your arms by your sides. Keep your knees slightly bent during this exercise. Jump and spread your legs and arms so that they form an X as you do this. Jump back from the X position and return your legs and arms to the starting position.
- When jumping, try to land on the front of your feet for balance and proper exercise form.
- Increase the intensity of your jumping jack exercise by increasing your jumping speed.

Step 2. Lose weight with lunges
Lunges that rely on body weight can work many muscles at once and can be done almost anywhere as long as you can get your feet up. This exercise can be done while waiting for the food to cook, or do this exercise from one end of the house to the other by following these steps:
- Keep your upper body straight, shoulders pulled back, and chin pointing up.
- Flex the middle of the body.
- Step forward with one foot until it is directly above the ankle at a 90° angle.
- Be careful not to extend the front knee beyond the ankle.
- Take care that your knees don't touch the floor as you step forward.

Step 3. Do a jump rope
This high-intensity activity can be done indoors or outdoors as long as you have a jump rope. Choose a rope that can be stretched to the armpit (while stepping on the middle of the rope with two feet). Start by placing the rope behind your body, and as you throw it forward:
- Take small jumps. Ideally, all you need to do is make small jumps as long as the rope can go through the bottom of your feet.
- Keep swinging the rope around your body and jump in the middle of the loop.
- Increase the intensity and level of difficulty by increasing the speed of the rope swing.
- Try variations on basic jumps, such as side jumps, alternating jumps, and one-legged jumps.

Step 4. Use stairs, if possible
Adding exercise even a little can increase fat burning. Take advantage of all the physical challenges in front of you, including the stairs! You can also use this as part of an actual routine, namely by going up and down stairs around the house in between other exercises.

Step 5. Turn on the music and dance
You don't have to follow certain dance steps, although some people find it beneficial to join dance groups and dance classes. Just turn on your music and move as you please!
You can also do this exercise while doing household chores. Put on headphones and dance to the music while you vacuum around the house

Step 6. Get mountain climber fitness with mountain climber workouts. Exercise that utilizes body weight involves all parts of the body so that it can burn more calories in less time. Place your body on the floor resting on your hands and knees. The position of the hands should be shoulder width apart and placed under the chest. Extend your legs so that your legs are straight and off the floor, with your toes and hands supporting your body. The next step you have to do:
- Pull one leg from an outstretched position as close to your chest as possible with your body or feet not touching the floor.
- Return the leg you pulled to your chest to a fully extended position.
- Pull the other leg toward the chest in the same motion.
- Do it alternately on both legs with the number of repetitions as you wish.
- Contrary to what many people think, strength training performed by women tends not to make the body bulky. This exercise is useful for increasing muscle mass, which is an important ingredient for increasing metabolism and burning fat. *Use an exercise bench for balance and support when you do weight training. Make sure you apply quality form and stability exercises. The exercise bench should be firmly fixed to the floor and not shift when you lean back or sit on it, and should have adequate cushioning.
- Don't forget to vary your workout routine and make sure you're doing some strength training too. Increasing muscle mass is important if you want to burn fat, as it can increase your metabolism. You can burn more calories even when you are resting if you have a high metabolism. This is because the muscles in the body require more energy for fuel.
- Weight lifting gloves can help maintain the shape of the exercise and prevent injury because they can be used to grip the weight better. These gloves protect your palms but don't cover your fingers so you can maximize your hand movement. Make sure you wear gloves that fit but are not too tight. Try it first before buying it.