Burying the statue of St. Yusuf is a traditional and popular practice that is often practiced by people who are trying to sell their homes. The exact placement of the statue may vary depending on who you ask, but there is still a general procedure you should follow.
Method 1 of 3: Part One: Burying the Statue of Saint Joseph

Step 1. Purchase a statue of Saint Joseph
Choose a statue that is small and simple so that the burial will be easier to do. You can buy statues of saints in Catholic shops and online stores.
- The ideal height of the statue is between 7.6 to 10 cm.
- These days, you can even buy a statue of St. Joseph in “house sales” in stores and some real estate offices. This kit usually also includes a small statue of Saint Joseph, a prayer card, and a guide for doing this practice.

Step 2. Wrap the statue in protective cloth
Take a soft, clean washcloth, or cloth with a similar material, and wrap it several times around the statue, covering all sides, including the top and bottom. Consider placing the statue in a plastic clip bag as well.
- You can also wrap the statue in plastic or place it directly in a plastic bag without wrapping it in cloth first. The important thing is that the statue is protected as much as possible from dirt and damage.
- Wrapping the statue is just a matter of practicality, but more importantly, it is also a sign of respect. Even if you bury the statue, Saint Joseph is a saint, so you should still respect him.

Step 3. Bury the statue of Saint Joseph
Dig a hole in your yard that is deep enough to fit the entire statue. Place the statue, already wrapped, in the hole, then put the soil back in the hole. It should be noted that any specific instructions regarding proper placement of the statue will vary depending on who you ask, so there is no one right choice.
- The most common tradition is that you should bury the statue near a "For Sale" sign or near a street. Place the statue in the hole with the top down and facing your house.
- Others say that the statue should face the street to symbolize the act of leaving home.
- Some traditions also suggest placing the statue on its left side or on its back, pointing at the house like an arrow.
- You may also consider placing the statue 1 m from the back of the house or in a flowerbed in your backyard.

Step 4. Consider burying the statue in a flowerpot
If you live in an apartment or condo, you may not have a backyard to bury a statue in. In this situation, you can bury the statue in a large flowerpot. Place the flowerpot on the patio, patio, or window sill.
- The flowerpot can be planted with plants/flowers, but this is not mandatory.
- It should be noted that other traditions remain the same. You still have to wrap the statue in a protective cloth and treat it with the same level of respect.

Step 5. Consider keeping the statue in your home
If the idea of burying a statue of Saint Joseph seems disrespectful to you, consider placing the statue in your home. Place the statue in a window or counter with a clear view of the “For Sale” sign in your yard.
- If you do this, you don't need to wrap the statue in a protective cloth.
- Burying the statue is a matter of tradition, not doctrine. There is no Catholic doctrine that burying a statue of Saint Joseph will help you sell your home. However, Church teaching does say that asking for St. Joseph's intercession when selling your home can help, so that's why keeping a statue of St. Joseph in your home during the period of sale can help, just like burying the statue.
Method 2 of 3: Part Two: Pray

Step 1. Pray after the burial
As soon as you bury the statue, you should pray to Saint Joseph for intercession. The exact prayer may vary, and you can use a written prayer or a prayer from the bottom of your heart.
- Some prayers "threat" Saint Joseph, basically stating that he must sell your house for you if he wants to get out of the ground. However, such prayers undermine the value of intercession requests, so they are generally not used.
Consider using a simple, humble prayer such as the following:
Blessed Saint Joseph, loving father, faithful guardian of the children of Jesus, holy husband of the Mother of God, I pray for your intercession to glorify God the Father through His holy Son who died on the cross and rose again to give new life. for us sinners. Through the holy name of Jesus, we pray that we can obtain our request from the eternal Father, namely: the sale of our house. We have been unfaithful to the eternal love of God the Father; ask Jesus for forgiveness for us, His brothers and sisters. In the loving and glorious presence of God, do not forget the sorrows of those who weep. Through your prayers, Saint Joseph, and the prayers of Your most holy wife, our blessed Mother, may the love of Jesus answer our pleas for faith-filled hope. Amen

Step 2. Pray the prayer every day until the house is sold
While it is fine to pray one prayer at a time at burial, repeating the prayer for intercession every day since then demonstrates a greater level of faith and sincerity. You can pray the same prayer each day or read a different prayer.

Step 3. Try a nine-day novena
Instead of reading the standard prayer every day, you can try praying a novena. The novena is a set of prayers that are prayed for nine days. There are many different variations, but basically, you read a different prayer each day and follow each prayer with the “Our Father.” Consider using the following novenas:
- Day One: O Lord, guide and help those who listen to You, speak to me, as You speak to Saint Joseph, and help me fulfill Your will.
- Day Two: Dear God, You love Your people and bless our daily lives. As You bless Saint Joseph, bless all that I do, be it hidden or simple, and let it all be done with love.
- Day Three: O God who is always faithful, You always remember us and bless us in time. Help me to have faith in You, as Saint Joseph believed in You, and never let me lose faith in trust in the wonderful blessings You have promised me.
- Day Four: God of family, bless my family. Protect us from harm, and keep evil from us. Let peace dwell in our hearts.
- Day Five: O Lord, love of children, love our children today. Give them eyes of faith to see far, hearts full of love to welcome life, and eternal place by Your side.
- Sixth Day: Lord of our house which is in heaven, bless our house which is on earth. Pour out the spirit of Mary and Joseph in our homes, to guide our words and actions, and to bless our children.
- Seventh Day: Lord our Father, give Your fatherly spirit to those who are now fathers. Like Joseph, give them a heart that loves and is loyal to their wives and children and the strength to forgive and be patient.
- Day Eight: Give protection, O Lord, to those in need, and unite separated families. Give us enough sustenance, and a decent job to earn our daily bread. Have mercy on us, O Lord.
- Day Nine: Bless all families, O Lord, especially those in need. Remembering the life of Your Son, we pray for those who are poor, those who do not have good homes, those who are outcast. Give them a protector like Saint Joseph, O Lord.
Method 3 of 3: Part Three: Retrieving the Statue of St. Yusuf

Step 1. Rebuild the statue of Saint Joseph when your house is sold
As soon as the contract is signed and the final details are in place, take the statue back from its place in your yard. Unwrap the protective cloth and wash off all the dirt that sticks to the statue.
- According to legend, if you leave the statue in the yard, the new owner of the house will not be able to stay there for long. The owner of the house would keep changing until the statue was finally taken.
- Although there is no evidence to support the legend, taking the statue should at least be done as a sign of respect.

Step 2. Be grateful
Pray a prayer of thanksgiving-first to God, and then to Saint Joseph for his intercession. You can read a prayer from the bottom of your heart and in your own words, or you can read a written general prayer of thanksgiving. Either way, the most important thing is to pray sincerely.
Example of a thanksgiving prayer:
"Father in heaven, I thank You for my life and everything You have given me and to everyone, today and every day. I thank You for all that is good and bad, understanding of forgiveness, and strength Your holy spirit, without which we would have nothing. I thank You today for all Your blessings, grace, and infinite love for us. Even though we are all sinners, I ask Your forgiveness every day for all the wrongs that I might do, that I don't realize. Even though we are all insignificant compared to Your glory, I thank You for the sacrifice of Your only son Jesus Christ who has paid for all our sins. You and only You know us, Father, and You know the sincerity of our hearts. So, once again, I thank You with all my heart and soul. In the name of Christ, I pray. Amen."

Step 3. Display the statue in a place of honor in your new home
Since the intercession of Saint Joseph has helped you sell your home, it is customary to display the statue, which you previously buried, in your new home. Doing this demonstrates gratitude and respect.