The Society of Freemasonry is the largest and oldest order of secular fraternity in the world, which transcends all religious boundaries to unite men from different countries, sects and opinions together in peace and harmony. Its members include major religious figures, kings and presidents. To join this association, you must demonstrate the values that its millions of members have demonstrated over hundreds of years.
Method 1 of 3: Meeting the Basic Requirements

Step 1. Men are at least 21 years old
This is the most basic requirement of most Grand Lodge jurisdictions (the center of authority of the Freemasons). Some jurisdictions accept men 18 years of age and over, and in some cases exceptions are made for the child of a member, or for students.

Step 2. Trust in the Almighty
There are some jurisdictions that do not require their members to believe in God, but this is a requirement for most Freemasons. You must believe in one God over another. People from various religious backgrounds may become members as long as these conditions are met.

Step 3. Have high moral standards
This is perhaps the most important quality that a prospective Freemason must possess. The association's motto is "better men make a better world", and honor, personal integrity and responsibility are highly valued. You must be able to demonstrate that you are a man of good character in the following ways:
- Have a good reputation so that people who know you will vouch for your qualities.
- Be a good family member, and have a way to support the family.

Step 4. Have a good understanding of Freemasonry
Many people want to join this association because they hear about it in movies, books, and social media. The Freemasonry Society is often described as a secret society seeking world domination, with clues to this hidden in the cities of Paris and Washington DC. But the truth is Freemasonry is made up of ordinary men trying to support one another in friendship between members, friendships, and as good citizens. Becoming a member will give you access to the following:
- Attend monthly meetings held by the Freemason Lodge (Freemason Lodge; the basic organizational unit of Freemasonry), where you connect with fellow members.
- Ceremony of acceptance of members to receive teachings on the history of Freemasonry.
- Participate in the ancient ordinances of Freemasonry, such as handshakes, rites of admission, and the free use of the Mason's elbow ruler and compass.
Method 2 of 3: Application Letter for Membership

Step 1. To be "one", ask "one"
The traditional way to join Freemasonry is to ask someone who is already a member. If you know someone who is a member, let them know you're interested in joining, and tell them you'd like to apply for membership. He will direct you to the designated place for application letter issues. You must answer a few questions about why you want to become a member. If you don't know who's already a member, there are a few things to try:
- Look for the "2B1Ask1" flag. You will see this mark on stickers, T-shirts, hats and other items displayed by Freemasons wishing to welcome new members.
- Look for Mason's symbols of square ruler and compass. These marks are harder to spot, but you might see someone wearing them on a t-shirt or other object.
- Look for Freemason Lodges in your local phone book. Call and ask them how to get a membership in that jurisdiction.

Step 2. Interview with Freemasons
Once you have submitted your application to a particular lodge, the Freemasons there will examine it and decide whether to invite you for an interview with the investigative committee. If they want to invite you, they will time the interview. During the interview, you can estimate the following:
- You will be asked why you want to become a Freemason, and will be asked to describe your life story and personality.
- You will be given the opportunity to ask questions about various things at the lodge.

Step 3. Wait for news of their decision
After the interview, the Freemasons will conduct an investigation into your life, which will include phone calls to people close to you who can confirm that you are of high moral character. They may also do a background check to determine if you have a problem with crime, drugs, or alcohol.

Step 4. Accept the invitation to join
Once the investigative committee has made a decision, you will receive a call and a formal invitation to join the association. You will receive further instructions on the meeting schedule.
Method 3 of 3: Joining a Guild

Step 1. Start as an "Entered Apprentice"
This is the first stage of the official admissions ceremony, and you will learn the basic principles of Freemasonry. Once you've gained enough knowledge and taken the time, you'll work your way up through two more symbolic levels.
- During the internship period, you must continue to show a good personality.
- Before progressing to a higher level, you must demonstrate expertise in understanding activities at the level you have experienced.

Step 2. Advance to the "Fellow Craft" level (fellow expert)
You will delve deeper into the teachings of Freemasonry, especially those related to the arts and sciences. To complete this level, your knowledge will be tested on everything you have learned so far.

Step 3. Reach the level of "Master Mason"
This is the highest level that can be reached, and usually takes several months to reach. To reach this level, you must demonstrate expertise in the values of Freemasonry. Your achievement to this level will be celebrated with a ceremony.
- Depending on where you live, there may be one or more Freemasons. In Freemasonry, there tend to be two kinds of philosophies. The first is the "general" Grand Lodge and the other is the "uncommon" Grand Lodge (often called the Grand Orient). Do some research on groups in your area and determine which one is right for you before joining.
- You don't have to be rich to join. Although the cost of the admission ceremony varies, the annual fee generally ranges from IDR 500,000, 00 to IDR 3,500,000, 00 per year.