Molly fish (Poecilia sphenops) is a type of fish that reproduces by giving birth (not laying eggs). This fish is also suitable to be kept in an aquarium or tank. Molly fish are also quite easy to mate. Each time she gives birth, the female molly fish can give birth to more than a hundred fish. Mollies also come in a variety of colors, and get along well with other fish. Prepare the tank and yourself in advance so that the molly spawning process runs smoothly.
Part 1 of 3: Creating a Supportive Environment for Fish Spawning

Step 1. Let the fish mate
Mollies are a hierarchical type of fish. Therefore, the male fish with the largest fins and the brightest color will lead the other fish. The most ideal combination is one male and several females.
- The male fish may be seen under the female fish; this is how fish mate.
- If the spawning process goes well, the female fish will give birth in 3-5 weeks.

Step 2. Remove the female fish before giving birth
Place the female fish in a different tank whenever possible. Male fish generally want to mate again and will chase female fish that are pregnant. This can cause the female fish to become stressed. Fish that are pregnant will have a distended stomach.
- If you don't have another tank, try using special nets for pregnant female fish. This net is a mesh box with plastic edges. The function of this tool is to protect the mother and young fish.
- Moving the mother fish to another tank can also protect the young. Molly fish generally eat their own young.
- Don't wait until the fish are close to giving birth. A stressed molly may abort or abort its contents.

Step 3. Move the mother fish back to its original aquarium
The mother fish may eat her own young. Therefore, in order to protect the safety of the molly fish, immediately transfer the molly mother to the original aquarium. However, once a month, the mother molly may have to be separated again. This is because female mollies can contain several fertilized eggs for nearly 6 months.
Part 2 of 3: Caring for Molly Fish

Step 1. Feed the chicks
Feed the chicks the same ground food as the adult molly fish. Fish feed in the form of flakes should be used as a staple food for young fish. Add a variety of solid foods to the baby fish feed as a supplement.
- Worms are good food for molly fish. Grindal worms, black worms, and blood worms are good food.
- Live or frozen crawfish are a great food source for mollies.
- Mollies also eat algae. In their natural habitat, algae are the main food source for molly fish.

Step 2. Wait for the chicks to grow up
It will take you 2 months to be able to tell the difference between male and female mollies. Once the chicks have doubled in size, they're safe to put them in an aquarium filled with other fish.
One way to ensure that the molly fish is safe for interacting with other fish is to make sure that the body of the molly fish is too large for the mouth of the other fish

Step 3. Separate the male and female mollies
After knowing the gender, make sure the molly fish spawning process doesn't happen again. Molly fish can mate with their own siblings. Try separating male and female mollies before 8 weeks of age, when the fish are ready to mate.
Part 3 of 3: Making Sure You Have Adequate Equipment for Spawning Fish

Step 1. Buy an aquarium or tank
You need a tank that can hold 56-113 liters of water. In general, mollies thrive well in large tanks. A tank that is too small can cause the following problems:
- Lack of space for swimming makes it difficult for mollies to stay away from aggressive fish. This can stress the molly fish.
- Tanks are difficult to clean so fish can get sick.

Step 2. Place the decorations in the aquarium
Choose decorations such as stones, air filters, and decorative pebbles. In general, mollies should have enough room to swim. In addition, molly fish also need decorations that can be used to hide from aggressive fish. To avoid aggressive fish, stressed fish will be more spread out in the tank. If there is no place to hide, the fish will be stressed.

Step 3. Plant aquatic plants below the surface of the substrate
The substrate serves as the base of the fish tank. In addition, the substrate also contains several nutrients that plants in the aquarium need. In general, the substrate consists of the following two layers:
- The top layer consists of a hard substrate 5 cm high, such as sand, gravel or small stones.
- The bottom layer consists of a nutrient-rich substrate 2-5 cm high

Step 4. Fill the tank with water
Make sure the distance from the water surface to the tank surface is 4 cm. The water used should be warm enough (about 25-27 °C) to keep the mollies comfortable. This is also done so that molly fish live in tropical waters. Do not overfill the tank or use cold water.
- An aquarium water heater may be required.
- Change the aquarium water regularly. It's a good idea to change the water in the tank a little every day, or about 30% of the water every week.

Step 5. Don't use fish salt
Some molly fish live in brackish water, so fish have different needs for fresh water and sea water. However, it is not certain that mollies need sea salt when placed in an aquarium. Some experts argue that most mollies don't live in saltwater or brackish water, so aquarium water doesn't need fish salt.
- Some sources indicate that 1 tsp of fish salt is very good to add to 20 liters of water.
- Salt can also act as a medicine. Salt can help molly fish adapt to fairly dirty water.
- If you are buying exotic mollies, consult an expert to ensure that the fish does not require salt.

Step 6. Install the filter according to the guide
Make sure the water in the tank is between 7 and 8. Some experts recommend increasing the acidity of the tank to 8.4. Once the tank is filled with water, you may need to adjust the filter and water in it.

Step 7. Allow the tank to complete its cycle before adding fish
Let the tank complete its water cycle first. This must be done because the tank water lacks the bacteria that the fish need. If not done, the fish will be more susceptible to disease. If you don't want to wait too long, keep a close eye on the aquarium.

Step 8. Decide how many mollies you want to keep
Generally, an aquarium containing 38 liters of water can accommodate a pair of mollies. Fish need enough space to swim. If there are several molly chicks, all of them need a place to hide from the aggressive fish. If you want to keep more mollies, use a larger tank.

Step 9. Buy a molly fish
Visit the nearest pet store and buy male and female mollies. Although molly fish consist of various types and colors, the process of spawning molly fish is very easy because they are all still one species. In addition, all male and female mollies can be bred. Some experts recommend buying a subspecies of molly fish so that the spawning process is faster. You can ask the store clerk for help, or do it yourself.
- The male molly fish has a gonopodium, a long fin that is shaped like a stick and serves to fertilize the female fish, on the underside of his body.
- Mollies have fan-shaped anal fins and are softer. The anal fin of the molly fish is on the underside of its body.

Step 10. Move the fish into the tank
Let the plastic bag containing the molly fish float on the surface of the tank for 10-15 minutes so that the water temperature is the same as the water in the tank. Use the net to take the fish out of the plastic bag and then release them into the aquarium/tank.
- Do not mix water in a plastic bag with tank water.
- Feed the fish in the tank before adding the mollies. Do not allow the molly fish to be eaten by the fish in the tank.
- Most female mollies are probably already pregnant when purchased. One of the most difficult parts of the spawning process is keeping the mollies away from their hungry mothers.
- Place the sponge on the aquarium filter. This is done to prevent the molly chicks from being sucked into the filter.
- Make sure the fish is not too hot or cold when you take it home. Do not leave the fish in the plastic bag for too long before placing it in the tank.
- Do not keep two male mollies in the same small tank. The two will fight.