Microsoft Excel recognizes a number of mathematical functions that can be used to manipulate data entered into a spreadsheet. Whether you're working with a number or multiple sets of data, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the logic of Excel's addition function. A commonly used function for simple addition is “=SUM()”, where the target cell range is enclosed in parentheses. However, addition can also be done in a number of other ways.
Method 1 of 4: Using the SUM Fungsi Function

Step 1. Use the SUM function to add two or more cells
Type an equal sign (=), the SUM function, and the summed number in parentheses (). As an example, =SUM(number summed here), or =SUM(C4, C5, C6, C7). This formula will add up all the numbers and cells in parentheses.

Step 2. Use the SUM function to sum a range of cells
If you enter the start and end cells separated by a colon (:), you can include a large portion of the spreadsheet in the calculation. For example, ' =SUM(C4:C7) tells Excel to add up the values in C4, C7, and everything between the two cells.
You don't need to type "C4:C7", just click and hold the mouse in cell C4, and swipe down to highlight all cells from C4 to C7 and enter their values automatically into the formula. Finish by adding parentheses at the end. For large number columns, this method is faster than clicking individual cells

Step 3. Use the AutoSum Wizard
Also, if you are using Excel 2007 or above, you can perform this function automatically by selecting the cell next to the desired range and pressing “AutoSum > Sum”.
AutoSum is limited to a continuous range of cells, which means that if you want to skip cells, the calculation won't work properly

Step 4. Copy/paste the data to another cell
Since the cell that contains the function holds both the sum and the function, you need to consider what information to copy.
Copy the cells (“Edit > Copy”), then select the other cells and go to “Edit > Paste > Paste Special”. Here, you can choose whether to paste the cell value (sum result) or formula into the destination cell

Step 5. Refer to the amount in another function
Sum cell values can be used in other functions on the spreadsheet. Instead of re-adding information or typing values from previous functions, you can refer cells to other calculations to use the results automatically
For example, if you add up all of column C and want to add up the result with the result of the sum of column D, you can refer the cell containing the total of column C to the summation formula in column D
Method 2 of 4: Using the Plus (+) Symbol

Step 1. Enter the formula into the cells of the spreadsheet
Select a cell and type in the equals symbol (=), then click the first number you want to add up, then type the plus symbol (+), then click the second number you want to add up, then type the plus symbol again, and so on. Each time you click another number, Excel will enter it a cell reference for you (for example C4), which tells Excel what scattersheet cells contain the number (for C4, meaning in column C, fourth row). Your formula should be like this: =C4+C5+C6+C7.
- If you know the cells you want to count, you can type them all at once instead of clicking them individually.
- The Excel function will recognize a mixture of numbers and cell entries. Therefore, you can type 5000+C5+25.2+B7.

Step 2. Press Enter
Excel will add up the numbers automatically.
Method 3 of 4: Using the SUMIF Function

Step 1. Arrange the data for the SUMIF function
Because SUMIF can interpret nonnumeric data, the data table will need to be set up somewhat differently than the basic + or SUM function. Create one column with numeric values and a second column with conditional values, for example “yes” or “no”. For example, a column with four rows contains the values 1-4 and the second column contains the values “yes” or:no”.

Step 2. Enter the function into the cell
Select a cell and enter “=SUMIF”, then close the condition with brackets. First you need to enter the range, then the criteria, after that the second range to add up. In this case, the criteria are yes/no, the range will be the cells containing the criteria, and the summation range is the target value. For example, =SUMIF(C1:C4, yes, B1:B4). The formula means that column C, which contains a yes/no condition, will add up all the values from column B where column C reads “yes”.
This range of cells varies depending on the data in the table
Method 4 of 4: Using the SUMIFS Function

Step 1. Prepare your data table
This data table setup is similar to SUMIF, but can support several different ranges of criteria. Create a column with numeric values, a second column with conditional values (such as yes/no), and a third column with other conditional values (such as dates).

Step 2. Enter the SUMIFS function
Select a cell and enter “=SUMIFS()”. Enter the summation range, criteria range, and target criteria in brackets. You need to know, with the SUMIFS function the first value is the summation range. For example, =SUMIFS(B1:B4, C1:C4, yes, D1:D4, “>1/1/2011”). This formula counts the number of column B, provided that column C contains a “yes” condition and column D contains a date above 1/1/2011 (the symbols “>” and “<” are used to indicate greater than or less than).
Be aware that the range can vary, which can be useful for large data tables
- There is no reason to use complex functions for simple mathematical calculations; otherwise, don't use simple methods if complex calculations will make your job easier. Use the method that works best for you.
- This addition function can also work with other spreadsheet software, such as Google Sheets.