Peeling eggplant can improve the taste and texture of your eggplant dish. Fortunately, peeling eggplant is quite easy and simple.
Method 1 of 2: Peeling the Eggplant

Step 1. Clean the eggplant
Rinse the eggplant with water, then pat dry.
- Even though you'll eventually peel the skin off, you'll still need to clean the dirt and soil off the eggplant. Bacteria and germs from the skin can transfer from your hands to the flesh of the eggplant after it is peeled. So, by cleaning it, you minimize the risk of the eggplant being exposed to germs.
- You should also make sure that your hands are also clean before starting to peel and cook the eggplant. Clean your hands with soap and water, then dry them.

Step 2. Cut and discard the top
Use a sharp knife to cut the stems of the eggplant. Cut the stem in one motion just below the stem.
The part of the eggplant that connects to the stem and leaves is usually tougher than the rest, so cutting that part will give it a better texture.
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Cutting off the stems will also open up the flesh, so you now have a place to start peeling the eggplant.
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If you want, you can also cut off the bottom of the eggplant. Peeling the skin on the underside is a little more difficult, and some people prefer to cut the undersides 1,25cm long to make peeling the eggplant easier.
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Step 3. Start peeling in a straight motion from top to bottom
Hold the eggplant with your non-dominant hand at the top and place the bottom on the cutting board, holding the eggplant at an angle. Use your other hand to peel using a vegetable peeler or knife starting at the top. Peel down to the very bottom of the eggplant.
Always peel from top to bottom as this method is the easiest and makes the process faster and safer.
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The eggplant should always be tilted away from you or sideways. Don't tilt it towards you, and don't peel it from the bottom up.
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If you don't have a vegetable peeler, use a small knife. Insert the blade slightly under the skin. Then peel from top to bottom. Be careful not to get too involved in peeling the meat.
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Step 4. Peel off the remaining skin in the same way
Peel the skin on the other side with the same position and movement. Repeat until you have removed all of the eggplant skin.
Ideally, this way, you can peel the eggplant perfectly

Step 5. Repeat the same motion to peel off the remaining skin
Double check the eggplant you have peeled. If there is still some skin remaining, peel the skin in the same motion until it is completely clean.
- Peel the skin anyway with a movement from top to bottom.
- After this, you can use the peeled eggplant as you wish.
Method 2 of 2: Variations and Suggestions

Step 1. Leave the peel on
Many people prefer the taste and texture of peeled eggplant. But the skin itself is actually edible, so you can still cook the eggplant without peeling it first.
- The peel contains fiber, so the nutrients from the skin are quite beneficial.
- Unfortunately, the skin is also a bit tough and bitter, so many don't like eating it.
- Whether or not you need to peel the skin depends on how you're going to cook it. If you want to grill or grill it in strips, the skin will retain the shape of the flesh. On the other hand, if you want to cut the eggplant into cubes and then stir-fry for example, then the shape of the flesh will not be damaged even without the skin.
- As a general rule, always peel eggplants that are old and almost overcooked. Because the older the eggplant, the tougher the skin, making it harder to cook. Meanwhile, eggplant that is still young and soft can be cooked without peeling it.

Step 2. Peel the eggplant alternately
This meant abandoning part of his cult. The amount of skin remaining is sufficient to maintain the shape of the flesh.
To fan alternately, simply use the same method as above, but peel 2.5cm from the side of the part you just peeled. The result will be stripes with each line roughly the same width

Step 3. If it comes in chunks, peel only part of the skin
If you're cutting them into medium-sized pieces, it's a good idea to leave most of the skin on. But you still have to peel the skin on the front and back first.
- It's easy, just peel a strip of skin, then peel a strip right behind the part you peeled earlier. Then cut the eggplant from above to separate the peeled parts. That way on each cleavage, the center will be peeled off, but the sides will still be skinned.
- This will allow the meat to have a richer taste and color when cooked.

Step 4. Peel the eggplant after cooking
While eggplants are usually peeled before cooking, you can also peel them after cooking. Wait for the eggplant to cool after cooking so you can handle it. Use your non-dominant hand to hold and hold the eggplant, and your other hand to gently peel the skin off. The skin shouldn't stick to the flesh so peeling it shouldn't be difficult.
- Depending on how soft your eggplants are after cooking, you can even peel them with your bare hands.
- Or, if you're going to eat it yourself and don't care about neat presentation, you can scoop out the meat with a spoon or fork and enjoy it, leaving only the skin behind.