If your sinuses are compressed or blocked, massaging your sinuses can help relieve some of the problems you're feeling. Massaging the sinuses and the tissue that surrounds them can stretch the pressure and relieve sinus congestion. There are several types of massage you can try, including a basic massage of the entire face as well as massages that are specific to specific parts of the face. You can combine the following techniques and massage only one or all of the sinus cavities.
Method 1 of 3: Doing a Basic Sinus Massage

Step 1. Warm your hands and fingers together by rubbing them together
Warm hands and fingers feel more comfortable in the sinuses than cold hands and fingers, which can strain muscles.
One way to warm your hands is to put a little oil on your palms (about oil). The oil helps reduce friction by the hands on the face, and the fragrance also helps promote relaxation of the body. Good oils to use for sinus massage include almond oil, baby oil, or castor oil. Make sure you are careful when doing massage near the eye area, so that the oil on the hands does not get in the eyes

Step 2. Locate the indentation of the eye socket, which is located on each side where the nasal bone meets the eyebrow
Pressing on this area can help relieve colds, sinus congestion, headaches in the frontal sinuses, and tired eyes.
Use your thumb. Using the thumb is recommended because the thumb tends to be stronger than the other fingers. For some people, using the index finger may be more comfortable. You can do what you find most comfortable and relaxing

Step 3. Press your finger directly on the indentation of the eye socket for one minute
The massage you give should be comfortable but firm.
- Then, press your finger on the area and do a circular motion for 2 minutes.
- Close your eyes as you massage this area.

Step 4. Massage your cheeks
Move your thumb or, alternatively, your index and middle fingers so that they are on your cheeks, just outside your nostrils. Massaging this area can help relieve nasal congestion and sinus pain.
- Massage your cheeks with firm, constant massage for about a minute.
- Then, move your fingers in a circular motion for two minutes.

Step 5. Stop massaging if you feel pain
If there is an accumulation of pressure in the sinuses, this basic massage may feel a little intense, which is normal. However, you should stop if you experience intense pain. Try another treatment or check with your doctor.
Method 2 of 3: Targeting Specific Sinus Cavities

Step 1. Massage the frontal sinuses located in the forehead area
Apply lotion or massage oil to warm hands to smooth out hand massage movements on the face without friction. Place each index finger between your eyebrows, precisely in the middle of the forehead. Massage in circular motions; move both fingers starting from the middle between the eyebrows and out towards the temples on both sides of the head.
- Repeat this movement 10 times with a constant and firm massage.
- Make sure your hands are warm before you start massaging. Rub your hands together to create less friction and heat.

Step 2. Try massaging the ethmoid/sphenoid sinuses, which are your nasal sinuses
Pour some massage oil or lotion on your hands and rub them together to warm them up. Use your index finger to touch along the sides of the nasal bone from top to bottom; This movement can smooth the blockage in the sinuses. As you move your finger up your nose (nosebone), make small circular motions with your index finger up to the corner of your eye.
- However, do not touch the eyes so that the oil does not get into the eyes. The oil won't hurt your eyes but it will sting your eyes.
- Repeat this movement 10 times with a firm and constant massage.

Step 3. Learn how to massage the maxillary sinus
As before, pour lotion or massage oil on your hands and rub them together to warm them up. Massage each cheek with your index finger from top to bottom, near the outer corner of your nostril. In a circular motion, massage along the cheekbones to the ears.
Repeat this movement 10 times. As before, your massage should be strong to maximize relief

Step 4. You can relieve sinuses by using the nose rub technique
This technique is recommended for individuals who have problems with sinuses as well as nasal and nasal congestion. Rub the oil on your hands. Use your palms to rub the tip of your nose in a circular motion, and repeat 15-20 times.
Change the direction of the stroke and rub your nose in the opposite direction in a circular motion 15-20 times. For example, if you initially rubbed your nose clockwise 15 times, then change the motion so that it is counterclockwise for the next 15 movements

