Whitlow is an infection of the fingertips caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV), which is a virus that affects about 90% of all people worldwide. Get treatment right away if an infection has occurred, or when your doctor sees the infection getting worse. The first attack of whitlow is usually the most difficult, but when it recurs, the pain and duration of the attack are not as severe as the first attack. It is best to take precautions, because about 20 to 50% of whitlow cases are recurrent attacks.
Part 1 of 3: Diagnosing Whitlow

Step 1. Remember whether you have had contact with someone who has herpes
The herpes simplex virus is common and highly contagious. HSV-1 usually affects the face, and often causes infectious sores (cold sores - sore, blistered lips). HSV-2 tends to cause painful blisters around the genitals.
- HSV-1 can be spread through oral sex or kissing, while HSV-2 can be spread through skin-to-skin contact with infected genitals.
- Understand that HSV can have a long dormant period. You may have had herpes years ago, but the virus can remain in the nerve cells. Stress and weak immunity (due to illness) are common triggers that make the virus rise from the dormant phase.
- Even if you've forgotten whether or not you've been in contact with someone who has HSV-1, assume you've had an infected sore (cold sore or fever blister).

Step 2. Look for early symptoms
In the "prodrome" or early phase of any disease, the appearance of symptoms indicates the presence of a disease. In whitlow, usually symptoms will appear 2 to 20 days after contracting. Symptoms that appear include:
- Fever
- Tired
- Unusual pain
- Numbness or numbness
- Tingling sensation in the painful area

Step 3. Observe if there are more specific whitlow symptoms when it is in the disease phase
After the initial prodrome phase has passed, more specific symptoms will appear that clearly indicate a whitlow attack:
- Swollen fluid-filled bubbles, rash, and redness around the wound area appear.
- The bubbles may burst, and will release a white, clear, or bloody discharge.
- These bubbles may coalesce and turn black or brown in color.
- A scab or cracked skin appears at a later stage.
- Symptoms may disappear from 10 days to 3 weeks.

Step 4. Make a formal medical diagnosis
Because whitlow is a type of clinical diagnosis, medical personnel may not perform additional testing. Instead, your doctor will consider your symptoms and medical history (including a diagnosis of HSV) to diagnose whitlow. Your doctor may also draw your blood for a complete blood count (CBC) with differentiation (white blood cell count). This can be used to determine if you have enough immune cells to fight infection, or if you have immune dysfunction that causes the infection to recur.
Your doctor may test for herpes if you haven't been diagnosed with herpes. Your doctor may analyze your blood for herpes antibodies, perform a PCR test (to detect herpes DNA), and/or perform a viral culture (to see if any herpes virus has developed from your blood)
Part 2 of 3: Performing Initial Handling

Step 1. Take antiviral medication
If you are diagnosed with whitlow within 48 hours of your symptoms starting, your doctor may prescribe an antiviral medication. The medicine can be in the form of a topical (cream) or oral medicine (pill), and it will reduce the severity of the infection and speed up healing. Therefore, seeking medical help immediately is very important.
- Commonly prescribed prescription drugs include topical acyclovir 5%, oral medication acyclovir, oral medication Famciclovir or valacyclovir.
- Take the medicine as directed by your doctor or pharmacist.
- Although the treatment is the same, the dose for children will be adjusted.

Step 2. Take precautions so that the infection does not spread
Because the virus can spread by contact, your healthcare provider may advise you not to touch other people, or even not to touch your own body with an infected finger. In particular, do not touch any part of the body that contains fluid or where fluid is drained. These body parts include the mouth, eyes, genitals, tongue, ears, and breasts.
If you wear contact lenses, remove them first until the infection clears up. The eye can become infected when you touch the contact lens and put it in your eye

Step 3. Bandage the infected area
Medics may bandage the infected area with a bandage, cloth, or any wound dressing with a bandage. This can also be done easily at home by buying a wound dressing or bandage at the pharmacy. Change the dressing daily to keep it clean. To be on the safe side, your doctor may advise you to bandage the infected area and then put on gloves.

Step 4. Monitor children closely
As an adult, it can be a little harder for you to notice that your hand is injured, but children will find it even more difficult. You don't want them to suck on infected fingers, touch their eyes, or any other area of the body that contains or carries bodily fluids. Even if the infected areas have been bandaged, watch them closely to avoid any untoward occurrence.

Step 5. Use pain medication if necessary
Your doctor may advise you to take over-the-counter pain relievers, such as Advil, Ibuprofen, Tylenol, or aspirin. These medications will reduce pain while the infection is healing by reducing inflammation in the infected area. If you go to the doctor within 48 hours of your symptoms appearing, your doctor will not recommend anything other than painkillers.
- Adolescents and children with viral infections are advised not to take aspirin. This drug has the risk of causing a dangerous condition in several organs of the body known as Reye's syndrome.
- Consult a medical professional before taking over-the-counter pain relievers to treat viral infections.
- Take all medications prescribed by a healthcare professional or the directions on the package. Be careful not to exceed the maximum recommended daily dose.

