Pheromones are chemical substances that insects use to communicate and convey something, such as inviting mating, eating, running away, or other commands through the sense of smell. Science shows that some types of animals emit a special scent to attract the opposite sex. Although not technically considered a pheromone, humans also produce a distinctive scent that comes from bacteria on the skin – but whether or not the human scent is effective at attracting the opposite sex is still a matter of debate. Still, there's nothing wrong with trying a variety of techniques to improve your dating life and attract the opposite sex. If you want to experiment with enhancing your body's signature scent, there are some natural ingredients you can try. You can also use products that contain pheromones.
Method 1 of 2: Make the Most of Your Body Scent

Step 1. Wear perfume or cologne that contains pheromones
Buy fragrance products that contain pheromones. There are many perfume companies that claim their products contain pheromones, but these substances are usually extracted from pigs or deer – so they have no effect on humans. The effectiveness of these products is still a matter of debate. So, don't spend too much money to buy it.
- One of the most popular pheromone perfumes among women is Pherazone Parfume. This product is priced at Rp. 50,000, - per milligram - around Rp. 900, 000, - per bottle.
- Other well-known brands are Scent of Eros, Primal Instinct, Realm, Alter Ego, The Edge, Impi, Pheromol Factor, Pheromax, Lure, Yes for Men, Chikara, NPA, Perception Spray, WAGG, Rogue Male, Silent Seduction, and others. other.

Step 2. Let your armpits release their natural scent
This may sound weird because you usually need to use fragrance to attract the opposite sex, but the truth is that pheromones come from sweat – especially in the armpits. Try to keep the scent natural by not using deodorant, or at least use antiperspirant products made from natural ingredients that do not contain fragrance. Let your body's signature scent waft to spread more pheromones.

Step 3. Take a shower, but don't use soap
Keep yourself clean by bathing or soaking in hot water, but don't use harsh chemical soaps. You can also use sandalwood essential oil in the shower instead of soap. It's good to maintain personal hygiene, but don't let your distinctive body odor disappear.
If you don't think it smells like anything, don't worry. The smell of pheromones is usually not clearly smelled
Method 2 of 2: Changing Your Lifestyle

Step 1. Get at least 8 hours of sleep every night
Make sure you get enough rest by getting 7-9 hours of sleep every night. This will keep your pheromone levels high. Try some of the following techniques to make it easier for you to fall asleep and get enough sleep:
- Set your own sleep schedule.
- Exercise regularly (you shouldn't exercise within 3 hours of going to bed because it can keep you up late).
- Do not consume caffeine after 4 pm.
- Relax before bed by taking a warm bath or reading a book.
- Don't sleep too long during the day.
- Sleep in a dark, cold room.

Step 2. Practice lifting weights regularly
Stick to a regular exercise schedule that includes weight training. Aim for the big muscles and lift heavy weights with minimal reps. Increasing the hormone testosterone may increase the production of pheromones.
However, it could also be pheromones that increase testosterone, not the other way around

Step 3. Eat foods that contain androstenone and androstenol
Both substances are considered as pheromones in the human body. Eating them may increase the production of pheromones – or at least increase the arousal that triggers chemical reactions in the body that make you appear more attractive to the opposite sex. This method has not been scientifically proven, but there is no harm in trying to eat the following foods:
- Celery
- Turnip
- Truffles