X-leg, or genu valgum, is a condition where the feet are separated when standing with the knees together. For teens or adults with X-legs, exercise and lifestyle changes can support and strengthen the knee, although they can't cure it. For severe cases, or if you are concerned about a congenital condition, see a doctor. Doctors may recommend surgical correction. If your child's X leg does not improve as he grows older, or if he experiences symptoms such as pain or difficulty walking, take him to the doctor for surgery and treatment.
Method 1 of 3: Overcome Leg X Without Surgery

Step 1. Try low-impact exercises to strengthen your knees
If you have X legs, you'll want to stay in shape and strengthen your leg muscles, but minimize the impact on your knees. Your doctor or physical therapist can suggest low-impact exercises that don't strain your joints, such as biking, swimming, or walking. Also, talk to your doctor about exercises that are specifically targeted at the knee, but that don't increase the risk of injury or arthritis, such as:
- Write the alphabet with your toes
- Standing kick-back
- Wall squats
- Leg lift
- Step up
Security Procedure:
Always warm up at least 5-10 minutes before exercising. Warming up helps prepare the body and prevent injury during exercise. Try warming up with low-impact cardio, such as walking or using an elliptical machine.

Step 2. Exercise with an experienced physical therapist correcting leg X
X-legs in teens or adults can increase the risk of knee pain, arthritis, and sports-related injuries. Ask your doctor to recommend a physical therapist who can provide safe and appropriate stretches and exercises to strengthen your knee and prevent complications.
- Unfortunately, stretching and exercise alone cannot correct the appearance of an X leg. However, they can help prevent injury and keep the condition from getting worse.
- The type of exercise you should do depends on factors such as the severity of your foot condition, age, body shape, and overall health.

Step 3. Strengthen your knees with yoga
There are various yoga poses and exercises you can try to increase knee strength, flexibility, and stability. Yoga is very helpful for dealing with knee problems when combined with physical therapy. Find a qualified yoga therapist with experience with knee problems, or seek recommendations from a doctor or physical therapist. A yoga trainer can teach you how to do the exercises and poses correctly so you can avoid additional injuries.
- Good examples of poses to strengthen knees are Warrior pose and Triangle pose.
- Iyengar type yoga may be helpful for knee problems associated with leg X, such as osteoarthritis and knee pain. Try finding Iyengar yoga instructors in your area with the help of the internet.

Step 4. Do pilates exercises that are beneficial for the knees
You can also use Pilates to strengthen your knees, reduce tension, and improve the mobility of the knee joints. Find a pilates instructor who can guide you through good exercises to strengthen your knees, or ask your doctor or physical therapist for recommendations.
You can also take advantage of guided pilates exercises online specifically designed to treat knee problems, such as this one: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/nhs-fitness-studio/knee-problems-pilates-exercise-video/

Step 5. Try the Feldenkrais method to improve joint stability and alignment
The Feldenkrais Method involves practicing with a certified instructor to correct how you stand, move, and use your body. The Feldenkrais technique can help to improve gait and knee stability and alignment. Search the internet for a Feldenkrais therapist, or seek recommendations from a doctor or physical therapist.
- Before using the services of a Feldenkrais therapist, make sure they have an official certificate.
- The following is a directory of Feldenkrais associations covering 20 countries although unfortunately Indonesia is not included:

Step 6. Wear running shoes that are the right size to support your knees
Good running shoes can reduce stress on your knees and ankles, and have many benefits even if you're not an athlete. Explain to the salesperson at the sports shoe store that you are looking for shoes that can help with knee problems. They can help you choose the right shoes for your needs.
They will most likely recommend running shoes that are designed to correct the inward shape of your feet when you run or walk

Step 7. Discuss using leg braces or orthotic shoes for extra support and gait correction
Your doctor or physical therapist may recommend special shoes or foot restraints that help correct the alignment of your foot and knee. This tool can also reduce pressure from the knee so that the X leg does not get worse. Ask your doctor or physical therapist about which type of device will work best for you.
- Many X-legged people have one leg that is longer than the other. Orthotic shoes can correct that difference so they can walk and run more easily without straining the knees and feet.
- In addition, orthotic shoes can prevent the shape of the foot from turning inward when walking. This is the most common walking problem with the X leg.
- You can also use leg braces that support the outside of the knee joint.

Step 8. Eat foods that support bone and joint health
In addition to exercising safely and appropriately, you can protect and support your knees by eating foods that strengthen your bones and surrounding tissues. Talk to your doctor or nutritionist about what foods are best for knee health. Your doctor may recommend:
- A variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, especially antioxidant-rich options such as berries and green leafy vegetables.
- Foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids, such as fish, whole grains and nuts, and vegetable oils.
- Lean protein, such as fish, poultry breast, and beans.
- Spices that are anti-inflammatory, such as turmeric and ginger.
- Foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, such as dairy products, eggs, fortified cereals, and canned fish with bones.

