Postoperative swelling is inevitable, and after rhinoplasty surgery is no exception. Rhinoplasty is different for everyone. To get the desired results, some rhinoplasty procedures break or alter the nasal bones. Surgical procedures that manipulate the bone can cause swelling for several weeks, sometimes even longer. Follow the surgeon's instructions and use various methods to reduce swelling.
Part 1 of 3: Preoperative Instructions for Minimizing Swelling
Step 1. Follow the surgeon's instructions
Surgeons usually give specific instructions 2 weeks before surgery. Some of the instructions given are regarding safety measures to prevent unwanted medical events during and after surgery. Other instructions aim to help the body prepare for surgery and the postoperative healing process, including various measures to minimize swelling.
- Every operation, every surgeon, and every patient is different. Swelling that occurs after surgery is influenced by many variables.
- To minimize postoperative swelling, follow the surgeon's instructions carefully.
Step 2. Start following the surgeon's instructions 2 weeks before surgery
Understand well, long before the operation, about changes in drug consumption that you must apply. This step must be coordinated with regular doctors, specialists, and surgeons. The effects of certain medications can cause problems during and after surgery, such as swelling that gets worse and lasts longer.
- Change the consumption of prescription drugs, drugs that can be purchased without a prescription, and herbal supplements since 2 weeks before surgery.
- The body's system takes time to remove all the drugs from the body and return to normal processes.
Step 3. Work with the doctors who treat you
Inform your surgeon about all medications you are taking, including over-the-counter medications and herbal supplements, at least 30 days before surgery. Doctors need time to communicate with each other and decide which drugs to continue taking and which to stop before surgery.
- Do not stop or change the consumption of any type of medication without consulting your doctor first.
- Plan ahead with your regular doctor or specialist. There are many types of drugs whose dosages must be reduced gradually if they are to be stopped altogether.
- There are also several types of prescription drugs whose consumption absolutely should not be stopped or changed. Inform your doctor about all the medications you should take regularly, including on the day of surgery.

Step 4. Stop taking over-the-counter medications
There are many types of drugs, although not all, whose consumption must be discontinued before surgery. The surgeon can inform you of any medications that you can continue to take before surgery, such as paracetamol.
- Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, naproxen, and aspirin, should be discontinued 2 weeks before surgery.
- This type of medication can make bleeding and swelling worse.

Step 5. Stop taking all herbal supplements
Herbal supplements should usually be discontinued 2-3 weeks before surgery. It's a good idea to plan to stop consuming all supplements and herbal products. The surgeon can give specific instructions regarding this.
- Certain types of herbal products can inhibit the performance of anesthetic drugs and exacerbate postoperative bleeding and swelling.
- Stop consuming all products containing omega 3 and 6, such as fish oil supplements, flaxseed, ephedra / ma huang, Tanacetum parthenium, Hydrastis canadensis, garlic, ginseng, ginger, liquorice, valerian, kava, and others. Talk to your surgeon about all the herbal supplements you are taking.

Step 6. Adopt a healthy diet
A healthy diet can help speed up the healing process and reduce swelling. So, it's a good idea to start adopting a healthy diet as early as possible until the end of the healing period after surgery.
- Eat fruits and vegetables that are rich in fiber. Examples of fiber-rich foods include peas, lentils, artichokes, Brussels sprouts, kratok beans, and black beans.
- Fiber-rich foods are important for preventing constipation. Painkillers given to treat pain from surgery often cause constipation. Straining due to constipation can cause bleeding and swelling in the operated body part.
- Reduce sodium intake to minimize swelling after surgery.
- Hydrate the body well since one week before the day of surgery. Drinking lots of water will help speed up the healing process and reduce swelling.

Step 7. Quit smoking and excessive drinking
If you smoke, break the habit a few weeks before surgery.
- Smoking habits hinder the healing process, as well as increase the risk of infection.
- Do not consume alcoholic beverages. Because it can cause the blood to thin, alcohol should not be consumed for at least 5 days before surgery.
Part 2 of 3: Postoperative Measures to Reduce Swelling
Step 1. Understand that bruising and swelling are inevitable
After undergoing rhinoplasty, nose surgery is quite large, swelling and bruising is normal. Every patient and surgical procedure is different. So, the severity of bruising and swelling also varies.
- Obvious swelling usually lasts for 2 weeks. This period is the best time to try to reduce swelling because the tissue healing process is ongoing.
- Swelling inside the nose can take years to heal completely. However, within 2-3 weeks, people will not be able to see the rhinoplasty scars on your face.
- Bruises often appear under the eyes for several weeks.

Step 2. Apply a cold compress
Start using a cold compress as soon as you get home on the day of surgery. Place cold compresses around and on the eyes, on the forehead and cheeks, and around the nose. Do not apply cold compresses directly to the nose. This method is very important to do if you want to reduce swelling.
- Apply cold compresses as often as possible for a few days after surgery. However, do not apply ice cubes directly to the skin.
- The most severe swelling usually occurs on the third day after surgery. The more often cold compresses are used during the first 2 days after surgery, the less swelling will occur on the third day.
- Do not apply cold compresses directly to the nose as it can cause pressure, which is not good for the nose.
- The surgeon can recommend an effective type of cold compress. Some doctors recommend a bag of frozen vegetables, a bag of crushed ice, or an ice pack. Wrap any type of cold compress in a towel or cloth before applying it to the skin.
- Even after the 48-hour period of trying to reduce swelling has passed, continue using cold compresses for pain relief.

