Herpes are itchy and painful blisters caused by a viral infection. Although there is no cure, antivirals can relieve symptoms and shorten the duration of herpes. In addition, there are steps you can take to reduce discomfort. To reduce the risk of herpes recurrence, you must maintain a healthy diet, sleep 7 to 9 hours every night, and control stress.
Part 1 of 3: Using Antivirus Medication

Step 1. Get an accurate diagnosis from a doctor
Herpes blisters are small, red, and filled with yellowish fluid. Small blisters gather and become large blisters. To make sure there are no other causes, have your doctor examine the blisters and if necessary, take viral cultures.
- Herpes virus type 1 usually causes blisters around the mouth, and herpes virus type 2 usually causes herpes in the genital area. The blisters are painful, hot, or itchy. In addition, sometimes the lymph nodes are also enlarged. You may feel tingling or soreness in the area affected by the virus before herpes appears.
- Usually, the patient will have a fever, swollen glands, experience flu-like symptoms, and loss of appetite, especially when new herpes appears.
- Doctors need to do a thorough examination because there are other conditions that cause the same lumps to appear in the genital area, anus, or perianal. These conditions are syphilis, chancriod, carcinoma, trauma, or psoriasis.

Step 2. Treat the first herpes attack with a prescription antiviral
The first attack is usually more severe and lasts longer than subsequent attacks. Therefore, doctors generally prescribe oral antiviral drugs to treat the initial infection. The drug will be given episodic or continuously with suppressive therapy, depending on what the doctor prescribes.
- Medicines for oral and genital herpes are acyclovir (better known by the brand name Zovirax), valacyclovir (better known as Valtrex), and famciclovir (better known as Famvir).
- These drugs can't cure herpes, but they help relieve symptoms and shorten their duration. This treatment is most effective when started within the first day.
- If a doctor prescribes an episodic treatment, the patient must be given the medication or a valid prescription in order to take it when the first signs appear.
- Within 12 months of the first attack, approximately 90% of patients report at least one recurrence of herpes.

Step 3. Use the medication as directed by the doctor
Follow the prescription and don't stop prematurely even if your symptoms get better. Depending on the medication, you will need to take 1 to 5 tablets per day with a glass of water for 7 to 10 days.
Side effects are usually absent, but may include fatigue, headache, nausea, and vomiting. Taking medication with food can prevent nausea

Step 4. Apply an antiviral cream if prescribed by a doctor
Your doctor may prescribe a topical ointment in place of or in addition to an oral medication. Apply the ointment as directed. To prevent spread, apply the ointment with a cotton swab, and wash your hands after treating the affected area.
- Make sure the cotton swab doesn't touch anything after using it to treat herpes. If you want to apply the ointment again, take a new cotton swab, don't use the old one. Throw away the cotton buds immediately after use.
- Ointments are usually only recommended for oral herpes. If herpes is in the mouth and genital area, do not use the drug that is intended for oral administration on the genital area.

Step 5. Ask your doctor if there are any recommended medications for herpes in the future
Most people experience multiple bouts of herpes, which occur weeks or months after the first attack. Recurrent attacks are usually mild, and many do not seek medical care. However, ask your doctor about antiviral medication if the very painful and itchy blisters spread to larger areas of the skin or if you have a fever and flu-like symptoms.
If your doctor prescribes an antiviral medication, take it as directed

Step 6. Take medicine every day if you often get herpes
People who have 6 or more attacks each year should take acyclovir, valacyclovir, or famciclovir every day. Depending on the medication you are taking, you may need to take 1 to 2 tablets with a glass of water daily.
- Daily suppressive therapy can reduce attacks by 70–80%.
- Taking medication every day also reduces the risk of transmitting herpes to a healthy partner.

Step 7. Try episodic therapy if you don't want to take your medication every day
Episodic therapy requires you to take antiviral medication as soon as you feel a tingling and burning sensation, which are the first signs of a herpes attack. For best results, you should take your first dose within 24 hours of experiencing the warning signs. Then, continue taking the medication for 5–7 days.
Episodic therapy may be the best option if you don't like taking pills, or if daily suppressive medications aren't affordable
Part 2 of 3: Relieve Symptoms

Step 1. Reduce pain and itching with over-the-counter ointments
Look for an ointment containing lidocaine, benzocaine, or L-lysine at a pharmacy. The ointment can relieve pain, itching, and heat, and may reduce the duration of herpes. Read the instructions carefully, and use them according to the instructions.
Do not apply ointment to genital herpes without consulting a doctor. Herpes can affect the sensitive mucous membranes in and around the genitals. Using ointments on these areas without a doctor's approval can be dangerous

