After partying all night, taking care of a newborn, or staying up late to finish a project, then feeling sleepy at work and having trouble staying awake? You then promise yourself to sleep if you can get through the day without the boss finding out that he's asleep. Falling asleep at work can get you fired, and may indicate a problem with your sleep habits.
Part 1 of 3: Quick Tips To Stay Awake

Step 1. Play some music
Keep your eyes awake by playing music. Music provokes a human emotional response that involves many parts of the brain.
- Listen to music that excites you. If possible, sing or join in the dance, even if only by nodding your head or singing to your heart. Loud music may be more effective at waking you up than music you're familiar with. However, have mercy on your coworkers and use headphones!
- Listen to music slowly, not too loudly. Listening to music loudly to keep you awake is a common misconception. In fact, turning the music on at a lower volume is more effective, as it forces you to listen carefully to hear the instruments, lyrics, and percussion. If you have trouble paying attention to the lyrics, it means the volume is enough to make your brain work.

Step 2. Find something interesting
Interesting things can be a drowsiness buster. If you are interested in something, your brain will focus on it. You can be interested in your work or whatever is going on around you.

Step 3. Expose yourself to bright light, especially natural light
Your internal clock is regulated by sun exposure. This means that you can make your body think that it still needs to be awake, even if you are tired.
- Take a walk outside, even if only for a moment. If you can walk outside (even on a dark day) or look out the window for a full minute, you won't get sleepy.
- Look for artificial light. Even if you work in an environment with artificial light, brighter light is better for you. Wherever you work, check to see if you can replace lights or add lights to brighten up your workspace.

Step 4. Chew ice
If you chew ice, you are almost impossible to fall asleep. The freezing temperatures keep the brain active even if you're driving at night, tired, and want to go to sleep.
Chewing on anything, even a pen or pencil, causes your brain to think that you are about to eat. Your body prepares for food intake by secreting insulin, which keeps you awake
Step 5. Splash cold water on your face
If the weather is cold, take off your sweater or jacket so you feel cold. Open a window or turn on a small fan facing your face.
Your body responds to cold by working to warm it. Your body needs to regulate its internal temperature for all of its organs to function, so if it detects ice or cold temperatures, it will wake up longer

Step 6. Use your sense of smell
Strong scents, whether fragrant or smelly, will wake you up quickly. Aromatherapists often recommend essential oils from the following plants to stimulate nerves and reduce fatigue. Open a bottle of the following fragrances and inhale them when you are sleepy:
- Rosemary
- Eucalyptus blue gum
- Peppermint
- Coffee; both beans and coffee grounds can be useful. A study shows that just smelling coffee can make a person awake.
- Of course, not everyone has a fragrance in their closet, but using scented candles or lotions with the same scent can help. Spices like rosemary and peppermint can be found fresh or dried in supermarkets. To get rid of sleepiness for a moment, take a pinch of spice, swirl it around your finger, and inhale the aroma.

Step 7. Eat healthy foods
Eating will help you stay awake, as long as you are not full. As we all know, overeating causes drowsiness, so don't eat a pizza circle or a quarter pound of steak at lunch.
- Eat small meals throughout the day, instead of eating large meals. The key to avoiding drowsiness is to avoid drastic increases (and decreases) in sugar levels. The same applies to caffeine: consume coffee, soda or energy drinks in installments.
- Avoid high-carb breakfasts, such as muffins, toast, pastries, bagels, etc. You will be sleepy at 11 o'clock in the afternoon because your body gets a rise in sugar levels earlier in the day.
- Put a few jars in your mouth and open them one by one with just your tongue and teeth. It requires considerable thought and movement of the teeth to avoid drowsiness, and the salty taste of the kuaci will refresh and provide you with stimulation. Remove the husks into the paper container after eating them as slowly as possible so as not to disturb those around you.
Step 8. Play the game
The virtual world is full of websites that provide a selection of games for you to play online. Choose a word game, or a puzzle, or a car racing game, whatever catches your eye. Spending 15-20 minutes playing will refresh your brain because playing won't make you bored or think too hard. It will be more fun if you choose a game that you can play well.
Part 2 of 3: Exercises To Stay Awake

Step 1. Try stretching
Stretching and twisting your body will help improve blood circulation, which will help you stay awake. Rotating your neck for about 20 seconds can also help.

