Undyed epoxy resins tend to end up with a slightly yellowish hue which most people don't like. However, by adding liquid or powdered dye to your epoxy, you can create an aesthetically pleasing resin that can be used to enhance your own craft projects or add color to tables, chairs, and other furniture in your home. You can use traditional dyes, such as paint and ink, or experiment with different materials at home to make the resin more colorful and artistic.
Method 1 of 2: Using Paint, Ink, or Tint to Color the Epoxy Resin

Step 1. Purchase a paint or tint specifically made for resin
While there are many paints, inks, and tints available on the market, most are not made specifically for coloring resins. For best results, buy paints or tints that are specifically made to blend with the resin and bring out very intense colors.
- Tint is an artificial dye used to change the color of objects. Examples of tints specifically made for resins are the ResinTint and SO-Strong brands.
- You can buy resin tints at online marketplaces or at craft supply stores.

Step 2. Mix the resin, if not
You must mix the epoxy resin with the hardener before adding the dye to it. Follow the instructions on the resin case to determine what the proper ratio of resin to hardener is.
- Wear eye protection (eg special glasses) and gloves to protect your eyes and skin when mixing resins.
- If you've already mixed the resin and want to color the rest, you can skip this step.

Step 3. Pour a small amount of resin into a 30 ml mixing glass
Before adding the dye to the entire resin, test it out in small amounts first to make sure it produces the color you like. Use a mixing container that has a volume gauge on the wall for easy measurement.
For example, a small measuring cup used to measure cough syrup is suitable for testing resin dyes

Step 4. Add dye as much as 2-6% of the total weight of the epoxy resin mixture
Carefully pour the paint, ink, or resin tint into the mixing bowl and use a toothpick or other small object to stir the mixture. You can roughly estimate how much dye must be added to make up 2-6% of the total weight of the resin mixture, or use a digital scale to measure the exact weight of the dye and resin.
- Do not add more than the 6% weight limit of dye, as this can damage the fine chemical processes that occur in the resin. This chemical process must occur in order for the resin to be applied properly.
- The addition of a small amount of dye - weighing less than 2% of the total mixture - will not damage the resin. However, this small amount may not be enough to change the color of the resin.
- If you're not sure how much dye to add, it's best to be careful about adding less than expected. If it's not enough, you can always add more.

Step 5. Stir for about 1 minute and make sure there are no air bubbles in the mixture
Also make sure the dye is completely mixed into the resin and the new color is evenly distributed throughout the mixture. Stir the resin until smooth and not bubbly so that the results are smooth when applied.

Step 6. Adjust the amount of dye you use to get the desired result
If the color doesn't turn out the way you want, add more dye to the mixture and stir again. If the color is darker than desired, restart the process and add less dye to the mixing bowl until you get the results you want.
If changing the amount of dye you use doesn't turn out to be the hue you want, consider using a different type of liquid or non-liquid dye you have at home

Step 7. Repeat this process for all remaining resin
Once you have the desired result in the small mixing bowl, you can now repeat the process to safely color the entire resin. Make sure you use the same proportion of dye as in the 30 ml mixture.
For example, if you use 10 ml of resin to test the dye and the total amount of resin is 50 ml, then you must multiply the amount of dye by 5 to determine the volume to add to the entire resin
Method 2 of 2: Coloring Epoxy Resin with Materials You Have at Home

Step 1. Make sure the epoxy resin is mixed
If the resin has not been mixed with the hardener, you will need to do this before moving on to the next step. Follow the instructions on the resin case to determine what the proper ratio of resin to hardener is.
Protect eyes and skin by wearing protective eyewear and rubber gloves when mixing resins

Step 2. Pour a small amount of resin into a 30 ml mixing glass
Before adding to the rest of the resin, test the dye first in a separate mixing container to see how the dye affects the resin. For best results, use a mixing container that has a volume gauge number on the wall.
For example, a good container for testing resin dyes is a small measuring cup for cough syrup

Step 3. Use powdered pigment to get tiny particles in the epoxy resin finish
Powdered dyes such as chalk, toner powder, even herbs and spices will color the resin while providing a gritty finish that can make your project more beautiful.
- You should avoid using powdered pigments altogether if you want your colored resin to have a smooth finish.
- Bell peppers are probably the most common spice used to color resins. However, you have the freedom to experiment with other powdered spices in the kitchen to see which one works best for you and your project.

Step 4. Paint the resin with liquid pigment for a smoother and more consistent finish
Colorants such as children's watercolors or household dyes can also be used to color the epoxy resin. This dye will create a smoother resin finish. In addition, this type of dye is also easier for amateurs to mix with epoxy resin.
Nail polish and alcohol ink are also commonly used to color epoxy resins

Step 5. Add dye less than 6% of the total weight of the mixture
No matter what dye you use, don't add too much to avoid damaging the chemical reactions that naturally occur in the resin. Add dye as much as 2-6% of the total resin mixture and pour into it while stirring.
- If you're not sure how much dye to add, start by pouring a small amount, then add a little at a time until you get a satisfying color.
- Stir the mixture for about 1 minute and make sure there are no air bubbles in the resin finish.

Step 6. Repeat the process for all remaining epoxy resin
Add more dye to the resin until it produces the hue effect you are looking for. Then, once satisfied with the color of the resin in the mixing glass, add the dye to all the remaining resin and make sure the proportions are the same as in the 30 ml mixture.