You've had enough fun with your dreadlocks, but it's time to part ways. Many people believe that the only way to get rid of dreadlocks is to shave your hair. Although trimming the dreadlocks is the quickest and easiest way, it's not the only way. With time, patience and some supplies, you can untangle your dreads and save most of your hair, even if you've had dreads for years. This article will explain both ways to get rid of dreadlocks at home, and provide instructions for removing your dreadlocks at the salon.
Method 1 of 3: Cutting the Dreadlocks

Step 1. Cut each dreadlock with scissors
How short the dreads you cut depends on how long you want your hair to be. Do this step though if you want to shave your hair it will make the process a lot easier.
- If you plan on shaving your hair, trim the dreads as close to the scalp as possible in the part of the hair where there is less twist.
- If you want to leave a bit of hair length without doing too much work, cut the dreadlocks 2.5 - 5 cm from the scalp. The remaining hair should be fairly easy to untangle and untangle.
- If you want to leave more than 2.5 - 5 cm of hair, see the methods below for detangling dreads.

Step 2. Wash your scalp and hair thoroughly
If you don't plan on shaving your hair, you should also apply a leave-in conditioner or hot oil treatment.

Step 3. Work the rest of the hair
You can go ahead and shave off the rest of your hair, or trim the dreads on the remaining hair.
- Option 1: Shave your hair with a razor, or shaving cream and a razor. Be careful not to get hurt!
- Option 2: Once the remaining hair has been thoroughly treated with conditioner, untangle the loop with a sturdy comb and anti-tangle spray, conditioner, or oil.

Step 4. Trim the remaining hair and enjoy your new freedom
Go to the hairdresser to cut and style the remaining hair as you wish. It's normal for freshly untangled hair to be unruly for a few days, so you may have to wait for your hair to get better before cutting it.
Method 2 of 3: Unraveling Dreads

Step 1. Set aside time and invite people to help
Unraveling the dreadlocks is a time-consuming process. You should plan to work on it for a few days if you are doing it alone. The more that helps, the faster it will be done.
- Many people recommend taking a long weekend, or taking a few days off to complete the process.
- If you can't get your dreads out in one go, consider doing them in sections, and braiding loose hair, or disguise it by tying your hair in a ponytail. You can also cover the hair you're working on with a head wrap or scarf.

Step 2. Gather your gear
There are many commercial products designed to get rid of dreadlocks, but you can make do-it-yourself kits from shopping at a drugstore or salon supply store.
- A strong comb for each one that will help. It's best to use a sasak comb. If you end up using a plastic comb, prepare a few extra combs in case the comb you use breaks.
- Deep-cleaning shampoo. If you've ever used some kind of wax on dreadlocks, you'll need a wax remover. Many people say baby shampoo is an excellent wax remover.
- 2-4 bottles of conditioner to lubricate hair and make it easier to detangle. Any conditioner will work, but special tangle, knot remover or "slippery" conditioners will be more efficient. Some people also claim anti-wrinkle spray for babies, or even coconut or olive oil.
- Spray bottle filled with water.

Step 3. Trim the ends of your dreadlocks
If you haven't had the dreadlocks very long (less than two years) you can skip this step, but most people find it helpful to trim each end of the dreadlocks at least 1.2 cm before they start working on them. The more you cut, the less parsing you'll have to do!

Step 4. Soak your dreadlocks
It's important to wet your dreadlocks with water when unraveling them. Soak your dreadlocks for 10 minutes in as hot water as you can stand.

Step 5. Shampoo your dreadlocks
Use a deep-cleaning shampoo or wax remover on your dreadlocks thoroughly. Rinse thoroughly until no foam remains in the rinse water. This can take as long as 20 or 30 minutes.

Step 6. Coat your dreadlocks with conditioner
Starting at the top of each dreadlock, and working your way down, use two hands to rub the conditioner into the dreadlocks. Add additional conditioner to the ends.

Step 7. Unravel the gimbals, one by one
Choose a gimbal to get started. Begin 1.2 cm from the bottom of the dreadlocks, and use the tail of the comb to start piercing and separating them. Prick the loose hair, then use your fingers and a comb to untangle the strands, and finally a comb to straighten them. Once this is done, go up another 1.2 cm and repeat this process until you get to the scalp.
- If someone is helping you, ask them to work on the dreadlocks on the back while you work on the front.
- The sasak comb isn't the only tool you can use. Some people like to use a regular comb, or even sewing needles and knitting needles to pry out knots. Use what you have to do it.
- This process takes time and patience, so prepare entertainment in the form of music or movies to distract.
- Your arms, shoulders and scalp will feel a lot of pain in this process. Use over-the-counter pain relievers as directed to reduce discomfort.

Step 8. Keep your dreadlocks wet and lubricated Have a spray bottle filled with water and make sure the dreadlocks you are working on are wet when you untangle them
You can also add conditioner if needed, either by scrubbing it with your hands, or using a spray conditioner as you work through it.

Step 9. Be prepared to lose a lot of hair while untangling it
As you remove and untangle the dreadlocks, many strands of hair will fall out, but don't panic! Most of the hair has fallen out naturally before, not hair that has just fallen out.

Step 10. Wash and condition your new dreadlocks-free hair, and enjoy
You may need to trim the ends, but wait a few days for your hair to normalize before doing so.
Method 3 of 3: Remove Dreads with Professional Help

Step 1. Find a hairdresser who specializes in dreadlocks and dread removal
Use a search engine to find salons in your area online (try the search term: "dreadlocks salon") or ask people for recommendations.

Step 2. Schedule a consultation
This is an opportunity for you to meet the hair stylist, and he or she will also have the opportunity to assess your hair and give you an estimate of how long it will take and how much it will cost. Remember, even at the salon it still takes a long time, and to remove the entire dreadlocks it can cost up to around Rp. 5,000,000, -.
Consider looking for some price estimates, as this is a big investment

Step 3. Make an appointment and enjoy
Think of it as taking a short vacation, and try to have some fun. Your pockets may look like a hole afterward, but your arms and hair will say thank you.