Young children can get excited when they have loose teeth, especially if they believe in the Tooth Fairy. Adult teeth can also become loose as a result of gum disease or impact on the teeth. Loose teeth can be extracted at home using clean hands or a brush. Sometimes teeth can also loosen due to eating crunchy foods. If you feel you can't pull your teeth yourself, see a dentist
Method 1 of 3: Loosen Teeth with Clean Fingers or Toothbrush

Step 1. Wash your hands well
Before touching your teeth with your fingers, make sure you clean your hands thoroughly. Use antibacterial soap and warm water to scrub your hands. Clean all dirt, bacteria and germs on both hands. That way, nothing goes into your mouth when you touch it.
- You can also wash your hands with hand sanitizer if you don't have access to clean water. Hand sanitizer should contain alcohol and antibacterial properties.
- If your child tries to loosen his teeth, make sure he washes his hands well. You may need to wash them to make sure your child's hands are clean.

Step 2. Wiggle your teeth with your fingers
Use your index finger to gently rock the tooth in the hole. Do not twist or push it back and forth sideways as this can cause pain and damage the gum area.
- Show your child how to wiggle teeth properly so that he doesn't damage his teeth and gums.
- Baby teeth that are fully erupted/grown at the age of 3 years should be able to be moved easily. Teeth that are not ready to come off cannot move when you try to shake them.

Step 3. Check if you feel pain when you move your teeth
Pay attention to the pain that occurs when you move your teeth. If there is, it means the tooth is not ready to be extracted.
Leave the tooth in your mouth until you can wiggle it painlessly. Only then can you wiggle or pull the teeth in your mouth

Step 4. Brush your teeth to loosen it
Another way to remove teeth is with a toothbrush. Use a wet toothbrush to gently rock your teeth. Don't brush your teeth hard or scrape them off with a toothbrush.
If your tooth feels loose when brushing and you don't feel any pain, it means that the tooth is ready to be removed. If not, just let it go away on its own

Step 5. Rinse your mouth if your teeth fall out
If the tooth falls out on its own, there shouldn't be a lot of blood coming out. Rinse the teeth with water to remove blood from the cavities.
If the tooth is loose or loose, the bleeding can be more severe. You may need to bite on gauze or a clean towel to absorb the blood. It takes about an hour for the bleeding to stop
Method 2 of 3: Eating Crunchy Food

Step 1. Bite the apple or pear
Apples and pears have a crunchy texture that can help loosen teeth. Cut an apple or pear and try to bite it to loosen the teeth.
Don't drag apples or pears on your teeth to loosen them as this can damage the teeth and gum area. Instead, bite and chew the apple to loosen the teeth

Step 2. Try eating grilled corn
Another crunchy food that is great for loosening teeth is roasted corn. Bite the corn to help loosen the tooth from the cavity.

Step 3. Eat bread or bagels
Soft, crunchy foods like bagels are great for loosening teeth. This bread is soft enough to loosen teeth without breaking them. Toast the bread until it is crisp and can help loosen the teeth.
Method 3 of 3: See a Dentist

Step 1. See a dentist if you have loose teeth or a tooth infection
Adults usually suffer from loose teeth due to grinding or gum disease. In some cases, the teeth may fall out due to impact on the mouth. If you think you have loose teeth or a tooth infection, see your dentist for treatment.
- A tooth may become infected if it is sore or painful to the touch. The area of the gums around the gums may also be painful, swollen, or red.
- If you notice that your child has loose teeth that look like they are infected, take them to the dentist immediately.

Step 2. Talk to your dentist about treatment options
The dentist will examine the tooth and determine if it has an infection. The doctor can also provide extra support for the tooth, such as a small, flexible splint, to keep the tooth immobile and stable. You will need to wear a splint for two weeks so the tooth can heal and return to its place.
- If you have loose teeth from grinding, known as bruxism, wear special protection at night while sleeping.
- If you have loose teeth due to gum disease, you may need a deep cleaning.

Step 3. Discuss tooth extraction options, if necessary
If the tooth is too loose to salvage and is heavily infected, the doctor may recommend removing it. He or she will extract the tooth, anesthetizing the area so you don't feel pain when the tooth is extracted. You may need to wear dental implants or partial dentures to replace missing teeth.