4 Ways to Find Lice in Hair

4 Ways to Find Lice in Hair
4 Ways to Find Lice in Hair

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Head lice are tiny wingless parasitic insects that live on the scalp. This tick is difficult to identify because it is only 2-3 mm long. A thorough examination of the scalp and thorough combing of the hair are ways to find lice effectively. It's easier to spot other people's head lice, but you can also look for your own if you have a mirror available.


Method 1 of 4: Knowing the Time to Look for Fleas

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Step 1. Recognize the itching on the scalp

Itchy scalp is the most common symptom of lice. However, other conditions, including dandruff and scalp eczema, can also cause scalp itching. An itchy scalp can also be a sign of an allergic reaction to hair care products like shampoo.

  • Some people who have head lice may not immediately experience itching. It takes six weeks after the onset of lice on the scalp so that it starts to itch.
  • Some people may also feel a “tickling” sensation on the scalp or head, as if something is moving or crawling.
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Step 2. Look for white flakes on the scalp or hair

White flakes can be caused by dandruff or scalp eczema. It can also be caused by an allergic reaction to shampoo and other hair care products. However, these "flakes" may actually be nits (nit).

  • Dandruff usually appears all over the hair. Lice eggs usually appear closer to the scalp and don't spread like dandruff flakes.
  • If you can't brush or remove white flakes from your hair or scalp easily, they are nits.
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Step 3. Check for lice on clothes

Fleas can find their way into the house through clothing or bedding. Fleas cannot fly, but can jump long distances.

You can see tiny bugs that look like light brown sesame seeds on clothing, bedding, skin, or hair

Method 2 of 4: Making a Plan

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Step 1. Find a bright light source

Natural light is great when not filtered through curtains or blinds. Bathroom lights are often bright enough. If you need additional light, use a bright flashlight or a small table lamp.

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Step 2. Wet hair

This can be done under the tap or with a spray bottle. Lice can be seen on dry or wet hair, but most people find it easier to spot lice if the hair is wet.

Finding lice in wet hair also makes it easier to separate the hair thoroughly and pin the section of hair being examined so you can continue to look for lice in other sections of the hair

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Step 3. Identify adult fleas

Adult fleas are difficult to see, mainly because fleas can move quickly and don't like light. When you separate the hair, the adult lice can move quickly behind the hair and become a shadow. Even though adult fleas are small, you can see them if you can read small newspapers.

Adult lice are light brown in color and about the size of a sesame seed. Adult lice are often found near the scalp area, in the hair above and behind the ears, and in the hairline below the neck

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Step 4. Identify nits, also known as nits

Lice eggs are tightly attached to the hair. Lice eggs are yellowish-brown or light brown before hatching and look like tiny seeds. New eggs attached to the hair appear shiny and are often found near the scalp.

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Step 5. Identify hatching eggs

When the egg or nit has hatched, the eggshell remains firmly attached to the hair. The skin color is usually clear.

Method 3 of 4: Checking for Lice and Lice Eggs on Hair

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Step 1. Start separating the wet hair into sections

Divide your hair into sections and start placing the comb near your scalp. Use a regular fine-toothed comb or a fine-toothed comb, and comb each section of hair, from the section near the scalp to the ends. Comb each section more than once.

Serit is available in drug stores. This comb is smaller than a regular comb, but the teeth on the comb are closer together making it easier to find lice and nits

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Step 2. Continue combing the separated hair

When you're done combing a section of wet hair, use tongs to separate it from the unchecked hair. Comb each section of hair, checking the comb after using it to comb the hair.

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Step 3. Examine the area around the ears and under the neck carefully

These areas are where adult lice and nits are usually found.

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Step 4. Catch live lice with your thumb and forefinger

If you see something moving, try catching it with your thumb and forefinger and sticking it to a piece of white paper so you can examine it more closely. Comparing what was found with documented pictures of ticks can help.

Catching fleas with fingers is harmless. By doing this, you can confirm that the person being examined has lice

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Step 5. Don't confuse dandruff with lice or nits

People of all ages have experienced incidents when something stuck to their hair. Dandruff, tangles, floss, and other small objects stuck to the hair are likely to be seen when combing a person's hair carefully. Lice eggs will not easily come off after combing because they stick tightly to the hair. Use a magnifying glass to check for small objects found while combing your hair to be sure.

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Step 6. Look for lice in your own hair

This doesn't seem like an easy task, so try to ask for help if possible. If you decide to check your hair yourself, follow the same basic steps. Everyone in the household who lives with a person with lice should have their hair checked.

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Step 7. Wet hair

Lice and nits can be seen on wet or dry hair, but finding lice in your own hair is easier on wet hair.

