At certain times, we may all be forced to deal with problems caused by toenail fungus. However, before placing false nails over a layer of nail that may be infected and assuming it's all over, consider that these remedies can actually make the yeast infection worse. Fortunately, there are smart and healthy ways to hide nail fungus. That way, you can get back to enjoying time by the pool on weekends.
Method 1 of 3: Using Antifungal Nail Polish

Step 1. Cut the nails
Keep nails neat and short. This is important. Short nails will help prevent the spread of fungus. Use a special nail clipper if your nail layer is too thick.
Clean the nail clipper with rubbing alcohol between uses to prevent the spread of fungus

Step 2. Clean the nails
Use soap and water. Focus on cleaning your nails and cuticles of debris or dirt.

Step 3. Apply a base coat of paint
Use a small brush to spread the base coat over the entire nail surface. This layer will protect your nails from the dye while bonding the polish to the nail surface.
- Run the brush through the center of the nail in one even motion. Don't try to cover the entire nail with one brush stroke.
- Then, from the same starting point as the first stroke, point the brush at a certain angle so that it coats the left side of the nail.
- Repeat this process. Place the brush at the same starting point and then run it to the right side of the nail.
- Let it dry by itself.

Step 4. Apply antifungal nail polish
Starting at the base of the nail, move the brush down to apply the polish evenly to the center of the nail.
- Using the same technique as before, place the brush at the same starting point, at the base of the nail, then move it to a certain angle so that it coats the left side of the nail.
- Repeat this process for the right side of the nail. Be sure to move the brush evenly so that there is no paint pooling on the surface of the nail.

Step 5. Apply a second coat of nail polish
Using the same downward motion, spread the polish over the entire surface of the nail until the color is more pronounced.
Let the nail air dry for 3-5 minutes

Step 6. Apply the top layer
This coat will lock in the nail polish while giving it a beautiful shine. Use the same technique to give the top layer. Allow the nails to dry and be careful not to smudge the paint while it has not dried.
Method 2 of 3: Wearing Air-permeable Footwear

Step 1. Put on socks that absorb moisture
Mold will thrive in damp places. Wearing socks and shoes all day can cause the fungus to grow and prevent the infection from healing. Wear moisture-wicking socks to combat this problem. Moisture-absorbing technology will keep your toes dry and inhibit fungal growth.

Step 2. Spray an antifungal product on the shoes
Another place that is also often overgrown with fungus is sports shoes that are exposed to a lot of sweat. Try to change shoes every day and use antifungal sprays regularly. This spray will help prevent the spread of infection and keep your feet dry throughout the day.

Step 3. Wear sandals as much as possible
While your first instinct may be to hide a fungal infection, letting your toes breathe is actually the best treatment you can offer. The more often you expose your toes to fresh air, the faster the yeast infection will heal.

Step 4. Don't go barefoot in public
Fungal infections can spread in public places such as swimming pools or locker rooms. Wear sandals while showering to make sure you don't catch athlete's foot or another fungal infection.
Method 3 of 3: Cure Toenail Fungus

Step 1. Visit a doctor for treatment advice
Toenail fungus can mimic other diseases such as psoriasis. The doctor will conduct an examination and determine the cause of the yeast infection and determine the best way to treat it. There are several different treatments for toenail fungus and your doctor will determine the best treatment for you.

Step 2. For the most effective treatment, take an oral antifungal medication
Oral antifungal medications are often the best choice because they are more effective than topical creams. Oral antifungal medication will help the new nail grow without fungus and replace the old nail. This process may take several months, sometimes even up to 4 months.
There are several side effects caused by the use of antifungal drugs, including skin rashes or liver damage. This drug is not recommended for people with liver damage or congestive heart failure

Step 3. For a step-by-step treatment, use a medicated nail polish
Coat your nails with medicated nail polish once a day for a week. After a week, clean the nails with rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball. This treatment can take up to a year to become fully effective.

Step 4. Use a topical cream remedy if your nails are thin
After soaking your nails in hot water, apply a topical cream to the affected area. Topical creams are best used on thin nails.
Use a lotion that contains urea and can be purchased without a prescription on the surface of the nail to thin it out. That way, the antifungal cream can penetrate the inside of the nail more easily, making it more effective against fungal infections

Step 5. Use simple home remedies
Tea tree oil or coconut oil are both effective as antifungals. Take advantage of these commonly available ingredients at home to help fight yeast infections.