Step 9. Try to lose weight if leg X is associated with obesity
Excess weight can add pressure to the knees, making the shape of the legs worse. If you have a problem with your weight and how it affects your feet, talk to your doctor, physical therapist, or registered dietitian. They can suggest safe and healthy weight loss strategies for you.
Your doctor will likely recommend a combination of diet modification and increased exercise to maintain your weight safely
Method 2 of 3: Seeking Medical Help

Step 1. Ask your doctor to evaluate for a newly formed or severe X leg
If an X-foot develops as a teenager or adult, it's important to see a doctor to find out what's causing it. Your doctor can examine you and determine if there is an underlying medical cause, such as arthritis in the knee, a vitamin deficiency, or a knee injury. You should also see a doctor if leg X is getting worse, is painful or difficult to walk, or is extreme (for example, more than 7 cm between the ankles when the knees are brought together).
- Doctors may perform blood tests or take X-rays to identify congenital conditions or complications associated with X-rays.
- Depending on the cause and severity of the condition, your doctor may refer you to an orthopedic specialist (a doctor who specializes in bone and joint problems).

Step 2. Take medication or supplements if advised by your doctor
If leg X is associated with an inherited medical problem, such as vitamin D deficiency or rickets, your doctor may recommend treatment with supplements or medications. Tell your doctor if you have taken any medications or supplements, or if you have any other health problems, so that your doctor will know what is safe to prescribe.
- For example, if leg X is caused by rickets, your doctor may prescribe supplements that contain vitamin D and calcium.
- If leg X is associated with osteoarthritis, your doctor may suggest anti-inflammatory drugs or dietary supplements that are good for the joints, such as glucosamine and chondroitin.

Step 3. Consider surgery to correct an already severe X leg
If the foot condition causes extreme pain or makes walking difficult, the best option may be corrective surgery. The most common type of surgery performed to correct leg X in adolescents and adults is an osteotomy. The surgeon will cut the portion of the leg bone around the knee and permanently adjust the bone by correcting the alignment of the joint. If your doctor recommends an osteotomy, ask for a referral to an orthopedic surgeon.
- If leg X is caused by or is associated with severe arthritis, your doctor may suggest knee replacement surgery.
- Surgical procedures are usually very successful in correcting X leg problems.
Knee correction surgeries such as osteotomy and knee replacements usually involve implanting tools (such as plates, screws, and artificial joints) into the knee. Tell your doctor if you are allergic to metals or other materials so they can choose a safe and suitable tool for you.
Method 3 of 3: Treating X-Legs in Children

Step 1. Wait and see how it goes for children under 7 years old
X legs in young children are very natural because their muscles are still developing. This condition usually begins to appear when the child is 2 to 5 years old, and corrects itself when he is 7 years old. Go ahead if you wish to consult a doctor, but foot X in children under 7 years usually does not require treatment.
If the X leg is seen when the child is not yet 2 years old, talk to the pediatrician
Do you know?
Although not all young children have X-legged, X-shaped feet are considered a normal part of a child's growth and development when seen between the ages of 2 and 5 years.

Step 2. Ask the doctor to examine the child if his condition does not improve by the time he is 7 years old
If leg X doesn't correct itself by age 7, make an appointment with your pediatrician to see if there's an underlying medical problem. The doctor will perform a physical exam, and may suggest other diagnostic tests such as X-rays or blood tests.
You should also see a doctor if X-footedness doesn't appear until after your child is 7 years old or if it's causing problems such as pain, difficulty walking, or reduced self-confidence

Step 3. Resolve any built-in conditions that might be causing the problem
Common causes of foot X in children include vitamin deficiencies (such as rickets) and knee injuries. If doctors can identify a congenital cause, they may be able to address the problem and help correct leg X on its own.
Depending on the cause, the doctor may suggest medications or supplements for your child

Step 4. Find a physical therapist to help your child gain strength and improve gait
If leg X is causing pain or affecting your child's gait, physical therapy can help. Ask your doctor to recommend a physical therapist who has experience training X-legged children.
Physical therapy is very important if your child needs surgery. The therapist may recommend exercises to restore strength and flexibility of movement after surgery

Step 5. Provide child restraints or special shoes if recommended by the doctor
If your child's X leg does not correct itself by the time he reaches 7 years of age, an orthotic device can be very helpful. Your pediatrician or physical therapist may recommend special shoes or footwear to improve gait. They can also suggest special leg braces to wear while the child sleeps to strengthen and align the knee.
Ask your pediatrician, physical therapist, or orthopedic specialist to show you how to wear shoes or foot restraints properly

Step 6. Consider guided growth surgery if other approaches have not worked
While surgery is not usually necessary to correct X-legs in children, doctors may recommend this procedure if the condition is severe or does not improve with other treatments. The most common surgical procedure for children is called guided growth surgery. Ask the doctor if this procedure is right for your child.
- This surgery is usually performed at puberty (between the ages of 11 and 13 years).
- This procedure involves implanting a metal device into the inside of the knee joint to align the knee as it grows.
- After knee surgery, your child should use crutches or a walker for several weeks. Usually, children can return to normal activities after 6 months.