3 Ways to Reduce Cellulite

3 Ways to Reduce Cellulite
3 Ways to Reduce Cellulite

Table of contents:


Cellulite is another term for fat deposits that are usually found on the abdomen, hips, thighs and buttocks of women. Cellulite is common in women because their bodies store fat in a honeycomb-like structure, which is usually seen when their skin becomes thinner. When connective tissue weakens, nearly 90 percent of women can develop cellulite. You can learn how to reduce cellulite with diet, exercise and advanced skin care.


Method 1 of 3: Diet Choices

Reduce Cellulite Step 01
Reduce Cellulite Step 01

Step 1. Drink lots of water

Consuming 1.9 liters of water/drinks or more can keep the skin elastic and supple. Over time, dehydration can directly worsen the appearance of cellulite. Water will increase the amount of fluid in your body that is useful in the blood circulation system.

Reduce Cellulite Step 02
Reduce Cellulite Step 02

Step 2. Reduce salt and sugar consumption

Both of these ingredients are contained in processed foods, and if consumed in large quantities will make it like a poison to your body. People who consume a lot of sugar and have a high risk of diabetes can experience an increase in the amount of cellulite in the body.

Easily Lose Weight and Build Muscle Step 02
Easily Lose Weight and Build Muscle Step 02

Step 3. Try to go on a low-carb diet at least twice a week

A high-carbohydrate diet puts you at risk of developing cellulite in your body, but studies have shown that eating very few carbohydrates just a few times a week can have huge health benefits for you.

Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 06
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 06

Step 4. Don't go on a yo-yo diet (lose weight while dieting, but then gain it again after stopping the diet)

Frequent weight loss and gain will weaken the connective tissue and produce more cellulite. If you want to reduce it, make lifelong changes, rather than miracle cures or other types of unhealthy diets.

Lose 5 Pounds in a Day Step 09
Lose 5 Pounds in a Day Step 09

Step 5. If you want to lose weight, go on a diet that reduces the number of servings you eat

Do not try fad diets (diets that require you to reduce one component of your daily diet so that you only eat 800 kcal of food per day). Reduce the portion of your food to 20 percent less than the portion of food you normally eat, while still doing exercise. Reducing overall body fat will reduce the appearance of cellulite on the body.

Method 2 of 3: Exercise

Lose 5 Pounds in a Day Step 03
Lose 5 Pounds in a Day Step 03

Step 1. Avoid a sedentary lifestyle

A prolonged sedentary lifestyle will increase fat deposits and reduce muscle mass, thereby making fat deposits larger and more visible. Aim to walk 10,000 steps or more a day.

Beat Depression Step 03
Beat Depression Step 03

Step 2. Do cardio

Do moderate-to-high-intensity aerobic exercise for 30 to 60 minutes 5 times a week. With this you will reduce body fat along with cellulite deposits.

Easily Lose Weight and Build Muscle Step 15
Easily Lose Weight and Build Muscle Step 15

Step 3. Do strength training with a target

When body fat is reduced, muscle strength training will tone the hips, thighs and buttocks. The following exercises are some of the best ways to make cellulite less noticeable.

  • Do squats (strength training for the upper and lower body). Stand in front of a mirror with your feet hip-width apart. Place your weight on your heels and squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Pause in this position for a moment and slowly return to a standing position. Repeat 10 to 20 times. Do this exercise holding a barbell as you get stronger.
  • Do plank exercises (exercises for the middle body). Start in a push-up position with your body forming a straight line from your heels to your shoulders. Hold this position steadily for 30 seconds to 2 minutes.
  • Do lunges. Stand with your legs stretched slightly narrower than hip width. Step forward with your feet about 90 cm apart. Bend both knees until your left shin is parallel to the floor. Get back up to a standing position. Repeat 10 to 20 times on both sides. Also, do side lunges to work your inner and outer thigh muscles.
  • Use the hip adductor and hip abductor machines available at the gym. Do 10 to 12 reps for 3 sets with the highest weight you can handle. This machine works your inner and outer thigh muscles. Repeat this exercise every other day.
Easily Lose Weight and Build Muscle Step 13
Easily Lose Weight and Build Muscle Step 13

Step 4. Increase the intensity of the exercise as you get stronger

Do more weight training or start jumping rope, take a fitness class or go sprinting to strengthen your leg and butt muscles.

Method 3 of 3: Advanced Treatment

Reduce Cellulite Step 10
Reduce Cellulite Step 10

Step 1. Ask your doctor about prescribed retinoid creams for cellulite-affected areas

This cream has been shown to temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite by thickening the outer layer of skin.

Reduce Cellulite Step 11
Reduce Cellulite Step 11

Step 2. Try a dry skin brush

Some beauticians believe that using a natural bristled brush in circular motions on the skin will stimulate the lymph system and remove excess fat. It can make your skin smoother if done regularly.

Reduce Cellulite Step 12
Reduce Cellulite Step 12

Step 3. Try using over-the-counter caffeine-containing creams

This cream can temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite. Avoid products that claim to be miracle cures for cellulite.

Get Rid of Migraines Step 15
Get Rid of Migraines Step 15

Step 4. Try doing a massage with fat suction

Some dermatologists or cosmetic surgeons offer this treatment to temporarily reduce cellulite. As with most other cosmetic treatments, including surgery, the benefits are very limited and while generally costing a lot of money.


Although diet, sedentary lifestyle, dehydration, sun damage and obesity can increase the occurrence of cellulite, the way your body stores fat is genetically determined. If the women in your family have cellulite deposits, you are more likely to have them too
