Citizens of other countries are generally able to register themselves as Norwegian citizens after having lived there legally for 7 years. If you are not a European citizen, you must obtain a permanent residence permit before you can apply for citizenship. Norwegians are very proud of their language and culture. This is reflected in the fact that you are required to study and pass a Norwegian social science and language test before you can gain citizenship.
Method 1 of 3: Obtaining a Permanent Residence Permit

Step 1. Get a valid residence permit for at least 3 years
In general, you can only get a permanent residence permit after legally living in Norway for a minimum of 3 years. Residence permits are usually granted to foreign workers and students.
- If you are married or are an illegitimate spouse living with a Norwegian citizen working at a Norwegian embassy or consulate, you are exempt from the residence permit requirement.
- If you are a European national, you automatically receive a permanent residence permit in Norway after 5 years of residence. You must provide proof that you have been legally living in the country for 5 years, as well as proof that you are there to work, study, or live independently.

Step 2. Sharpen your Norwegian language skills
Even though many Norwegians speak English, if you want to get permanent residency there, you must demonstrate proficiency in the national language. Online classes for learning Norwegian can be accessed at
There are many other options for learning Norwegian for free, such as paying tuition fees or hiring a private tutor. Look for links to additional language learning resources via

Step 3. Take the Norwegian test and social science test
If you are between 16 and 55 years old, you will need to pass an oral exam in Norway at at least A1 level as well as pass a written Norwegian social science exam in the language of your choice.
- To register for the Norwegian test, visit On that page, you can register to take the test, either in summer (5-12 June) or in winter (26 November-6 December). The page includes links to study materials and practice tests.
- To register for the social science test, visit

Step 4. Keep your criminal record clean
During the 3 years of living in Norway before obtaining a permanent residence permit, you are not allowed to commit any crime. You also cannot get a permanent residence permit if you are sent to a mental hospital voluntarily.
Having a criminal record doesn't mean you can never get a permanent residence permit in Norway. However, you must wait at least 3 years from the date stated on the criminal record before registering

Step 5. Register via the Application Portal
Most applicants can complete an application for permanent residency through the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration's (UDI) Online Application Portal. Visit to create your user account.
Through a user account on the Application Portal, you can fill out registration forms, collect forms, determine schedules, and check the status of the application

Step 6. Show that you can support yourself
UDI only grants permanent residence permits to applicants who demonstrate that he or she has met the minimum income requirements for the past one year. In 2018, the minimum amount was NOK 238,784 (approximately 386 million rupiah).
- The minimum income requirements and documentation required to prove your income amount will be listed in the application for registration.
- You also may not receive social assistance funds during the period of stay prior to submitting an application for registration.

Step 7. Pay the administration fee
In 2018, the application for permanent residence permits for adults was NOK 3,100 (approximately 5 million rupiah). There is no charge for children under 18 years of age. To check registration fees and payment methods, visit the UDI website.
- If you have completed and submitted your application online, you can pay the fee online at the same time as your Visa or Mastercard card.
- Reread your responses to all questions in the app before they are submitted. While on the checkout page, you can't go back to make any changes.

Step 8. Bring supporting documents to the nearest police station
After submitting the application, you can make an appointment to provide the necessary supporting documents to the nearest police station.
For a list of documents to bring, visit and answer some questions about the application you submitted

Step 9. Wait until you get a notification
After submitting the application, UDI will start the examination process. The application process for a permanent residence permit usually takes about 3 to 6 months. You will be contacted if UDI requires additional information or documentation before approving the application.
- You can find out the estimated waiting time when your application is processed by visiting and answer some questions.
- If your application is rejected, you can request an appeal. Information on how to make an appeal will be included in the notification you receive.

Step 10. Schedule an appointment at the police station
If the application for permanent residency has been approved, you will need to visit the nearest police station to complete the process and obtain a permanent residency card. The police will take your fingerprints and photos, then issue your card.
- You can also make an appointment online through the Application Portal if you have an account.
- If you have problems making an online appointment, contact the nearest police station immediately. You cannot make an appointment via UDI.

Step 11. Receive a permanent residency card by mail
Your card will be sent when it's ready. Be prepared to wait a minimum of 10 working days. If you are planning to travel abroad, make sure you allow enough time to get a permanent residence permit before leaving Norway. Otherwise, you may have a hard time getting back.
Even if your photo is there, a residence permit is not proof of identity. When traveling abroad, you still need to carry your passport with you
Method 2 of 3: Eligible for Citizenship

Step 1. Live in Norway for at least 7 years
“Long of stay” is the first condition that must be met to obtain Norwegian citizenship. Most applicants must have lived in Norway with a residence permit for at least 7 consecutive years.
- Exclusions are made for special groups of applicants, such as legal spouses of native Norwegians, athletes, or Norwegians living abroad on special missions, such as working at a Norwegian embassy or consulate.
- Short overseas visits are allowed without interfering with your period of stay. However, if you are abroad for more than 2 months in a year, your period of stay is considered complete.