Step 6. Ask your doctor to do a test to look for a bacterial infection
If you try to squeeze or dry the bubbles on your finger yourself, the debris and bacteria can spread. Whitlow is a viral infection, but you can add to an existing problem with a bacterial infection (this infection looks dark in color, smells bad, and may ooze a whitish pus).
- The doctor will perform a complete blood count with differentiation (to detect immune cells or white blood cells) if you suspect a bacterial infection.
- If you have a bacterial infection, your white blood cells will be high.
- Your doctor may retest after you finish your antibiotic treatment to check if your white blood cell levels are normal. This retest should be done if the symptoms disappear and the doctor does not suspect another condition.

Step 7. Take the prescribed antibiotics
The doctor must have confirmed the presence of a bacterial infection before prescribing antibiotics. This is because excessive consumption of antibiotics makes bacteria adaptable and resistant to drugs. However, if it is confirmed that you have a bacterial infection, antibiotic treatment is very easy.
- Always follow the doctor's advice or the directions on the package exactly.
- Make sure you finish all the medication, even if the symptoms seem to be going away.
Part 3 of 3: Coping With Whitlow With Home Remedies

Step 1. Don't squeeze the bubbles
You may be tempted to pop the whitlow bubble, just like someone who can't resist squeezing a pimple. However, this action can open the wound so that a bacterial infection can enter. In addition, the fluid that comes out of whitlow contains viruses, and can make viral infections more spread.

Step 2. Soak the infected area
Warm water can relieve the pain caused by whitlow. It is very suitable to be applied to painful wounds that begin to appear in the infected area. Add salt or Epsom salt to warm water to help relieve pain. The concentrated salt can reduce swelling in the infected area.
- Use a container deep enough to allow the infected area to be submerged in warm water. Soak the area for 15 minutes.
- Repeat if the pain reappears.
- When finished, cover the area with a dry bandage to prevent the disease from spreading.

Step 3. Add soap to the water if the wound is open
If you've ever tried squeezing or squeezing a whitlow bubble, add plain or antibacterial soap to the warm water while you soak the infected area. While you can use antibacterial soap, research shows that regular soap is quite effective at protecting you against infections and bacteria. Adding soap to the water can prevent the spread of disease because the infection will mix with the water.

Step 4. Apply magnesium sulfate paste
A magnesium sulfate paste can help relieve the pain and swelling associated with whitlow. Although this has been widely documented, the exact reason why this effect occurs is unclear. In a study published in 2008, a group of patients with HSV 1 or 2 were treated with a mixture containing magnesium. The results showed that more than 95% of the symptoms reduced within 7 days.
- To use magnesium paste properly, first clean the infected area with an appropriate antiseptic. Some examples that can be used include isopropyl alcohol, plasters containing alcohol or soap.
- Apply a generous amount of magnesium sulfate paste. This product can be purchased at pharmacies.
- Cover the area that has been smeared with the paste with cotton or gauze, then tie it with a bandage.
- Change the bandage every day, and apply a new paste every time.

Step 5. Use an ice pack (a type of frozen gel) or ice cubes
Very cold objects will numb the area around the wound, which reduces pain. Blood flow to the area will also be slow, which can reduce inflammation or swelling that causes pain. You can buy an ice pack at the pharmacy, or wrap a few ice cubes in a towel. Gently apply the ice to the infected area.

Step 6. Reduce your stress level
This will not be easy, but your efforts can help prevent future attacks. HSV can stay dormant in nerve cells for some time, but stress can make it active. Therefore, the key to avoiding whitlow is to avoid stress. Some ways to deal with stress and boost your immune system include eating healthy, getting a good night's sleep, and exercising regularly.
- Whitlow is also known as paronychia. This condition can also make the toe infected.
- Reduce stress levels to prevent the HSV virus from awakening from sleep so that whitlows do not reappear. A number of options that can be used to deal with stress and boost the immune system are to eat healthy, get a good night's sleep and exercise.
- Stay away, or at least, avoid contact with people who have active HSV sores. Active sores can be seen in the form of bubbles in the mouth and genitals.
- Always use a clean towel and change the gauze regularly, especially if you have a herpes outbreak on the mouth or genitals. The HSV-2 virus is thought to survive outside the body for up to seven days.
- Stop putting your fingers in your mouth, such as biting your nails or sucking your finger or thumb.
- When a herpes outbreak occurs in the mouth or genitals, wash your hands thoroughly after you use the toilet or touch the face/genital area.
- Be careful when trimming your nails, not to cut the flesh under your fingernails or skin.
- When there is an HSV outbreak, cover the sores (even small ones) on the skin with a bandage to prevent HSV from spreading through the injured skin.