Step 5. You can try to relieve sinuses through massage
Pour a small amount of lotion into your hands and rub it in. With a moderate massage, use your thumbs to massage from the center of the forehead to the ears. Repeat this movement two or three times.
- Place your thumb in the middle of your nose and start massaging it outward towards your ear. Repeat this movement two or three times.
- Place your thumb under your jaw and move your thumb down along the side of your neck toward your collarbone.
Method 3 of 3: Combining Massage and Steam Treatment

Step 1. Warm up with steam before or after a sinus massage
By combining the steaming method described below with the massage techniques described earlier, you can significantly relieve your sinus cavities. Although improving the performance of the sinus tract is not very pleasant, removing excess mucus can relieve pressure in the sinuses quickly and effectively.
Steaming is an old method of relieving pressure in the sinuses without the help of chemicals or drugs. The steam produced helps open up the nasal passages and loosens the sometimes thick mucus, making it easier to escape from the sinus cavities

Step 2. Fill a pot with 950 ml of water and simmer over the heat for a minute or two or until the water is completely boiling
Then, remove the pan and place it on the table on a heatproof mat.
- Your position should be able to allow the steam from the hot water to enter the nasal passages and throat, but do not come into contact with the heat which can burn your skin.
- Also, keep children away from the pot while the water is still boiling and steaming. Try to do this steam treatment when there are no children around.
- This method is for adults only - don't try it on children.

Step 3. Cover your head with a clean, large cotton towel
Then, place your head over the steaming pot. Close your eyes and keep your skin at least 30 cm away from the water so that it doesn't get hot.

Step 4. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth for a count of 5
Then, reduce the inhale and exhale to a count of 2. Do this for 10 minutes or while the water is still steaming. Try to clear mucus from your nose while you are doing this treatment and after.

Step 5. Steam every two hours
You can do this technique as often as you like, up to every two hours or as often as you like by placing your face over the steam coming out of hot tea or a bowl of soup if you're at work or out.

Step 6. Add herbs to the steam treatment
In addition to herbs, you can also add essential oil (one drop per 950 ml of water) to boiling water. Some people think that oils and herbs can relieve sinus symptoms, but this claim is not supported by scientific evidence.
- Spearmint or peppermint, thyme, sage, lavender, and black lavender oil are good choices to start with.
- If you are diagnosed with a fungal sinusitis infection, add a drop of black walnut essential oil, tea tree oil, oregano, or sage oil to the boiling water. These oils are considered to have antifungal and antiseptic properties.
- Test your sensitivity to the herbs you intend to use before you do the actual vaporization treatment. Try each type of herbal oil for about a minute. Remove the face from the steam and leave it for 10 minutes, then see the results. If a dangerous reaction occurs (e.g. sneezing or a skin reaction such as a rash), reheat the water and carry out full treatment.
- If you don't have essential oils, you can substitute teaspoon of dried herbs per 950 ml of water. Bring the water to a boil one minute longer after adding the dried herbs to the water. Turn off the heat and place the pan in a safe area, then start steaming.

Step 7. Take a hot shower
Prolonged hot showers have a similar effect to the evaporation treatment above. Hot water creates warm, moist air that can help clear blocked nasal passages and relieve pressure in the sinuses. Try to blow mucus out of your nose as usual. The heat and steam will help to moisten and thin the mucus in the sinuses, making it easier to expel.
You can also get a similar beneficial effect by placing a warm compress over your face to help open your nasal passages and relieve any pressure you may be feeling in your sinus cavities. Warm a damp washcloth in the oven for 2-3 minutes. Be careful when handling anything hot
- If you don't feel relief within five to seven days of trying the above remedies, call your doctor.
- Never apply pressure to the sinus area suddenly, too hard, or harshly. Do massage firmly but gently.
- Do not directly massage the area where there are burns, scars, and other skin diseases.