The furry fandom is a large and open community that was founded on the basis of a love for anthropomorphic animals, namely animals that can talk, have 2 legs, and act like humans. If you want to celebrate your love and express your creativity as a furry, welcome! Once you've developed a fursona (furry persona), start interacting with other furries online or in the real world, through local conventions and groups. Explore your creative interests and see how they relate to the furry community, whether it's making fan art or wearing a fursuit. Remember, you don't need an expensive fursuit to be a furry. Most importantly, focus on having fun with your love of furry!
Method 1 of 3: Joining the Furry Community

Step 1. Make the choice to be part of the furry community
To become a furry, you don't need to take an entrance exam or get permission from anyone. The decision to be furry is entirely yours! Whether you've been interested in furry-related things for a long time or you're new to the furry community, you're free to declare yourself as a furry whenever and however you like.
- If you want to create your own furry character, meet other like-minded people, and/or visit a furry convention. You'll probably love being part of the furry community! But being a part of the community without calling yourself a furry is also fine.
- If you don't have a strong affinity for anthropomorphic animals but would like to join the community, the members in it are likely to welcome you with open arms.
- A person is not necessarily a furry if he happens to like anthropomorphic animals, but he can decide for himself.

Step 2. Join online furry groups and discussion boards
Since furry fandom is a global group, most of the activity takes place on the internet. Try the Furry Amino phone app or a website like SoFurry or Fur Affinity. Create an account and start posting comments, posts and making friends with other users. Alternatively, get into the furry community on Reddit-r/furry is a very active subreddit and it's easy to get involved in the discussion there. You can also find other furries via Tumblr and deviantART.
- Look for furry on Discord servers, Skype groups, and Telegram groups on instant messaging services.
- Search through pages and tag furry on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. You will surely find your community there soon!

Step 3. Create and share fan art furry and other creative artworks
Explore your love of furry or fursona through a hobby or creative project that you enjoy. Try writing fanfiction, composing music, creating video animations, vlogs, drawing fan art, or performing in a furry persona. Then share your creations on sites like Tumblr, deviantART, FurAffinity, and YouTube.
- There's a place for every interest in the furry troupe-artists, musicians, writers, dancers, comedians, actors, and more celebrating their love of anthropomorphism through creative expression.
- Don't be afraid to share your work! Other Furries will be very welcoming and supportive however you want to combine your furry identity with your interests in other things.
- Also consider bringing your creative work to live events. If you like music, you might be able to DJ at a furry convention.

Step 4. Accept requests, trade-ins, or commission services to share your creative work
There are lots of great ways for other furries to get to know you and your work. Open a request if you want other furries to request your art for free. Open the opportunity to exchange 1 artwork with another furry. If you want to sell your work, open a commission service. Create an information page explaining terms, fees, and policies so people know what they can get. Specify the type and style of your creation, then advertise it throughout the online furry community.
- Other furries may send you a picture or written description of their fursona for you to draw, or they may provide a gist of the story to write about.
- Once you've developed your skills and reputation, you may be able to earn a substantial income selling your work within the furry community.
- If you receive commission services, you are obligated to complete them. By accepting payments and not completing the project, you can get into legal trouble.

Step 5. Attend a furry convention to meet other furries in person
Making friends online can be fun, but it won't be the same as meeting other furries in person and seeing some of the media creators you admire. If you can, visit Anthrocon, the largest furry convention located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Or search the internet for your local furry convention. While you're at it, check out the artwork, tails, accessories, pins, fursuits, and other furry merchandise. Don't miss the fursuit parade! Even if you don't have a costume, you can still have fun watching all the fursuits appear.
- Many furries choose to meet at conventions because this is a safe public place and you will be free to express yourself and your fursona. If you're going to the same event as your furry friends online, set a time to meet at the event!
- Special events vary from convention to convention but you might be able to catch a good concert, a fursuit dance competition, or a discussion panel featuring your favorite animators.
- Watch videos of furry conventions online if you want to know what's out there.

Step 6. Get involved in your local furry group
Many communities around the world have their own furry groups. Do a “Furry in [your area]” search to find people or meet groups located near you. Check out the Globe feature of the Furry Amino app to find furries located in your area. Once you've searched for furries in your area, start a conversation and coordinate ways to get together. When you meet, have fun! Try roleplaying games, act out your fursona, create fan art together, and take pictures in your fursuit, if you have one.
Don't forget to be careful when meeting people you meet on the internet. Always use common sense, and meet in public rather than private and closed locations. Also let your trusted friends know when and where you're going, just in case

Step 7. Socialize with other furries to make new friends
There are many subgroups within the furry community that can facilitate a wide range of interests, from gaming communities to literature clubs, so you shouldn't have a hard time finding other furries who share your interests. Once you're a furry, focus on meeting new people, online and in person. Start commenting on the uploads of other furry posts and reply to other furries who commented on your posts. And finally, start a conversation and get to know them better. You're sure to quickly start making lasting friendships.
- Putting yourself out there may sound like a burden, especially if you're shy or introverted. However, keep in mind that furries are often the friendliest and easiest people to talk to.
- The more active you are in a community, the more friends you will have, and the more fun you will have.