Step 2. Use acupressure
Massaging the following areas will improve blood circulation and relieve fatigue:
- The top of the head. Press with your fingers or use a scalp massager.
- The back of the neck.
- The back of the hand. The best part to massage is the area between the thumb and forefinger.
- Just below the knee
- Earlobe

Step 3. Do physical exercise in the office
Even if you work in a chair, don't let your muscles fail. Practice on your computer, or wake up every now and then and get your blood flowing to keep you awake.
- Try simple exercises like jumps, push-ups, crunches, and squats. Don't force yourself to work out like in the gym, exercise just enough to get your blood flowing and avoid weird stares from your coworkers!
- Stand up as often as possible. If you spend most of your time sitting, stand up every 20-30 minutes. If you need motivation to get up more often, consider this: people who sit less than three hours a day have an increased life expectancy of two years.
- If you do have to sit down, find the least comfortable chair. Don't sit on anything that makes you tired. Make sure the back of the chair is straight and forces you to sit up straight. Don't make your head rest on anything -- be it your hands, a table, or a wall.
Take a walk. Some people take a walk to freshen up. Taking a walk is generally seen as a good way to get rid of sleepiness, especially if you look at the screen all day long.
29725 11 - Save work that you have to take with your colleagues or boss (such as checks that need to be signed). When you are sleepy, take the document to the intended person. Once you return to your table, you will feel refreshed.
- A study shows that taking short breaks actually helps increase your productivity. So, if you're afraid your time off will mess up your already tight work, fear not! Taking a walk can help you be more productive. (Tell your boss too).
Part 3 of 3: Other Strategies

Step 1. Sleep carefully
If you have the time, a 15 to 20 minute nap can increase your awareness drastically if you drink coffee (or any other type of caffeine) before bed. Caffeine takes 20 minutes before work, so you'll have no trouble falling asleep and waking up refreshed afterward.
Sleeping for 20 minutes helps you activate your right brain, which functions to process and store information

Step 2. Get regular sleep and eat healthy food
Your brain will feel the benefits of a scheduled life. If you go to bed and wake up at the same time, even on the weekends, your brain will know when it's time to sleep and establish a pattern. Eating a healthy diet will also ensure your body has enough energy to get through the day without needing to sleep for energy.
- How much sleep do you need? Adults need 7-9 hours of sleep every night. If you are pregnant or old, you need more sleep, up to 10-11 hours.
- Some people recommend sleeping with the curtains half open. Sunlight at sunrise will send a signal to slow down melatonin production and signal the start of adrenaline production in your body, making it easier for you to wake up.

Step 3. Focus your mind
It sounds hard, but don't let your brain go blank. When your brain is empty, think about something, be it a joke, a movie, or whatever, to keep your brain working. Even thinking about things that make you angry can be useful. Unless the grumpy person has just had a drink, an angry person usually doesn't feel sleepy right away.
Step 4. Call someone
Call a friend, relative, or whoever makes you laugh. Small talk will refresh your brain and you will soon be ready to work. Walk around while talking on the phone; it will keep you active. People usually talk more actively when they are on the phone while walking.
- Drink enough. Dehydration can make you drowsy or dizzy, and drinking cold water can help you feel refreshed.
- You can drink cold water or take a cold shower.
- Don't drink too many caffeinated drinks. The drink may give you a slightly refreshed feeling, but after a few hours the feeling will wear off and you will feel much more tired.
- Realize that you may not be as tired as you think. Oftentimes, you realize that you wished you had gone to sleep as soon as you got home. Did this really happen? For most of us, after we finish work and enjoy the rest of the day, we can even wake up without sleep. Be aware of the psychological contribution your brain makes.
- Divert your attention. Instead of focusing on how sleepy you are, focus on work or something else.
- Pour cold water on your arm.
- Take a short nap before traveling if you are sleepy or tired.
- Go to bed early. More sleep will make you less sleepy in the office.
- Eat a little salt and sugar to keep you awake.
- Gently hit your face every few moments to stay awake. You can't sleep with pain.
- Plan your day well so you can take a nap.
= Warning
- No matter how conscious you are, if you feel a little sleepy while driving, pull over and sleep for 20 minutes.
- Limit your caffeine supply to 300 mg per day (about 4-8 cups of tea) to avoid unpleasant side effects.
- Get 8 hours of sleep every night. The best time to sleep is 10 to 6 am.
- Many of the things you do to stay awake will affect concentration. What you need to stay awake and function optimally is enough sleep.
- Some people may be allergic to essential oils and their scent. Think about your coworkers and make sure they allow you to use fragrances in your office/room.