Have you ever thought about training your cat a new skill? While cats are inherently very independent and may not seem easy to train, cats can be trained if given the right motivation. Along with lots of treats, make sure you have plenty of time and patience to train your cat to catch toy mice.
Part 1 of 2: Preparing to Train the Cat

Step 1. Choose the right sized toy mouse
Generally, cats like to catch objects that they can easily grab with their paws or put in their mouths. If you don't have a toy mouse at home, you can buy one at your local pet store. Consider the cat's size when deciding which toy mouse to buy – kittens will need a smaller toy mouse than adult cats.
If possible, choose a toy mouse that doesn't have plastic eyes. During playtime, the cat may grab the eye of the toy and swallow it, which can lead to intestinal blockage that will require veterinary care

Step 2. Choose the right time to train the cat
Training a cat is more effective when the cat is alert and active. Cats are most active in the evening and early morning. Training your cat in the morning may not be conducive to your work schedule, so an afternoon workout may be ideal.
- Consider training your cat at one of his playtimes. Your cat will look forward to interacting with you so it will focus on you when you start training it.
- You can also train your cat before it's time to eat. His hunger may motivate the cat to follow your instructions.

Step 3. Select an area to train the cat
The area where you can train your cat should be large enough that you can throw a toy mouse a few inches away. The room should be free from distractions as well as physical obstructions (eg children's toys, large furniture).
- If you can't remove obstructions from the room, try removing them to the side to create a larger open area.
- You can move to a larger area as your cat gets better at throwing and catching up with you.

Step 4. Choose a reward
The delicious treats will provide just the right motivation for your cat to learn how to catch a toy mouse. Examples of treats that cats may like include tuna chunks and meat-flavoured baby food. You can also buy cat treats at your local pet store or supermarket.
- Whatever treat you choose should be your cat's favorite treat and kept for practice purposes only.
- Keep in mind that treats should only be a small (10-15%) portion of your cat's diet. To maintain a good balance between treats and regular food when training your cat, consider limiting the treats to training sessions only.
Part 2 of 2: Training a Cat to Catch a Rat Toy

Step 1. Show the toy mouse to the cat
Begin the training session by holding the toy mouse in front of the cat. Step back a few feet from the cat so the cat can't easily reach and catch the toy. If you train your cat during playtime, it's likely that the cat is already paying attention to you and the toy.
- If the cat is busy alone or with other things, or is in another room, you may need to call him.
- Reward treats when your cat comes to you after being called.

Step 2. Throw the toy mouse
Throw the toy mouse 30-60 cm forward. Start with a melee throw when your cat is first learning this skill. You can increase the distance as your cat gets better at catching toy mice.
- Another way to throw a toy is to tie it to a string. You can throw a toy with a string at your cat, then pull it when the cat catches the toy.
- Remove the leash from the toy once the cat begins to understand the motion of catching the toy and bringing it to you.
- Giving your cat verbal cues – 'catch' when throwing the toy mouse and 'good catch' when the cat brings it back to you – may be helpful during training sessions.

Step 3. Encourage the cat to bring the toy mouse back to you
The cat may not bring the toy mouse back the first time you throw it – it may not understand that you are teaching it how to play catch. When this happens, try luring the cat with the treat in your hand to come back with a toy.
- Reward the cat with treats and verbal praise when bringing the toy back to you.
- When the cat sees the treat, the cat may drop the toy before walking back toward you. In this case, don't give the cat any treats. Instead, walk up to him, grab his toy, and return to your original position.

Step 4. Throw the toy mouse back
Wait to toss the toy mouse until the cat returns to you. When throwing toys, reward the cat when the toy comes back to you. Keep in mind that you may have to pick up the toy mouse yourself a few times before the cat understands it should bring it to you.
- Throw the toy in the same direction each time.
- Your cat will get better at bringing toys back to you as cats begin to associate bringing toys to you and getting delicious rewards.

Step 5. Throw the toy further
As the cat becomes more proficient at catching, gradually increase the distance the toy mouse throws. Consider increasing the distance by a few inches each day practicing with your cat.

Step 6. Keep training sessions short
Limit training sessions to three to five minutes. It's also important to practice only a few times each day – too much practice can make your cat bored and just walk away from you.
- Be patient while the cat learns how to pick up a toy mouse.
- Over time, the cat may learn to look forward to playing catch with you. The cat may even bring a toy mouse to you and place it on your lap.
- Although Siamese cats usually enjoy playing catch, any cat can learn this skill.
- Teaching a cat to catch a toy mouse encourages him to use his natural hunting instincts. It also gives the cat a chance to exercise, and improves eye coordination with the front paws.
- Be aware that cats may not like playing catch. If so, teach the cat another trick or interact in a way she likes.