Step 2. Keep your criminal record clean during your stay in Norway
To become a Norwegian citizen, you must be able to prove that you do not have a criminal record or mental disorder while living there.
If you have a criminal record, you can still get Norwegian citizenship. However, usually you have to wait. The waiting period depends on the sentence given as a result of the criminal activity

Step 3. Validate your identity
The Norwegian government must confirm your identity with clear documentation before granting citizenship. Often, this requires a valid passport from your home country.
- If for some reason you do not have a valid passport, other documents, such as a birth certificate, can be used.
- Norway did not receive documents from several countries, such as Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia. This is generally because the government in the country is unstable or is in an unstable situation. If you are from these countries, there are additional steps required to confirm your identity.

Step 4. Make sure you pass the Norwegian oral test at level A2
To become a Norwegian citizen, you must demonstrate proficiency in Norwegian at A2 level or higher. If you pass the Norwegian test at level A1 to obtain permanent residency, you will have to retake the test to reach level A2.
- If you have already passed the Norwegian oral test at level A2 when you applied for permanent residency, you do not need to take the test again.
- Information on the language test is available on the Skills Norway website which can be accessed at

Step 5. Make sure you pass the Norwegian citizenship test
When taking the social knowledge test for permanent residency, you are allowed to choose whichever language will be used in the test. If you take the test in your mother tongue, you will have to retest in Norwegian to get citizenship.
- Information on the citizenship (social science) test is available on the Skills Norway website which can be accessed at
- If you take the Norwegian citizenship test in Norwegian for permanent residency and pass successfully, you will not need to take the test again when you apply for citizenship.
Method 3 of 3: Applying for Citizenship

Step 1. Complete your application
You can apply for citizenship online via the UDI Application Portal on the page. If you already registered on the application portal when you applied for a permanent residence permit, you can use the same account to apply for citizenship.
After logging in to the user account, click on the required option to complete the creation of the application form. Make sure all your answers are complete and detailed. All fields with a yellow star must be filled in in order for the application to be accepted

Step 2. Pay the registration fee
The citizenship registration fee, in 2018, was NOK 3,700 (approximately 6 million rupiah). Check the UDI website for current cost information. No fees are charged to children under 18 years of age.
- If you submit your application through the Application Portal, you can pay the fee directly with a Visa or Mastercard card.
- After clicking the “go to payment” button, you cannot make changes to the online application. If you make a mistake, you can correct it when you come to the police station.

Step 3. Bring your supporting documents to the police station
After submitting the application, you can make an appointment at the nearest police station to collect all the documents that support your statement in the application.
- Although the documents required vary widely, you will generally need to bring a birth certificate, marriage or spouse certificate, passport, proof of tax payment, police background check, proof of language learning, Norwegian test results, and social science test results.
- Visit and answer the questions to get a list of documents to bring.

Step 4. Wait for the reply from your application
UDI will start the application review process after all supporting documents are received. You may be called back for additional interviews or asked to submit different documents to support the application.
- To get an accurate time estimate of the application processing process, visit and answer questions given there.
- If your application is rejected, you can file an appeal. Information about the appeal process will be included in the decision notification provided by UDI.

Step 5. Make an appointment to collect a citizenship decree
If UDI grants your citizenship application, you can pick it up at the nearest police station. Decision letter regarding citizenship must be taken in person within 3 months after being made.
- Once you have your citizenship decree, you can apply for a Norwegian passport.
- Bring the notification letter you received to the police station along with your old passport and permanent residency card.

Step 6. Give up your old citizenship
Norway does not allow dual citizenship. If you wish to become a Norwegian citizen, you must formally relinquish your previous citizenship. Go to the embassy or consulate of your home country to find out the steps required to do so.
The Norwegian government is applying for a dual citizenship permit. However, until it becomes law that is approved by parliament, you still have to give up your old citizenship to become a Norwegian citizen. If the law is approved, this regulation will remain unchanged, at least until 2019

Step 7. Participate in the citizenship ceremony
Once you get your new citizenship, you will receive an invitation to a citizenship ceremony so that you can formally become a Norwegian citizen. Although not mandatory, this ceremony is a special moment for new citizens.