Cats are often considered untrained. However, with patience and determination, most cats can learn to perform tricks on command. If you want your cat to do the standing trick, there are a number of ways you can train it. First, understand the reward system. Find out what kind of food and toy gifts your cat responds to best. After that, persuade the cat to stand on its hind legs and reward this action when it is done. Make sure you watch for signs of stress. If the cat seems restless, stop the training session for the day.
Method 1 of 3: Understanding the Reward System

Step 1. Try a clicker exercise
Many cats respond with clicker exercises. This is a form of exercise using a clicker, a small device available in stores, which produces a clicking sound when the button is pressed. This kit can be purchased at your local pet store. The goal is to teach your cat to associate the clicker with praise and rewards. When training a cat to perform a certain action, you should use the clicker as a way to tell the cat that he is doing well.
- To help build a positive link with the click, start with a food reward. Choose the type of treat or treat your cat likes. Then divide the food into small portions. Take a few minutes each day to press the clicker and immediately reward food after the clicker is sounded.
- Over time, the cat will understand that the clicker is used as a reward. When he hears a click, he will know that positive things are coming. You can use the clicker sound to reinforce positive behavior during your workout.

Step 2. Use food as a reward
You can also use special foods as gifts. Many cats are willing to do something to get food as a reward. However, before you start training, take a little time to find out what kind of treat your cat likes. Cats have different tastes and it's unlikely that your cat will do anything for a food she doesn't like.
- You can dabble with store-bought food gifts. If your cat prefers the taste of a certain cat food, such as tuna or salmon, she may respond well to the gift of that flavored food.
- You can also offer your cat human food as a gift, such as a small piece of turkey. However, avoid dairy products as a reward. Contrary to popular belief, milk is not good for cats. Milk can cause indigestion and other stomach problems.

Step 3. See if your cat responds to a compliment
Cats have different temperaments. While many cats tend to be more independent, some cats are more friendly to people and can do things for praise. Watch how your cat responds to petting and verbal praise. If your cat seems to enjoy being petted and talked to, that may be enough reward during the training process.
Method 2 of 3: Reinforce Behavior

Step 1. Get your cat's attention
If you want to start training your cat to stand up, first you need to get the cat to pay attention to you. Use food rewards to keep your cat focused. Then you can start training your cat to stand up.
- Hold the gift of food in front of the cat's nose. This will allow the cat to smell the food reward, thereby attracting his attention.
- When the cat begins to sniff out the treat, pick it up. The cat will eventually stare at you, paying attention to you.

Step 2. Encourage the cat to stand up
Find a way to encourage the cat to stand. Then say a command like, "Stand up," and reward the action.
- You can keep raising the food reward higher. If necessary, place the treat again near the cat's nose to make it more attractive. The cat may follow the treat when you pick it up a second time. As soon as the cat stands up, say commands like, "Stand up!" and give him food as a gift.
- You can also use toys. Hanging toys, rope toys, or toy mice can be held over your cat's head. As soon as the cat stands up to reach for the toy, say the command and give the reward.

Step 3. Reward the action when it occurs naturally
You need to make the cat understand that you want him to stand on cue. Watch your cat in daily activities. Cats may stand occasionally on their hind legs if they are curious about something or trying to get your attention. Try rewarding these behaviors when they occur naturally to help establish a link between good behavior, commands, and rewards.
If you see your cat standing up, say a command. You can say something like, "Stand up!" or "Ask". Then reward the behavior using the method of your choice

Step 4. Establish stricter rules regarding rewards over time
In the beginning, you can reward your cat for taking just an action that is close to the desired action. For example, if your cat raises its front paw, give it a treat. Over time, hold on to the reward until your cat completes the command. Don't give your cat gifts, compliments, or press the clicker until he's standing with his front paws raised. This will help establish how you want your cat to behave and teach her to stand on cues.
Method 3 of 3: Avoiding Traps

Step 1. Don't punish the cat
Cats don't respond well to punishment. When punished, most cats will feel restless and distance themselves. Punishing the cat during exercise will alienate the cat. If a cat is constantly scolded from time to time, this can create stress, which can lead to litter box-related problems, excessive fur-licking behavior, and health problems. If your cat is not well-behaved, just don't give it a treat. Avoid yelling at the cat, placing it in a cage, or using other forms of punishment.
Never physically hit or hurt a cat as punishment. This will stress the cat out a lot and lead to a bad relationship between you and the cat

Step 2. Pay attention to negative body language
You need to make sure you end your training session well. If training is stressful, the cat may refuse to behave properly. Watch for body language that indicates stress, fear, or aggression. If your cat seems upset, stop the training session and try again the next day.
- If your cat is holding her ears back a little, she may feel scared or aggressive. Pay attention to his eyes too. Slightly dilated pupils tend to indicate fear, while full pupils may indicate aggressive behavior.
- A cat's tail can also be a mood marker. If the fur on the tail is standing up, your cat may feel angry or scared. If your cat holds its tail low or tucks it between its legs, it's likely scared. A tail stomping back and forth indicates anger and possibly aggression.

Step 3. Avoid teaching this trick to cats with joint problems
If your cat has joint problems, or is overweight, avoid teaching her to stand. Standing can put pressure on your cat's joints, which can exacerbate existing health conditions.