Step 8. Be accepting and non-judgmental around other furries
You'll find a lot of creativity in the furry community, so instead of judging and criticizing what others do, be receptive and supportive of what and who you meet. Talk to other furries in a friendly and respectful manner to maintain a positive and open furry environment for everyone.
The furry community is a place where all kinds of people can feel welcome-especially those who often don't feel welcome

Step 9. Forget negative misconceptions about furry
There are many myths and rumors about the furry community circulating through the media that need to be debunked-for yourself and for others in your life. Most importantly, know that you don't have to own or wear a fursuit to be a furry. You can join no matter what you're wearing. What's more, be aware that only a small percentage of furries focus on the erotic aspect of a fandom; You don't have to do anything like this to join the community.
- As with many others in the clothing-focused fandom, such as cosplayers and sports fans, most furries simply enjoy expressing themselves, appearing in costumes, and making friends with other fans socially.
- The majority of furries don't really believe they are animals. Some may wish to have animal characters or enjoy exploring animal characters, but most furries simply express their love for anthropomorphic animals.
- While this doesn't define furry fandom, be aware that you may come across erotic fan art and other sexually explicit content. If you're not comfortable with that, try updating your search settings on various sites and web browsers. You can stick with only PG-rated furry content settings!
Method 2 of 3: Creating Fursona

Step 1. Choose an animal species as the basis for your fursona
Fursona is a character or avatar that Furry uses when socializing with other members in the Furry community. Many furries start with dogs, cats, and dragons when choosing the physical characteristics of their fursona. However, the possibilities are endless; You are free to choose any species you want, create hybrids, or develop completely artificial creatures.
- For example, you can start with big ears and a cute fennec fox face and then on the body, add legs and wings like a bird.
- Find out a little bit about animal photography or illustration to see how animal anatomy works. Then adjust so that your fursona can stand on 2 legs.
- Please create more than 1 fursona you like.

Step 2. Choose colors and motifs to create a unique fursona
There are no rules when it comes to designing your fursona look. You are free to use natural colors and realistic prints, or choose bright hues and unusual patterns, if you prefer. Consider adding polka dots, stripes, blotches, facial details, scales, feathers, and other patterns and textures to your designs.
- Refer to animal photos for inspiration for colorful motifs and patterns if you want a more realistic effect.
- If you're not sure where to start, take a look at other fursona furries online. However, just make sure you're not actually copying someone else's fursona.

Step 3. Give your fursona a personality and name
Have fun creating your fursona personality. It doesn't have to be something similar to your personality, but it can reflect your ideal personality or a specific side of yourself that you like. For example, your fursona can represent a wild and outgoing side if you tend to be a shy person. Make a list of personality characteristics as well as your likes and dislikes and other interesting facts about your fursona identity. Also give it a unique name.
- The degree of resemblance between yourself and your fursona is entirely a matter of preference. Try using your fursona to showcase your ideal character or explore your second personality. Don't be afraid to modify your fursona over time to perfection.
- If you like writing, try writing a background story on your fursona or creating a narrative about it.
- Get ready to introduce your fursona personality to other furries.

Step 4. Create a fursona illustration if you want to create your own artwork
If you enjoy graphic design or drawing, put all your ideas on a piece of paper or a screen. Use a pencil and coloring tool or a digital design program to create general sketch patterns and characteristics of your fursona. Then add colors, patterns, and other details. Give her an expressive face that shows something of her personality.
- For example, if your fursona is bright and cheerful, give it a look with big eyes.
- Try sketching with as many details as you can imagine even if you don't plan on buying a full-body fursuit.
- You are also free to add the name of fursona and a list of its qualities and advantages into your illustration.
- Look up “free [animal name] pattern” or “free [animal name] design” on deviantART or FurAffinity for templates to start with if you are creating a fursona based on commonly used animal species.
- If you're already using a free template, don't forget to credit the artist who created it when you share or post the photo.
- Even if you don't like drawing and prefer to use an art commission, try making a rough sketch so you can more easily convey your idea to the artist.

Step 5. Use an artist commission to create your fursona illustration, if you wish
Look for artists willing to create artwork and illustrations for other furries in the furry community on the internet. Send a message or place an order on their website. Provide as much information as possible about your fursona, and provide sketches or reference drawings whenever possible. Tell him what you like about his past work so he knows what style you're looking for. Also prepare payment for the artist.
- Make sure you agree with all the specifications of the project, including deadlines, revision process, file types, poses, and background images, usage considerations, and costs before he starts creating the artwork.
- Don't ask for free illustrations; artists deserve to be compensated for their time and effort.

