3 Ways to Forget the Bad Past and Move On

3 Ways to Forget the Bad Past and Move On
3 Ways to Forget the Bad Past and Move On

Table of contents:


The past is a memory that has happened. Sometimes it's hard to forget about it and move on, for example after a painful event. However, you are wasting your life if you spend too much time remembering the past.


Method 1 of 3: Recognizing the Cause

Move on in Life Step 1
Move on in Life Step 1

Step 1. Think back

Imagine what things in life are holding you back from moving forward. Are you afraid of getting into a new relationship because you've had bad experiences in the past? Do you keep thinking about the bad things you did before and don't know how to move forward? Do you miss your childhood and enjoy fewer responsibilities? Are you spending precious time with your old friends?

Thinking carefully about the causes that are preventing you from moving forward is an important first step to forgetting the (bad) past and moving on with life

Move on in Life Step 2
Move on in Life Step 2

Step 2. Investigate your feelings

As you reimagine what might be holding you back from moving forward, notice how these memories touch your feelings. If a memory makes you feel a very strong emotion (whether good or bad) it is likely that memory is the cause.

  • If you find yourself, for example, feeling very happy and nostalgic as you reminisce about your teenage years, ask yourself some questions that can help you assess whether the act of reminiscing about the past is healthy or has the potential to hurt and prevent you from moving forward. in this life.
  • For example, ask yourself if you find yourself talking more about your youth than about any other past or future.
  • You might also ask yourself if those memories of your teenage years limit you in any way. For example, ask yourself if those good memories keep you from trying new things.
Move on in Life Step 3
Move on in Life Step 3

Step 3. Write down the cause

Write down the things that are holding you back from moving forward as soon as you identify them. This note will serve as a reminder to you as you try to forget the past and move on with your life.

  • Do it if, for example, the cause that is holding you back is that you witnessed a very traumatic event, such as a physical assault, and you fear the same thing will happen to you.
  • You could write, for example, that you are afraid of getting hurt, or that you are worried about getting out of hand in certain situations.
  • Writing down the causes of conditions that are not allowing you to forget the past and move on with your life can also make it easier for you in the process when it comes to dealing with your feelings.
Move on in Life Step 4
Move on in Life Step 4

Step 4. Be patient

Although spending time thinking about the cause is to explain past attacks, remember that in the end you do it as a way to get over the past and move on.

  • Try to remind yourself of the end goal as you imagined it in the past.
  • Take a break from your situation with a variety of quiet interludes if you start to feel overwhelmed.

Method 2 of 3: Changing Your Thinking

Move on in Life Step 5
Move on in Life Step 5

Step 1. Fight the thoughts that are preventing you from moving forward

You can try to forget the past and move on with your life by thinking differently about the things that are holding you back from moving forward. For example, if you witness an assault and you fear it will happen to you, try asking yourself a few questions to avoid it having a bad effect on your life.

  • For example, you can ask yourself how rare attacks are in your city or country by searching the internet for answers. This will help make you aware that the chances of an attack on you are very low.
  • You could also, for example, ask yourself how many times you have gone out without witnessing an assault. This question will help you corroborate how rarely such dangerous things happen. Changing your negative perception of the situation will help you to forget the past and move on with your life.
Move on in Life Step 6
Move on in Life Step 6

Step 2. Don't sacrifice yourself for nothing

While it's good to acknowledge the underlying reality of a situation, know, for example, that you have control over your thoughts and behavior when someone hurts you. That's why it's worth considering not focusing too much on what has happened to you, but instead pursuing what you can do about it and about forgetting the past and moving on.

Don't look too far away and think that what happened to you was your fault. Instead, think about what you can do to feel better, regardless of who was at fault in the incident, then forget about the past and move on with your life

Move on in Life Step 7
Move on in Life Step 7

Step 3. Realize

What you live today will never be repeated. Every day is precious, and time flies so fast. You never know when you will die, so fill your life with meaningful things. While it may sound cliché, the quote also has a lot of truth in it, because that's why it's so common! There are many ways to become more aware of it. You can try it, for example::

  • Enjoy a variety of experiences by doing your best to focus on the simple feeling that results. Pay extra attention to taste, smell, and how things look and feel.
  • Inhale deeply and then exhale and pay close attention to how your breath feels and sounds.
  • See the world from a new perspective by imagining that you are still unfamiliar with what you do; instead, imagine that you are looking at your environment for the first time without understanding it.
Move on in Life Step 8
Move on in Life Step 8

Step 4. Avoid feeling discouraged

Forgetting a bad past and moving on with life can be very difficult. At times, you may find yourself lacking in mind control by wandering into the past or future when you need to be in the present moment.

  • When you find yourself reflecting on the past or can't get over it, try not to get discouraged by giving yourself some freedom.
  • Always remember that forgetting the past is a never-ending process, so you don't fail, as long as the process as a whole tends to be rewarding. Don't be discouraged by a few mistakes; instead, look at your overall progress trend.
Move on in Life Step 9
Move on in Life Step 9

Step 5. Face your fears

If you've been through a trauma and have trouble letting go of the past and moving on, consider confronting those fears head-on to overcome them.

  • For example, if you've been in a bad car accident and can't get over it and don't want to drive anymore, try gradually opening up and getting back to driving.
  • For example, you can sit for two minutes in a parked car. You can then drive down the road around your neighborhood at night or at any time when traffic is almost certain to be light or empty.

Method 3 of 3: Get Expert Help

Move on in Life Step 10
Move on in Life Step 10

Step 1. See a psychiatrist (psychiatrist)

You may benefit from seeing a psychiatrist (psychiatrist) who can help you deal with your inability to forget the past and move on with your life.

To find a psychiatrist (psychiatrist), you can access the website:

Move on in Life Step 11
Move on in Life Step 11

Step 2. Consult your family doctor

You could be suffering from depression, one of the symptoms of which is like to remain silent (pensive). If that's the case, it may be helpful to ask your doctor about the possibility of trying an antidepressant medication.

  • These include signs of depression you may be experiencing, for example, feeling hopeless, lethargic, losing interest in activities or the future, thinking sluggishly, experiencing restlessness and restlessness/nervousness, or lack of energy.
  • You may also suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, a form of anxiety that can occur after experiencing or witnessing a disturbing event.
Move on in Life Step 12
Move on in Life Step 12

Step 3. Make a list of the various symptoms you are experiencing

If you decide to seek the help of a medical or mental health professional, get the best out of your visit by writing down the various symptoms you have experienced and how they are.

Don't be afraid to explain at length. It is better to provide more information than too little

Move on in Life Step 13
Move on in Life Step 13

Step 4. Make a list of questions

Make sure when you come to see your doctor you have prepared a list of questions that you can ask during the meeting. You may need to ask a few questions, such as:

  • Treatments you may be able to take.
  • The good and the bad of different types of treatment.
  • Various other options can replace medication, such as lifestyle changes (eg, exercise and a healthy diet).
  • Various side effects of the recommended treatment.
  • The main possible cause of depression or post-traumatic disorder you are experiencing.


Everything has its time. What is happening to you right now doesn't last forever
