If you're trying to skip school, skip work, avoid your in-laws, or have to play a sick person in a theater play, pretending to be sick is actually easier than you think. If you don't look sick, it will be difficult to convince anyone of your fake illness. By changing your appearance, modifying your behavior and voice, and knowing which symptoms to imitate, you can convincingly look sick to others and have time for yourself without suffering.
Method 1 of 3: Changing Behavior and Actions

Step 1. Choose a disease to fake and stick to it
Most people generally pretend to have a severe cold or fever because they usually have experienced it and the symptoms are easy to imitate. Faking a migraine, diarrhea, or stomach ache is also a great option because you don't have to go into too much detail about your symptoms-after all, no one wants to know too many details about your bowel movements.
The most important thing is how to prevent the symptoms of the disease from being confused with each other. If you want to fake a migraine, don't complain about your stomach, and if you fake diarrhea, don't start sneezing

Step 2. Remember how you looked when you were sick, and imitate your expressions
Never feel the urge to smile or show pleasure when you're trying to look sick, as this can make people wonder if you're really in pain or not.
Think about how it felt and what you did the last time you were sick to make your behavior more believable

Step 3. Use concealer or white flour to make your skin look paler
A little bit of green stain can make your face look sicker, while a little white flour can make you look pale and nauseous.
A stain mask will be more effective, but a little white flour can be used as a substitute if you don't have one

Step 4. Wear a wide shirt or wrap yourself in a blanket
Whatever the illness, the sick person likes to be warm and surrounded by many sheets of cloth. Wrap yourself in a blanket or sweater the night before and the day you fake sick.
You can act chills or tremble slightly to mimic the symptoms of a fever, even under a blanket, because sick people often feel both hot and cold at the same time

Step 5. Behave sluggishly and uncoordinated, bump into objects, and walk slowly
Each disease usually causes a lack of coordination ability. Whether you're pretending you have a migraine or a severe cold, react more slowly to what's around you without being aware of your surroundings.

Step 6. Breathe as you sob, cough, and complain about your symptoms frequently
In order for people to really believe you, you have to behave as sickly as you can. If you want to pretend you have a fever or a cold, breathe out like a sob and cough at least every few minutes. As for other issues, be sure to complain about your fake symptoms and rub your belly or forehead, depending on the disease you want to fake.
Method 2 of 3: Faking Certain Symptoms and Injuries

Step 1. Fake a fever or cold by pretending to have a cough, stuffy nose, and tiredness
Breathe only through your mouth, which can indicate full sinuses, and speak and react to things more slowly. You can pretend to have a slight cough and take a sharp sob to make it look more reassuring.
Pretending to have snot in your nose is difficult, but you can make your eyes look watery by deliberately not blinking longer than usual, which will naturally make your eyes water a little more. Do this right before talking to people to get the most out of it

Step 2. Fake a migraine by avoiding light, sound, and people
Migraines have no visible symptoms. So, other people have to rely on your story to understand your symptoms. Pretend to be sensitive to light and sound and then go to a dark, quiet room, if you can.
Common symptoms of migraines are dizziness, a violent reaction to light and sound, loss of balance, and severe headaches, especially in the temples and the back of the head

Step 3. Pretend you have stomach problems by acting nauseous and going to the bathroom frequently
Wipe your stomach a few times the night before and complain about feeling unwell before going to bed early without finishing your entire meal. Pretend you have diarrhea by lingering in the bathroom and imitating cramping movements.
- You can fake vomiting by imitating a choking sound plus a hoarse voice, then pour a glass of water down the toilet. Flush, take a few moments to clean, then leave the toilet. Then lie down on the couch and avoid eating.
- Throughout the night, continue to go to the toilet frequently, but be sure to turn on the fan so people don't get suspicious when they don't hear any noise coming out of the toilet.
- Use plenty of room freshener to cover up the "smell," then suddenly go to the toilet the next day.

Step 4. Don't raise suspicions by overexaggerating the symptoms
Sick people generally try to reduce their symptoms of illness, only coughing when they have to cough and behaving nauseous when nausea comes. Practice your fake symptoms in the mirror and convince yourself first before trying to convince others of your illness.
Sneezes that look real or fake are very easy to spot. Avoid faking a sneeze, but if you think it will make you look more convincing, tickle the bottom of your nose with a feather or similar object to trigger the sneeze reflex
Method 3 of 3: Prepare ahead of time

Step 1. Talk about your "symptoms" the day before you want to take sick leave
The night before, start slowly showing signs of illness. Talk about how you feel dizzy, don't finish your dinner, and consider going to bed earlier than usual-even if you don't need to sleep.
The goal is to instill in people the idea that you don't feel well rather than clearly saying, "I feel sick." This will make your symptoms seem more convincing to others because you are not telling yourself that you seem sick

Step 2. Show the pain symptom of your choice slowly over several hours
No one suddenly falls ill, the symptoms must wake up slowly until it finally burdens the sick person. Start slowly, with a slight cough or sob if you want to mimic a cold or flu, or behave more sluggishly and react more slowly to things around you if you want to pretend you're nauseous.

Step 3. Go to bed late to make eye bags appear, as if you couldn't sleep all night
Most people who are very sick have trouble sleeping (unless they've been taking drowsiness medications). Staying up for a few hours longer than usual can result in visible eye bags under your eyes.
- This can show others that you are having trouble sleeping, when in reality you are awake spending time having fun alone.
- You can also use a little bit of eyeshadow (eyeshadow) to add to the effect of the look. However, be careful not to overdo it because if someone notices that you're wearing eye shadow and isn't really feeling tired, your acting will fail.

Step 4. Avoid making plans and socializing, just like when you were sick
The main thing that gets people caught faking illness is being caught doing something fun and exciting, rather than staying at home to recover.
Take a day off from social media, cancel any plans you made with friends, and stay home all day. You don't want anyone to know the truth about your deception
Try not to use too much sick leave when you are not really sick. If it's time for you to be sick, and your time off is up, you'll need more effort than just calling your boss to take time off
- Forcing yourself to vomit can cause damage to your gums and tooth enamel. If you do decide to try triggering the gag reflex, don't overdo it or you could actually vomit and cause long term damage to your mouth.
- Spending too much time off work can cause coworkers to resent you if they have to do the work you left behind. Be sure to call your boss early in the morning so he or she has plenty of time to shift tasks to someone else, or offer to finish work at a later time.