3 Ways to Cure Curved Feet

3 Ways to Cure Curved Feet
3 Ways to Cure Curved Feet

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The condition, known as arched feet or genu varum, is a condition in which one or both legs curve outward. In patients who have arched legs, the tibia (shinbone) and sometimes the femur (thighbone) are arched. Curved legs can be a normal stage in the development of children under the age of three. However, if the arched foot persists and does not heal naturally, treatment is needed for it.


Method 1 of 3: Treating Curved Feet in Children

Cure Bow Legs Step 1
Cure Bow Legs Step 1

Step 1. Wait and watch

If your child is under three years old, the arched leg will likely heal on its own. Monitor your child as they grow and develop to make sure the arch in their feet heals. If you notice an irregularity in his gait when he starts to walk, consult a pediatrician.

  • Note that “watch and wait” is the basis of treatment for children with arched feet.
  • The key is to have regular check-ups with your pediatrician, to ensure that treatment (such as a plaster cast on the leg or in severe cases, surgery) is appropriate if it doesn't heal on its own.
Cure Bow Legs Step 2
Cure Bow Legs Step 2

Step 2. Monitor the level of vitamin D in the child's diet

Rickets, which is caused by a lack of vitamin D in the diet, is what can lead to arched legs. Increasing vitamin D levels can help prevent rickets from developing and can help correct arched legs if they do occur.

  • Note that vitamin D deficiency is not a cause of arched legs unless your child's vitamin D level has been shown to be low on examination.
  • In other words, this may be the cause of the arched legs, but the two do not occur together.
  • It is recommended that your child have a vitamin D level test to make sure it is in the normal range and get a vitamin supplement if the range is abnormal.
Cure Bow Legs Step 3
Cure Bow Legs Step 3

Step 3. Consider using a medical leg brace

Foot braces, shoes, or special casts can be used to treat arched feet in young children, if the condition doesn't seem to heal naturally as the child grows older. This medical foot brace is used if the condition is severe or the child has other ailments associated with arched feet. The child supports the legs until the bones are straight.

  • Understand that this method of treatment is only used in severe cases.
  • If needed, the doctor can refer you to an orthopedic surgeon for further treatment, such as surgery, for cases that cannot be corrected by using leg braces or casts.
Cure Bow Legs Step 4
Cure Bow Legs Step 4

Step 4. Understand the complications of failure to treat arched feet

If you allow arched legs to continue into your teens, things get a lot more complicated. The tension in the child's joints will increase due to the changing shape of the feet and knee joints. This can cause pain in the ankles, thighs, and/or knees. It becomes a challenge to perform physical activity continuously and increase the chances of developing arthritis in children years later because of movement in the joints.

Method 2 of 3: Treating Curved Legs in Adults and Teens

Cure Bow Legs Step 5
Cure Bow Legs Step 5

Step 1. Talk to your doctor about surgery

In adults and adolescents with severe cases of curved legs, surgery is usually the only option. Surgery will change the way the bones support the knee, correct the leg, and reduce the strain on the cartilage. Your doctor can tell you if surgery is the right thing to do.

  • This surgery can reduce pain and tension in the knee.
  • Full recovery time may be up to a year.
Cure Bow Legs Step 6
Cure Bow Legs Step 6

Step 2. Use a plaster cast after surgery

After having surgery to correct arched legs, you will need to wear a cast after surgery. Recovery time varies from person to person.

Cure Bow Legs Step 7
Cure Bow Legs Step 7

Step 3. Have a physiotherapy session

Your doctor will recommend that you visit a physical therapist after surgery. A physical therapist will work with you to help treat and restore leg strength and movement.

  • A physical therapist can help you recover as much as possible after surgery.
  • Although surgery can correct arched feet, the surgery itself is relatively expensive and proper recovery is imperative.

Method 3 of 3: Studying Curved Legs in More depth

Cure Bow Legs Step 8
Cure Bow Legs Step 8

Step 1. Don't panic if your child has arched feet

When a child is born, the knees and feet are not fully formed. As children grow, the cartilage around their knees hardens and turns into bone, requiring support when walking. However, if a child is over three years old or an adult is still experiencing arched feet, it is necessary to treat it.

  • Curved legs will heal by the time the child is three years old.
  • Curved legs in children over the age of three years or adults are considered a disorder.
  • Diagnosis and treatment for older children and adults is necessary to correct arched legs.
  • Treating arched legs sooner rather than later is easier and gives better results.
  • Only severe cases of arched legs in adults or older children require treatment.
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Cure Bow Legs Step 9

Step 2. Look for some common causes of arched feet

There are several main causes of the formation of curved legs in a person. This can vary from injury to illness and treatment varies depending on the cause. Check out the following list to learn about some of the main causes of arched feet:

  • Injuries, fractures, or trauma that are not healing properly.
  • Abnormal bone formation can cause arched legs.
  • Lead and fluoride poisoning can cause arched feet.
  • Some cases of curved legs are caused by rickets caused by a lack of vitamin D.
  • Blount's disease can be the cause of curved legs.
Cure Bow Legs Step 10
Cure Bow Legs Step 10

Step 3. See a doctor

Doctors can make a proper diagnosis of curved legs and find the cause. By visiting a doctor, you can also learn about the best treatment and what to expect after receiving treatment.

  • The doctor will take X-rays to see how badly curved the leg is.
  • The degree of curvature will also be measured. In adolescents, this is measured continuously to see if the curve is getting worse.
  • Blood tests can be used to check for Rickets.


  • Only severe cases of arched leg require treatment.
  • Knowing the condition of arched feet early, when they form, can result in quick and effective treatment.
