How to Make Anklets (with Pictures)

How to Make Anklets (with Pictures)
How to Make Anklets (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


The anklet perfectly reflects the relaxed summer feel, the long flowered skirt, and the scent of freshly trimmed grass. This bracelet is a symbol of friendship and a unique accessory to complement any type of outfit. Bracelets are easy to make and make great gifts for loved ones or friends. With the help of the right tools and creativity, you can make beautiful anklets in no time.


Method 1 of 2: Making a Twisted Staircase Anklet

Make Ankle Bracelets Step 1
Make Ankle Bracelets Step 1

Step 1. Gather the ingredients

To make an anklet, you will need thread. You can wear one or a variety of colors. You will need three strands of yarn for this bracelet. You can buy it at a craft store. When choosing a color, be sure to choose one that is meaningful to the recipient of this bracelet, or simply look for one that looks harmonious.

  • colorful yarn
  • Scissors
  • Tape measure
  • Tape or safety pin
Make Ankle Bracelets Step 2
Make Ankle Bracelets Step 2

Step 2. Measure the ankle

Wrap a measuring tape around the leg you will wear the bracelet on, and measure the circumference. Then, add the result 15 cm. This step gives you plenty of room to tie the anklet. Cut the thread here.

Make Ankle Bracelets Step 3
Make Ankle Bracelets Step 3

Step 3. Tie a knot

Tie all three threads together in a knot at the end. Set aside 2.5 cm above the knot so that it can be tied back after finishing the anklet.

Make Ankle Bracelets Step 4
Make Ankle Bracelets Step 4

Step 4. Anchor the thread

Use tape or safety pins to anchor the thread. Mount it on a sturdy object so that it is easier to work with. You can attach it to anything that won't move.

  • pant legs
  • Binder
  • Table
  • Pillow
Make Ankle Bracelets Step 5
Make Ankle Bracelets Step 5

Step 5. Start the stairs

While the thread is anchored, tie it at the top and hold the two threads together. Hold these two threads straight and wrap the third thread around them and pull them into a knot. You can see the knot on the side of the thread. Using the same thread, repeat this step 10-15 times.

Make sure to hold the two middle threads as straight and as tight as possible. This will make binding easier because it won't block the steps

Make Ankle Bracelets Step 6
Make Ankle Bracelets Step 6

Step 6. Change the color

It's as easy as this; select the next yarn color after the first yarn reaches the desired length. Hold the other two threads straight and use the new colored thread to tie a knot around them. Repeat for 10-15 knots. Continue this step according to the length of the circumference of the ankle.

If the knot is not tied properly, you can simply untie it. However, this method will be more difficult because your steps will be more tense as the bracelet is made. So, pay attention and find errors as early as possible

Make Ankle Bracelets Step 7
Make Ankle Bracelets Step 7

Step 7. Test the bracelet length

Once you have approximately 10 cm of extra thread, test the length of the anklet. If it's still not enough, keep going up the steps and check again after finishing the color.

Make Ankle Bracelets Step 8
Make Ankle Bracelets Step 8

Step 8. Tie and cut

Now that the anklet is long enough, tie it around your wrist or the person to whom it is gifted. Use a strong knot and cut off the remaining dangling threads.

Method 2 of 2: Making Beaded Anklets

Make Ankle Bracelets Step 9
Make Ankle Bracelets Step 9

Step 1. Measure the thread

A single thread is usually too weak to hold all the beads that will be attached so it's best to use 2-3 threads to make a strong anklet. Cut the thread to ankle length.

Make Ankle Bracelets Step 10
Make Ankle Bracelets Step 10

Step 2. Find the center of the anklet

The trick, take the three threads and align them. Then, fold everything in half and mark this point with a pen.

Make Ankle Bracelets Step 11
Make Ankle Bracelets Step 11

Step 3. Attach the center bead

Select the bead you want to place in the center of the bracelet, and thread it through the thread. Lower until the newly made pen marks, and tie knots on both sides of this bead. This is the center bead of your bracelet.

Beads can reflect clothing, mood, or personality. Choose beads that convey the message you want to convey

Make Ankle Bracelets Step 12
Make Ankle Bracelets Step 12

Step 4. Use a toothpick

So that the remaining beads can be tucked into the anklet, fold the thread over the toothpick. The rod of the toothpick is thin enough for the beads to pass through, but strong enough to keep the ends of the thread from unraveling.

Make Ankle Bracelets Step 13
Make Ankle Bracelets Step 13

Step 5. Measure 1 cm from the center of the bracelet

Use a measuring tape to mark 1 cm to the left and right of the center of the bracelet. Tie a knot at this point and slip the next bead into the anklet. Tie the knot again once the beads are in place.

Make Ankle Bracelets Step 14
Make Ankle Bracelets Step 14

Step 6. Continue inserting the beads

Continue measuring 1 cm from each bead and filling the anklet so the beads are evenly spaced. Be sure to tie on both sides of the bead so that it stays in place on the anklet.

Make Ankle Bracelets Step 15
Make Ankle Bracelets Step 15

Step 7. Test the bracelet length

Once you've beaded the anklet until it's about 5 cm from both ends of the bracelet, test the length at your ankle. If you want to add or remove beads, now is the time

Make Ankle Bracelets Step 16
Make Ankle Bracelets Step 16

Step 8. Use the buckle

When making beaded bracelets, it's a good idea to wear a buckle as beads are heavier in comparison. Lobster clasps are perfect for making anklets and can be easily attached to either side.