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Step 8. Make sure there is adequate light in the room

The light in the bathroom is often brighter than the light in other rooms, otherwise you'll be using a bathroom mirror. If necessary, use a small lamp as additional light.

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Step 9. Use a hand mirror

You need to carefully examine the parts behind and around the ear. Use tongs to pin your hair back and position the hand mirror so you can clearly see the areas that need checking.

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Step 10. Position the mirror to see the back of the neck

Look closely at anything that is crawling and nits or eggshells adhering to the hair in this section.

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Step 11. Use a fine-toothed or fine-toothed comb

To get the most out of your own hair, you will need to separate your hair and comb it several times. Check the comb thoroughly after combing your hair. Continue to pin the section of hair that has been examined.

Don't forget to focus on the area around the eyes and under the neck. Finding lice in your own hair can be difficult, so focusing on the areas where you are most likely to have lice can help you figure out if you have a lice problem

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Step 12. Examine the comb carefully

You will need to use a magnifying glass to check the comb after using it to comb your hair. Carefully identify dandruff, tangles, floss, and other objects. The tiny seed-like eggshells will adhere tightly and be difficult to remove, possibly by releasing the hair follicles with the eggshells attached when combing the hair. This will allow you to carefully examine what has come off and what is left on the comb, to see if there are lice or nits in the hair.

Method 4 of 4: Treating Ticks

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Step 1. Treat lice in people with lice

You can treat head lice using over-the-counter medicated products. Follow the instructions carefully, including the recommended usage measures for safety.

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Step 2. Start by asking the person to wear secondhand clothes

This is helpful in case the ingredients in the medicinal product can damage the clothes. Also make sure the person has washed their hair, but don't use conditioner.

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Step 3. Follow the product instructions

Your doctor or pharmacist can help you choose the best product. If the person has been treated following the product directions, check the hair again in about 8-12 hours. If you still see the tick, but it's moving slowly, the treatment is still working. Continue the process of removing as many dead lice and nits as possible by combing your hair.

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Step 4. Retreat if the tick is still active

When examining your hair, pay attention to whether the lice are still as active as they were before treatment. If this occurs, follow the instructions on the package for treating people with lice.

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Step 5. Follow product instructions if re-handling is required

Usually, you should re-treat the person's scalp after one week. Most of the products available describe how to do a second snack. Your doctor or pharmacist can help advise on a second treatment, as well as other family members.

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Step 6. Handle the environment

Wash and dry all bedding, towels, and clothing that has been in contact with an infected person two days prior to handling. Use hot water and set the hairdryer to a high heat setting.

Items that cannot be washed can be dry cleaned or put in a tightly closed plastic bag for two weeks

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Step 7. Soak the comb and hair brush

Each time you use a comb or brush to remove head lice and nits, soak them in hot water at a minimum of 54 degrees Celsius for 5-10 minutes.

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Step 8. Clean the floor and furniture with a vacuum cleaner

Lice only live for 2 days if not on the head. Lice eggs cannot hatch if they are not at normal human body temperature conditions and will die within a week.

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Step 9. Wash the clothes and soak the comb

Make sure that the bug infestation doesn't come back by accident. Wash all clothing and bedding in hot water. Store items that cannot be washed in an airtight plastic bag for 2 weeks. Soak combs and other hair accessories, such as hair clips, in hot water for at least 5 minutes.

Be sure to wash all delicate items such as stuffed animals or pillows in hot water

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Step 10. Avoid alternating using soft objects

Fleas are often spread to children when they take turns wearing clothes, hats, scarves, or stuffed animals with fur. Do not allow children to share these objects with others.

Do not exchange soft objects between family members until all signs of flea infestation are gone

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Step 11. Continue to carefully examine the hair of the person affected by lice

Follow the procedure of combing every 2-3 days and for 2-3 weeks, to make sure the person doesn't get re-infested with lice.

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Step 12. Allow the child to return to school

After the treatment is successful, the child can return to school the next day. Don't stop your child from going to school for a few days because of fleas.

Make sure your child does not make head-to-head contact with other children at school


  • Finding lice on your own head is a very difficult thing. If possible, ask someone else for help.
  • Consider checking the heads of other family members if you know someone has a lice disorder.
  • Lice can be transferred from person to person contact. Lice can also be spread by contact with other objects that a person with lice has had contact with, such as hats, combs, scarves, and headbands. Never share these items with other people.
  • Ticks do not carry bacterial or viral infections.
  • Lice can only live for 48 hours if they are no longer on the human head to get food.
  • You will need to ask your doctor for advice on treatment options, as well as suggestions for handling the environment you live in, depending on the level of the infestation.

The things you need

  • Fine-toothed or fine-toothed comb
  • Good light
  • Magnifying glass
  • Spray bottle with water
  • Adhesive
  • White paper
  • hand mirror
