This wikiHow teaches you how to clear all Snapchat conversations on the Chats page.

Step 1. Launch Snapchat
The icon is a white ghost on a yellow background.
If you are not logged in yet, touch Login and type in your username (or email) and password.

Step 2. Swipe down on the camera screen
Your profile page will be opened.

Step 3. Touch ️
It's in the top-right corner.

Step 4. Scroll down the screen and tap Clear Conversations
The button is at the bottom of the Settings page in the "Account Actions" section.

Step 5. Touch Clear All
It's in the upper-right corner of the screen.
You can also touch X to the right of a person's name to delete the conversation history with that person.

Step 6. Touch Clear Feed
By doing so, your decision will be confirmed and your conversation history will be reset to blank.