Step 2. Take over-the-counter pain relievers
Ibuprofen or acetaminophen can reduce pain, swelling, and discomfort. Take over-the-counter medications according to the directions on the package.
Avoid alcohol when taking acetaminophen. The combination of alcohol and acetaminophen can cause liver damage

Step 3. Use a cold or warm compress to reduce the pain
Try compressing the herpes area and see which compresses are better at relieving symptoms. Wrap an ice cube or ice pack in a piece of cloth and place it on the herpes area for 20 minutes. To use a hot compress for 20 minutes, heat a damp cloth in the microwave for 30 seconds or buy a special warm compress at the pharmacy.
- Use a hot or cold compress every 3 hours to reduce pain, itching, and swelling. If you feel a burning sensation, choose a cold compress.
- Immediately wash used cloths with hot water to prevent the spread of infection.

Step 4. Wear loose clothing when you have genital herpes
Avoid tight underwear, pantyhose, and tight pants. Instead, choose loose-fitting clothing to provide air pressure on the herpes area and reduce irritation.
- Air can speed recovery. For that reason, you don't need to bandage the herpes area.
- Cotton is more breathable than synthetic fibers, such as nylon or polyester.

Step 5. Take a bath in water sprinkled with Epsom salt or soak the herpes area in a saline solution
Soak the herpes area for 10 to 20 minutes in the 2 tsp mixture. Epsom salt and 2 cups (470 ml) warm water. If you prefer bathing, add 250 ml of Epsom salt to the bath water.
An Epsom salt bath can cleanse the herpes area and reduce itching and pain
Part 3 of 3: Preventing Herpes in the Future

Step 1. Wash your hands after treating herpes
Apply a prescription or over-the-counter ointment with a cotton swab, and do not touch the area again unless it is being cleaned or treated. After that, wash your hands thoroughly with antiseptic soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds.
- Never peel or squeeze the blisters. The pain and itching will get worse and there is a risk of spreading the infection.
- Hand hygiene practice is very important. Herpes is easily transmitted to other people or other body parts.

Step 2. Adopt a healthy and nutritious diet
Eat vegetables, fruit, cereals, protein, and dairy products every day as recommended. To maximize nutrient intake, eat a variety of vegetables, such as green leafy vegetables, root vegetables, and legumes. Fruits and lean proteins like poultry and fish are also vital for immune health.
- A healthy diet can maintain the strength of the immune system and reduce the risk of herpes recurrence.
- Learn what your daily intake needs to be at

Step 3. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day
Try to go to bed earlier to get enough sleep, and avoid caffeine or heavy meals 4–6 hours before bedtime.
Getting enough rest will strengthen your immune system

Step 4. Control stress
Stress can weaken the immune system and trigger herpes. So, try to control stress levels. Take a deep breath and try to relax when the responsibilities start to pile up or when you feel overwhelmed.
- Inhale and exhale slowly, close your eyes, and imagine that you are in a quiet and comfortable place. Control your breathing and visualize a calming atmosphere for 1-2 minutes, or until you feel more relaxed.
- When you feel overwhelmed, break up a big task into small, manageable steps. Don't be afraid to turn down an extra commitment if you have a lot to do.
- Talk to friends, relatives, or coworkers if you need help. For example, ask a colleague to help you with a work project, or ask if your friend can look after the kids while you get things out of the house.

Step 5. Wear sunscreen to prevent oral herpes
Sunburn can trigger and worsen oral herpes. Every time you leave the house, put on an SPF 30 lip balm and apply sunscreen around your mouth (or anywhere on your body where herpes is common).
Moisturized skin can also minimize irritation and reduce the risk of future infections
- Tell your partner that you have herpes. Also, tell your future partner. This conversation is difficult, but try to be brave. Focus on the facts, and remember that your actions tell the truth.
- Remember that infection can still occur even if there are no symptoms. So, ex-partners and current partners need to know that you have been infected. They will need to do serological tests to find out if they are at risk.
- Avoid all forms of sexual intercourse when exposed to genital herpes. Avoid oral sex, kissing, and sharing food and drink when you have oral herpes.
- The infection spreads easily during attacks, but herpes remains contagious between attacks.
- Condoms can help prevent the spread of herpes, but remember that condoms are not 100% effective. Condoms only protect the skin they cover. So, other areas remain vulnerable to infection or the spread of the virus.
- Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. Herpes must be treated aggressively to prevent the spread of infection to the fetus.
- Herpes in or around the eyes is very serious. So, seek immediate medical attention if you have any unusual blisters near your eyes.