Step 3. Support the head
The head should always be in a higher position than the heart, including when resting and sleeping. Also, don't bend over. This method is very important to reduce swelling.
- A comfortable sleeping position may be difficult to obtain because the head must be constantly supported.
- Try supporting your head with 3 pillows while sleeping at night. Make sure your head is well supported and won't fall off the pillow.
- Sleep in a recliner chair for at least 2 weeks after surgery.
- Also, don't bend over for the first 2 weeks after surgery.
- Lifting heavy objects should also not be done because it can increase swelling and increase blood pressure, which can cause the operated area to bleed again.

Step 4. Do not tamper with the dressing
Nasal tapes, splints, and tampons may be uncomfortable. However, all of them are installed by the surgeon in a specific position to help the healing process and minimize swelling. While it may be uncomfortable, the best way to reduce swelling is to not mess with the bandage.
- The surgeon usually removes the tampon and nasal splint after 1 week. However, if the swelling is still there, a splint can be placed again to help reduce the swelling.
- Change the dressing according to the doctor's instructions. To help relieve swelling, do not change the position of the tampon and nasal splint.
- The surgeon may place an additional bandage on the tip of the nose to absorb the fluid and blood that drains from the wound. The drainage helps reduce swelling.
- Change this additional bandage according to the doctor's instructions. Don't remove the bandage too early. Also, when changing the bandage, don't put too much pressure on the nose.

Step 5. Take a walk
You may feel like you don't want to move. However, standing up and walking around helps reduce swelling.
- Start walking as early as possible. Walking helps reduce swelling and prevents blood clots from forming.
- Do not resume your usual exercise routine until your surgeon permits.
Step 6. Take prescription drugs as directed by your doctor
Follow the surgeon's instructions about taking all prescribed medications to help relieve pain and swelling. Do not take any medication without consulting your surgeon first.
- Take your original medication again, as directed by your surgeon, regular doctor, or specialist who treats you.
- Dosage consumption of some prescription drugs should be increased gradually until it returns to the original dose.
- Retake over-the-counter medications and herbal supplements only after your surgeon permits. Some medications and supplements can cause swelling and/or bleeding. You may have to wait 2-4 weeks before you can return to your original medication, as directed by your surgeon.
Step 7. Change your hygiene habits
Instead of showering, soak while the bandage is still on. The steam and excess moisture from showering can cause the bandage or nasal tampon to loosen, hindering the healing process.
- Talk to your surgeon about when you can return to showering.
- Be careful when washing your face so that the bandage does not come off and the nose does not touch.
- Brush your teeth slowly. As much as possible, minimize the movement of the upper lip when brushing your teeth.

Step 8. Sudden pressure, a bump in the nose, or a blow to the injured area can exacerbate swelling and hinder the healing process
- Don't blow your nose. The nasal passages may feel compressed. However, do not blow your nose as doing so can damage the sutures and tissue, make swelling worse, and hinder the healing process.
- Don't snort loudly, such as when you have a runny nose, as this creates pressure that can exacerbate swelling, shift the position of bandages and nasal tampons, and hinder the healing process.
- Don't sneeze. If you have to sneeze, release the pressure through your mouth like when you cough.
- Too much laughter or smiling can change the position of the muscles and ligaments of the nose and increase pressure on the operated area.
Part 3 of 3: Rhinoplasty Postoperative Care Measures
Step 1. Be patient
Mild pressure and swelling may last for more than 1 year after surgery. Large swellings may subside within a few weeks, but it can take several months, or even longer, for the swelling to heal completely.
- Most rhinoplasty procedures only make minor changes: often just a few millimeters.
- The results of the surgery may not be what you wanted so you may need to consider having another rhinoplasty surgery.
- In some cases, swelling in the body's internal tissues can take up to 18 months to heal completely. The rest of the nose will continue to change and adjust for 1 year or more after surgery.
- Therefore, most surgeons do not recommend that patients undergo another rhinoplasty until at least 1 year after the last rhinoplasty.
Step 2. Use sunscreen
Always protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun by applying the right sunscreen and wearing appropriate clothing.
- Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen, with an SPF of 30 or more, that can protect your skin from both UVA and UVB rays.
- Wear a wide-brimmed hat or a visor hat that can shade your face.
Step 3. Don't squeeze the nose
Take precautions to keep the nose from being compressed for at least 4 weeks after surgery. The surgeon may recommend a longer time limit, depending on the type of rhinoplasty performed.
- Do not wear glasses during this period because the glasses cause pressure on the nose.
- If you must wear glasses, use a method that prevents the glasses from causing pressure on the nose. For example, glue the glasses on the forehead or wear glasses that rest on the cheek.
Step 4. Think carefully when choosing clothes
For at least 4 weeks, or longer if instructed by the surgeon, do not choose clothing that must be worn by pulling through the head.
- Wear a button-up shirt or blouse or a dress that can be worn by stepping into it.
- Do not wear a sweater during this period.
Step 5. Exercise carefully
Do not do strenuous exercise that can cause pressure on the nose. Some exercises that include up and down movements can cause damage and hinder the healing process of nasal tissue.
- Do not do sports running, jogging, or sports that can cause a hit in the face, such as football, football, and basketball.
- Do light impact exercise, instead of heavy impact exercise such as aerobics.
- Yoga and stretching exercises are great options. However, do not bend over or lower your head as this can increase the pressure on the operated area and hinder the healing process.
- Talk to your doctor about when you can return to your normal workout.
Step 6. Adopt a healthy diet
Apply a healthy diet that you have started since a few weeks before surgery. Or, create a regular meal plan that includes a variety of healthy and nutritionally balanced meals as recommended.
- Eat fiber-rich foods, such as vegetables and fruits, and follow a low-sodium diet as directed by your doctor.
- If you are a smoker, do not return to smoking after surgery. In addition, stay away from cigarette smoke because it can cause irritation.