For those of you who like to spend time outdoors, understand that exposure to direct sunlight can carry a greater potential for harm than you think. Besides the risk of triggering skin cancer, sun exposure can also cause black spots on the skin or make your skin burn! If this risk has happened to you, actually there are several things you can do to restore your skin condition, one of which is by applying a homemade skin whitening cream. Apart from being very easy to make, some of the cream recipes below also contain ingredients that you probably already have in your home. What are you waiting for? Immediately put it into practice!
Lemon Skin Whitening Cream
- 1 tbsp. lemon juice
- 250 grams of plain organic yogurt
- 2-3 drops of rose water
Skin Whitening Cream from Almon
- 5-6 almonds
- 250 grams of plain organic yogurt
- 1 tsp. honey
- 2 tsp. lemon juice
Method 1 of 2: Preparing a Skin Whitening Cream from Lemon

Step 1. Mix yogurt and lemon juice
Add 1 tbsp. lemon juice and 250 grams of plain organic yogurt into a small bowl; Stir well until the two are well mixed.
- For best results, use freshly squeezed lemon!
- Lemon juice contains vitamin C which has been shown to be effective in reducing the production of melanin or dye in the skin. As a result, your skin color will not darken or burn.
- Yogurt contains lactic acid which is effective in exfoliating and brightening the skin.

Step 2. Pour a few drops of rose water
After mixing the yogurt and lemon juice, add 2 to 3 drops of rose water to it. Stir again until all ingredients are well mixed.
Rose water is effective in reducing swelling and redness of the skin

Step 3. Transfer the cream to an airtight container and place it in the refrigerator
After mixing the cream with the rosewater, transfer the cream to an airtight container or other sealed container. Since cream contains yogurt, make sure you always store it in the refrigerator. Supposedly, the quality of the cream will remain good for 1 to 2 weeks. If the cream starts to look moldy, throw it away immediately!
Reduce the recipe for cream if you think it will be too much for your needs

Step 4. Apply the cream at night
For best results, use a whitening cream every day. However, always remember that the lactic acid in yogurt can make your skin more sensitive to sunlight. Therefore, it is best to use a whitening cream only at night! Before going to bed, apply the cream to the surface of the skin and do a light massage so that the cream is more easily absorbed. In the morning, rinse off the cream with warm water and a skin-friendly cleansing soap.
Some skin types are more sensitive to lactic acid and vitamin C. For those of you who have sensitive skin, you should apply the cream every other day until your skin is completely used to the ingredients in it
Method 2 of 2: Mixing Almond Skin Whitening Cream

Step 1. Grind the almonds with the help of a food processor
Place 5 to 6 whole unsalted almonds in a food processor, process until they turn into a fine powder (about 5-10 seconds).
- If you don't have a food processor, you can also use a blender or coffee bean grinder.
- Almonds are very rich in vitamin E which is an antioxidant substance to prevent skin discoloration due to exposure to sunlight.

Step 2. Mix almond powder with yogurt, honey and lemon juice
Put the almond powder in a small bowl; mix with 250 grams of plain organic yogurt, 1 tsp. honey, and 2 tsp. lemon juice. Stir well until all ingredients are well mixed.
- Yogurt is very rich in lactic acid which is able to exfoliate and lighten dark spots on the skin.
- Honey contains antioxidants that can protect the skin from sun exposure and keep it bright.
- Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C which is effective in keeping skin color bright.

Step 3. Put the cream in a container, store in the refrigerator
Once all the ingredients are well mixed, pour the cream into an airtight container. Put the cream in the refrigerator to maintain the quality of the yogurt in it.
- Supposedly, the quality of the cream can last for 1 to 2 weeks. If the cream looks moldy, throw it away immediately!
- Reduce the amount in the recipe if the result is too much for your needs.

Step 4. Apply the cream before going to bed at night
Since the lactic acid content in yogurt can make your skin more sensitive to sunlight, it's best not to apply the cream in the morning or afternoon. Instead, use the cream just before going to bed at night for best results.
- For owners of sensitive skin, use a whitening cream twice a day or several times a week. In fact, the content of lactic acid and vitamins in the cream has the potential to irritate your skin. Therefore, use the cream gradually until your skin is completely used to it.
- In the morning, always rinse off the cream with warm water and a skin-friendly cleansing soap. Before going outside, make sure you always wear sunscreen to protect your skin from direct sunlight.