How to Determine a Puppy's Gender: 11 Steps

How to Determine a Puppy's Gender: 11 Steps
How to Determine a Puppy's Gender: 11 Steps

Table of contents:


Determining the sex of a puppy is quite easy if you know some of the correct anatomical signs. You should handle puppies gently and with extreme care. Try to wait 3-4 weeks before determining the sex of the puppy. If you keep the puppy too long before it is taken care of by the mother, the puppy may then be ignored by the mother.


Part 1 of 2: Handling Puppies

Determine the Sex of Puppies Step 1
Determine the Sex of Puppies Step 1

Step 1. Carefully pick up the puppy

Babies and puppies are very fragile and should be handled with extreme care. Puppies cannot see and hear well before they are a few weeks old. Therefore, puppies will be nervous and restless when picked up and held.

  • Never take a puppy by its tail! Tuck your hands under the puppy as much as possible for the best support when lifting the puppy.
  • Do not pay too much attention to the puppy during the first two weeks after birth. The mother dog will be sad or hurt the puppy.
  • If possible, wait until the puppy is 3-4 weeks old before determining the gender. The puppies will have had sufficient time with their mother and have developed quite a bit.
Determine the Sex of Puppies Step 2
Determine the Sex of Puppies Step 2

Step 2. Hold the puppy in your clasped hands

Lay the puppy on his hands on his back and all four legs facing up. Make sure the puppy's entire body is supported with your hands so that the spine is not compressed. Don't squeeze the puppy.

  • Pay attention when someone else holds the puppy properly.
  • You can also lay the puppy on a warm towel on the table. This way, the puppy stays warm.
Determine the Sex of Puppies Step 3
Determine the Sex of Puppies Step 3

Step 3. Do it quickly

Puppies cannot maintain body temperature for several weeks after birth. Puppies get cold very easily. Do not keep the puppy away from the mother for too long. 5-10 minutes is the limit you can hold a puppy.

Place a heating pad or hot water bottle wrapped in a towel in the crib to keep it warm

Determine the Sex of Puppies Step 4
Determine the Sex of Puppies Step 4

Step 4. Watch for signs of stress

If your puppy shows signs of stress, such as wheezing or restlessness, return the puppy to its mother immediately. Mother dogs will also be stressed if they are not used to caring for their puppies. If the mother dog is stressed, such as barking at you, return the puppy to its mother.

Part 2 of 2: Determining the Gender of the Puppy

Determine the Sex of Puppies Step 5
Determine the Sex of Puppies Step 5

Step 1. Examine the puppy's stomach

You may see a “navel,” or umbilicus. Usually the navel is located in the middle of the abdomen, just below the ribs. If the puppy is only a few days old, the umbilical cord may still be attached. After the umbilical cord shriveled and fell (usually within a few days) a small scar was left behind her abdomen. This wound is slightly lighter in color than the surrounding skin and feels a bit thick.

Determine the Sex of Puppies Step 6
Determine the Sex of Puppies Step 6

Step 2. Look under the navel or umbilical wound

If your puppy is male, there is another point sticking out or "button" of flesh about 2.5 cm below the cut. This is the foreskin which later becomes the dog's penis. The foreskin will have a small hole in the middle.

  • A little hair may grow around or on the foreskin.
  • Do not try to pull or open a male puppy's penis until he is about 6 months old. Dogs have a penile os, or “penis bone.” You will damage the penis or penis bone if you try to force open the puppy's penis.
Determine the Sex of Puppies Step 7
Determine the Sex of Puppies Step 7

Step 3. Locate the testicles

Male puppies will have testicles, but won't be able to see them until they are at least 8 weeks old. The testicles will be between the bases of the puppy's hind legs.

Depending on the type, the testicles are usually the size of a lima bean. At the age of 8 weeks, the testicles will begin to cover the scrotal sac

Determine the Sex of Puppies Step 8
Determine the Sex of Puppies Step 8

Step 4. Feel the puppy's belly

In contrast to male puppies, female puppies feel smooth (other than the umbilicus wound). Female puppies do not have a foreskin.

Determine the Sex of Puppies Step 9
Determine the Sex of Puppies Step 9

Step 5. Examine the puppy's bottom

A puppy's anus is just below its tail. If the puppy is male, the anus will be easy to see. If the puppy is female, there will be a fleshy, sticking out area under the anus. This is the vulva of the puppy.

The vulva of female puppies is small and leaf-shaped. Usually the vulva is located almost exactly between the dog's hind legs. There may be hair growing around the vulva

Determine the Sex of Puppies Step 10
Determine the Sex of Puppies Step 10

Step 6. Ignore the puppy's nipples

Male and female puppies also have nipples like humans and other mammals. A dog's nipples do not determine its gender.

Determine the Sex of Puppies Step 11
Determine the Sex of Puppies Step 11

Step 7. Consult a veterinarian

At six weeks of age, puppies should be given their first set of vaccinations. If you haven't been able to determine the sex of the puppy, your vet will be able to assist you during regular visits.


  • Run your fingers along the puppy's belly to find the foreskin. If the puppy has two "bulbs" that are close together, the puppy's sex is male. If there is only one bulge, the puppy's sex is female.
  • Puppies are easier to examine if someone else holds them. make sure the puppy's body is fully supported.
