Whether someone is smoking in the house or something is burning in the kitchen, you may be looking for ways to get rid of the annoying smell of smoke. You may also already know that this smoke smell is hard to get rid of. Fortunately, there is still hope! Even though you may have to work hard, you can still get rid of the smell of smoke without having to spend extra and ask for help from a professional cleaning service. With the right tricks, you can get rid of this smoke smell forever.
Method 1 of 3: Changing the Air in Your Home or Car

Step 1. Clean all cigarette ashtrays at home and in the car
Smoke and cigarette butts will continue to smell. So, clean both of them first. Wash or vacuum the ashtray at home and dispose of cigarette butts so they don't continue to smell.
To prevent fires, make sure the cigarette flame is completely extinguished before you throw the butt in the trash

Step 2. Vacuum the entire floor, carpet and seating
If you smoke in your house or car, the ashes can fly everywhere and continue to smell. So, vacuum all objects, especially cloth or upholstered objects to get rid of the remaining cigarette ashes.
Make sure there are no missing parts in the car. Vacuum the entire seat, dashboard, and in between doors

Step 3. Open the windows of houses and cars so that fresh air can enter
Air changes can be very effective. Try opening all the windows in your house or car to let fresh air in. Opening the window will also let some of the smoke smell out.
- You may have to let the air change for a few hours or even days for results to be felt.
- Watch the weather outside if you open the car window. Do not let rainwater get into the car.

Step 4. Place the fan near the window of the house to draw the smoke smell out
Fans can speed up air circulation. Place 1 or 2 box fans pointing out near the window and then turn it on.
Leave the fan on for a few hours or even all day if necessary

Step 5. Remove furniture, rugs, books, and other smelly objects from the house and let them air out
Sofas, tables, chairs, and various other objects can absorb the smell of smoke. Similarly, carpet or upholstery seats in the car. Air out the smelly items by removing them and drying them in the sun for a few hours.
- Pay attention to weather conditions. To prevent smelly items from getting damaged, be sure to do this step when the weather is not expected to rain.
- Sniff off the smell from all the objects before you put it back in. If there is still something that smells of smoke, don't put it in just yet. You can put it in the garage or somewhere else for a while.

Step 6. Replace all air filters in the house
Even if you clean all areas of the house, the smell of smoke may still linger in the air vents. So, replace the AC filter so as not to bring odors into the house.
- If your home has a central air conditioning system, vacuum around the vents and ducts to remove any remaining ash.
- If you've replaced the filter but the smoke smell is still there, you may need the help of a professional technician to clean the air vent.
Method 2 of 3: Removing Odors in Your Home or Car

Step 1. Sprinkle baking soda on the surface of the object to absorb the odor
This trick is easy to do and a powerful way to get rid of odors in your home and car. Baking soda can absorb odors. So, sprinkle baking soda in moderation in your home and car including on carpets, furniture, mattresses or mattresses, rugs, and hard surfaces. Leave the baking soda for a few days, then vacuum it all up.
- Baking soda will not damage the fabric. So, don't be afraid to use this material at home or in your car.
- If you don't want to sprinkle baking soda all over the place, just place a bowl of baking soda around your house or car. Although not as effective, this method can also remove some odors in the air.

Step 2. Wipe the surface of the hard object with white vinegar
If your house still smells of smoke even after you sprinkled the baking soda, the smell may be stuck to the walls. Wet a cloth with white vinegar then wring it out. Wipe this rag on hard surfaces such as floors, walls, and wooden furniture to get rid of the smell. You can also wipe down lights, picture frames, and other hard objects.
- You can use this trick to wipe the steering wheel, dashboard, and other plastic objects in your car.
- You can also wipe upholstered furniture with a little white vinegar if it still smells. This trick is also suitable for use on leather car seats as long as the vinegar is first diluted with an equal amount of water.
- If you don't like wiping things with vinegar, just put a bowl of vinegar on it to absorb odors from the air.

Step 3. Clean the windows to remove any residual smoke smell
Smoke can leave a layer of odor on the glass surface. Use a glass cleaner to wipe the windows and remove any residual odor.
Don't forget to clean other glass surfaces, such as mirrors

Step 4. Place a bowl of activated charcoal in a smelly place
Activated charcoal is slightly stronger than baking soda so it may be more effective at absorbing residual odors. Try placing a few bowls of activated charcoal around the house to get rid of any lingering odors.
Place activated charcoal in a bowl or container as it can stain

Step 5. Clean carpet, furniture and car seats thoroughly with steam
If none of the above deodorizing tricks work, you may need to steam clean them all. Fortunately, there are many hardware stores that rent out the tools. Steam all layers of fabric in your house or car and then air dry to remove the smell.
- You may have to use different types of shampoo on different fabrics. So, make sure to follow the manufacturer's specific instructions.
- You can also call a professional steam cleaner if you don't want to do this step yourself.

Step 6. Repaint the interior of the house if neither method works to remove the odor
If someone has been smoking in the house for years, even your best efforts may not be able to get rid of the smell. In this case, the only hope is a repaint. Repaint the entire interior walls of the rooms in the house to disguise any lingering odors.
In very serious cases, you may also need to replace the insulation of the house as the odor may stick there
Method 3 of 3: Cleaning the Fabric and Upholstery

Step 1. Wash clothes and fabrics with about 1/2 cup (120 ml) vinegar
Put the clothes in the washing machine then add 120 ml of white vinegar without detergent. After that, start the engine as usual. Sniff the smell of clothes after washing and wash again if they still smell.
- Do not put clothes that are still smelly in the dryer before washing them again. The smell can actually seep into the clothes even more if they are dried.
- Use this trick on sheets and other upholstery, such as curtains.

Step 2. Dry the fabric if the smell doesn't go away after washing or can't be washed normally
If you've washed your clothes and sheets several times, but the smell doesn't go away, dry cleaning might help. Dry cleaning is usually effective at removing odors. So take your clothes to the dry cleaners to see the results.
- Make sure you tell the laundry that you want to get the smoke smell out of your clothes. That way, they can wash your clothes properly.
- You can also dry dry fragile upholstery such as rugs and wall hangings. These items are usually not machine washable. So, try to dry clean everything from the start.

Step 3. Store items that cannot be washed in a tightly sealed bag with baking soda
Other objects such as books will be very difficult to wash. In this case, the best way to get rid of the odor is to put it in a plastic bag with a little baking soda. Leave the object for 8 hours so the baking soda can absorb all the smell.
Baking soda will not leave a stain. So when you're done, all you have to do is pat the object to get rid of any remaining baking soda

Step 4. Get rid of and replace the smelly carpet
Sometimes, you can't completely get rid of the smell of smoke by simply cleaning the carpet, especially if the smell is caused by years of fire or cigarette smoke. If you've tried using baking soda and the washing trick, but the smell of smoke is still there, your only hope is to get rid of the carpet. Remove the old carpet and leave your floor bare or install a new carpet to completely remove the smoke smell.