3 Ways to Relieve Toothache Pain

3 Ways to Relieve Toothache Pain
3 Ways to Relieve Toothache Pain

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There are two main causes of toothache. The first, is when there is a cavity or hole in the tooth that makes the nerves at the base of the tooth open. The other is when the gums that frame your teeth become infected (called abscesses, like boils). You can temporarily relieve your toothache, but only a dentist can truly treat and fix dental problems on a more permanent basis. Here are some ways that you can use to treat toothache temporarily.


Method 1 of 3: Using Materials Available at Home

Ease a Toothache Step 1
Ease a Toothache Step 1

Step 1. Gargle with warm water

One of the first things you need to do is make sure that your mouth is clean and that there are no bits or pieces of food that are bothering the part of the tooth that hurts. Water that is too cold or too hot can hurt your mouth, so be sure to use lukewarm or warm water.

Gently floss between your teeth. Flossing or flossing will remove any food and bacteria that are still left in your mouth. Avoid flossing too vigorously around the sore area as this can cause it to hurt and bleed more


Step 2. Use over-the-counter pain relievers at pharmacies without a doctor's prescription

Sometimes the best way to deal with pain is to relieve it with painkillers until you can see a dentist. Most over-the-counter medications will work well for your toothache. And if your toothache is so severe that medication doesn't work, you should see a dentist immediately.

  • Aspirin is very helpful for relieving dental problems in the jaw in adults.
  • Paracetamol (not aspirin) can be used for children and adolescents.

Step 3. Apply the cold compress outside the mouth or on the cheek

This will help relieve the toothache by numbing the pain. Using this method along with the medicine you buy at the pharmacy can help relieve your pain before the painkiller starts to work.


Step 4. Gargle with salt water

Salt water can kill bacteria and make your toothache feel better. It can also relieve toothache so it doesn't get infected. Mix 1 tsp (5 g) of salt with a glass of warm water in a medium-sized (240 ml) glass.

Gargle the water in your mouth and spit out the water. Make sure you don't swallow it


Step 5. Rub the affected area with clove oil and olive oil

Dip a cotton ball or cotton ball in a mixture of a few drops of clove oil and a little olive oil, and apply the cotton ball to the affected area.


Step 6. Apply a warm teabag to the affected area

The natural tannins in tea can help numb the pain. It is excellent for relieving swelling or irritation of your gums. Make sure the teabags are not too hot, otherwise you will only injure other areas.

Continuous use of tea can stain teeth, so use it to a minimum


Step 7. Use a peroxide mouthwash

Like salt water, peroxide mouthwash also helps remove contaminants and limit bacterial growth. This method is very useful for cases of impacted teeth or infections in the mouth, and you can use it periodically throughout the day until you can visit the dentist.

This step is not a substitute for brushing and flossing as usual


Step 8. Glue one of the vegetables

There are several types of vegetables that can be cut and placed on the sore or injured area. This can help relieve pain and minimize the chance of infection, but it can't replace your obligation to visit the dentist if your pain persists.

  • Place a cold piece of cucumber on the sore area.
  • Cut a slice of fresh raw potato and stick it on the sore spot. Make sure you peel the potatoes first.
  • Place a piece of freshly chopped onion on the affected area. The onions should be freshly cut so that they have a bit of a way.

Step 9. Chew mint leaves

You can chew fresh mint leaves, or apply a few dried mint leaves on the sore spot. If your tooth hurts too much to chew, then you should place some crushed mint leaves or dried mint leaves on the infected area.

Method 2 of 3: Preventing Toothache


Step 1. Clean your teeth regularly

This is really the most important step to keep your teeth healthy and free of pain. If you don't clean your teeth every day and floss, plaque and bacteria will build up and cause problems like cavities and infections.

  • The saying goes "only floss the teeth you want to keep". Flossing is really able to keep your teeth healthy and free from the factors that cause toothaches associated with bacteria. Make sure you floss at least once a day.
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day, 30 minutes before or after meals. Too fast an interval of brushing your teeth before or after a meal can damage the enamel on your teeth.

Step 2. Prevent tooth decay with fluoride

You can find fluoride in many natural ingredients, such as water or certain vegetables. Check and see if your tap water is fluoridated. If not, ask your dentist to prescribe a fluoride pill or supplement (this will be especially effective for children under ten).

Most toothpastes already contain fluoride as the active ingredient, but double check your toothpaste to make sure you're using the right one


Step 3. Eat a healthy diet

What you eat makes a big difference in how healthy your teeth are. Not only that, some foods are also more difficult to come off or get out of the area between your teeth. Watch what you eat so your teeth will be better.

  • Avoid sugar and starch as much as possible. These two substances, especially sugar, feed the bacteria.
  • If you are going to eat food that gets stuck between your teeth, make sure you have a supply of floss or toothpicks.
  • End your meal with a salad or an apple as it acts as a natural toothbrush.

Step 4. Have your teeth checked at the dentist twice a year

This is actually very important, but many people don't do it, and only go to the dentist once their dental problem is severe. Your dentist will be able to spot cavities and dental problems early on so they can be treated before they get bigger or get worse.

Method 3 of 3: Knowing When to Go to the Dentist


Step 1. See a dentist if you have a very strong toothache

When over-the-counter medications don't relieve your pain, you should definitely go to the dentist or doctor as this could be an emergency.

  • This is especially true if you have extreme pain and swelling.
  • Fever is an important sign of infection in dental disease. Ordinary tooth decay does not cause fever.

Step 2. Go to the doctor if you have pain after the tooth is extracted

If the tooth hurts on the second or third day after your tooth is extracted then you need to see a dentist within 24 hours. This is called "dry gum cavity syndrome" and sometimes occurs when the tooth cavity is exposed to air.


Step 3. Seek medical help the pain is accompanied by a broken tooth

This could be due to a traumatic injury, and in this case you should seek medical help as soon as possible. Things like swallowing teeth and losing teeth permanently are considered a dental emergency


  • Using cloves several times a day for months can cause permanent nerve damage. So, if the pain lasts more than a week, visit the dentist.
  • never ever consuming alcohol while you are taking painkillers.