Step 6. Share your fursona with other furry and furry accessory makers
Whether you're drawing your own fursona or using an illustration commission, post the image as your profile photo on the furry website, so other furries can see a picture of your furry identity. Consider printing it on t-shirts, pins and safety pins, or making it into a doll If you want to make a fursuit, make sure your fursona has at least a reference sheet with 3 angles drawn, basic colored by yourself or commissioned by a reference sheet artist.
- A 3-point reference sheet should show the front, back and sides of your fursona.
- If you like creating art, have fun trying out different ways to use your fursona. You can share an illustration that depicts your fursona hanging out with your friends' fursona or create a comic strip that shows what your fursona does.
Method 3 of 3: Getting a Fursuit

Step 1. Save up to approximately Rp. 14 million if you want to buy a fursuit
Although fursuit wearers are few in number, fursuits are a big part of the furry fandom. Fursuits are fun to wear and can look appealing to the viewer and to the non-furry alike. A fursuit is a big investment and a luxury item, so you'll need to save up to IDR 14 million-or at least IDR 28 million if you want to buy a full body costume. If you want to buy one, find out how to make it and then create a savings plan so you have enough money to cover the cost.
- Fursuit is completely personal choice. You don't need it at all to be a furry, and the furry community won't look down on you if you don't have a fursuit.
- It's best to wait until you and your fursona stop growing and changing. You definitely don't want your growth to make such an expensive costume no longer fit! For the time being, save your money.

Step 2. Choose between a partial, full body unpadded (plantigrade) or full body padded (digitigrade) fursuit
Choose a partial costume if you only want the head, hands, feet, and tail. Wear this costume with clothes on to make it look like your fursona is wearing clothes. Choose a plantigrade costume if you want a costume that covers your entire body and showcases all the motifs and characteristics of your fursona. Consider a digitigrade fursuit if you want to expand your full-body costume further. Costumes like this have the shape of an animal's legs and extra padding on the legs to make it look like the back of the animal's legs.
- If you overheat easily, try a partial costume instead of a full body suit.
- If worn properly, plantigrade and digitigrade costumes can really bring your character to life, but partial costumes can also be fun to wear and look at.
- Consider trying on another furry's fursuit, as long as it's clean, before you invest in your own.

Step 3. Commission the fursuit maker
There are hundreds of fursuit makers for you to choose from, each with their own style. Do a search on Tumblr's Makers Database and read reviews on FursuitReview and then create a short list of fursuit makers you'd like to work with. Make sure the fursuit maker opens a commission service, then follow the instructions on their website to order their commission service. Each process is different, but usually you'll need to submit your fursona reference sheet and other details via the form found on their website.
- A fursuit maker may only have time to work on a few projects a year. Don't be upset if a fursuit maker doesn't accept your offer. Look for a few other fursuit makers as a backup in case your first choice isn't available.
- You can hire more than 1 fursuit maker to make different parts of the fursuit, if you like.
- The fursuit manufacturing process can take several months, so don't expect your fursuit to be delivered within a few days of ordering it.
- Take a look at the fursuit maker's rates and terms of service. Many fursuit makers do not accept orders from people under the age of 18, and most require an upfront payment such as 30%.

Step 4. Practice performing and acting in your fursuit
To become a great fursuit wearer, you need to put a lot of time and effort into bringing your fursona to life. Remember that you will appear as long as you are wearing a fursuit. Watch videos and attend panels to learn the basics of how to dress up in a fursuit. Try as much as possible to maintain a character that matches your fursuit. Does your fursuit have a grumpy facial expression? Walking around with your feet stomping and looking like a ridiculous grumpy can help build your character's demeanor. Does your fursuit have big, cute eyes? Act like a puppy or kitten and make adorable gestures.
- Try not to just stand there while wearing your fursuit. Make your appearance fun and interactive.
- Children always love to see cute animals, so always be kind to children and young people!
- Make sure you have a supervisor who can always accompany you when wearing a fursuit. Ask him to help you keep an eye on noisy children, watch that you don't overheat, and communicate with others when needed. He will be your eyes and ears, because your senses will be blocked while you are in your fursuit.
- While you don't need to have a fursona, this will help other furries recognize you as a member of the community. For example, they will be more likely to chat with you online if they see you as “a part of them.” Plus, talking about your fursona can be used to lighten the mood!
- Wash your costume as soon as you finish wearing it to an event, and do a deep-clean every now and then. Refer to tutorials online and ask your fursuit maker for specific washing instructions.
- If you want to wear a fursuit in private property, contact the owner first to ask for permission.
- Take off your costume hands while eating/drinking! This will protect your costume (so you won't spill anything) and will save you money!
- Know the laws of wearing a mask in your area to avoid getting into trouble when wearing a fursuit. Always remove the head of your fursuit if any authorities, such as police officers or security personnel, approach you.
- Fursuits can get very hot, so wear your fursuit with care. Keep yourself hydrated, rest by taking off your headgear every 15 to 30 minutes to cool off, communicate with your supervisor, and don't overdo it.
- Be careful when interacting with the media. Some journalists have attempted to portray Furry as sexually deviant or inhuman. Check out Uncle Kage's “Furry and the Media” panel for tips on dealing with the media.