Do you want to be a cool student at school? Some people think that some people are born cool, but that's not true. You can learn to be cool, and pretend to be cool until you really understand how. Learn some of these strategies so you know how to be cool in school.
Part 1 of 2: Exploring the Social Levels in High School

Step 1. Make friends with popular people
One way to be cool is to make friends with popular people at school. This will start to get you recognized by the cool and popular people at school. Once you start hanging out with the popular crowd, people will start to know who you are.
- Start with someone with lower popularity and to boost your popularity. Starting with people at lower levels will help you gain access to groups. People with low popularity are very likely to like it when you show them more attention.
- Don't pretend, because it's not that cool. You're here to make good friends, not just acquaintances you'll take and leave. If you start and get used to it, people will start to think badly of you. And you will damage your own reputation.

Step 2. Make friends with lots of people
Don't just focus so much on this one popular group that you end up not being friends with anyone else anymore. There are so many people in your school. Make sure you are nice to everyone! The more people you know, the more people you become friends with, the more popular and cool you will be.
- Make friends with people at levels above and below you too. Make friends with people in different groups. Get to know other popular kids, chat with kids from the soccer team, from the drama club, and kids from the band club. Making friends and getting to know many people will help you increase your popularity. This will make your name known to more people out there.
- Making friends with lots of people can help you figure out which group you really fit into. Being part of a social group, whether it's athletes, musicians, famous kids, or very smart kids for example, will help foster a sense of belonging.

Step 3. Join clubs at school
One way to be cool and increase your popularity is to join a school club. Choose a club that interests you, such as a drama club or perhaps a student council. Which club has the most popular people? If there are people you want to approach to make friends, try joining a club they belong to.
- These clubs will help you meet a lot of people. When you are involved in club activities, such as theater performances and student council elections, your name will be heard out there so people will begin to recognize who you are. This helps increase your popularity, because you are the student included in this semester's theatrical production, or you are the girl who is the student council secretary.
- Don't join a club you don't really like just to be friends with someone. Just remember to be a part of the things you will enjoy. Don't be a pretender because people will know if you pretend to like something.
- Don't join all the clubs. Don't let people think you're too much or you'll just be a spectacle.

Step 4. Get involved in sports
In principle, most high school athletes are automatically cool. Think about what sports are cool at your school. Is it badminton, football, basketball or baseball? Try to join the team. Also make sure you are ready to dedicate time and effort. Also make sure you are worthy to play in the match. You don't want to embarrass yourself as a dead backup.
- Are all cheerleaders popular girls? If so, consider joining a cheerleading team cheering for a popular sport at your school. If they are the team for a field hockey game, join them. Also make sure to make friends with the cast if you're already on a cheerleading team.
- If you are not interested in joining this club, then get involved in other ways. Go to a school sports game. Many popular groups would go to a football game or something. Join them. Interact with the clubs such as the student council and also during the candidate debate.
- Sports are a great way to make new friends and learn teamwork. Sports clubs also help you stay fit, look fit and attractive even when you enter university.

Step 5. Divide your food
When you start sitting down to lunch or hanging out with the cool kids, bring/buy more food and share it with them. This is a way to start a conversation and start interacting with these people in a relaxed moment.
Just simple things. There's no need to bake cakes for them. On the other hand, if you have a bag of chips, for example, offer it to them. Once you've opened the bag of chips, simply ask, "Want some chips?" Don't overdo it either, just relax

Step 6. Go to the school party
Find out every time there's an interesting party or event organized by a popular school or student. Go with your friends. If you go alone, mingle and interact with other students. Have fun while still enjoying the event to the fullest.
- Stay away from alcoholic drinks and and drugs that are sometimes available at certain parties. These drugs and alcohol are illegal for you. What's more, you don't want to be a reckless person who gets drunk and embarrass himself. Instead, stay sober and fresh so you can act cool and not look like you're making a fool of yourself. And of course you will avoid bigger problems.
- Do not fall into casual sex which is sometimes triggered by uncontrolled parties. Having sex with someone thinking it's going to make you cool isn't cool at all, and can only end in disaster. Instead, make friends with other people naturally, maybe close friends. Don't let you end up being labeled as a playboy / playgirl or even labeled cheap.
- To avoid pressure and discomfort, try not to attract attention when other people do things that make you uncomfortable. Go to another room if necessary. Don't compromise and do things that make you feel uncomfortable just to fit in with certain groups.

Step 7. Be kind and sincere to others
Being cool doesn't mean being mean or mean. Smile at people, talk to anyone. Be friendly with people who are less popular or from a different group than you. When you date someone, make sure that you really like them. Don't just take advantage of that person to gain popularity and then leave. Be nice and be who you are so people will like you.

Step 8. Keep your principles
When trying to be cool, don't give up on your principles. Remember, you will live with the effects of your choices. What you do in school will affect your admission to college and can affect your future. Don't sacrifice what you think is right but isn't really on principle just because you want to be popular.
- Don't get bad grades. Most cool kids aren't the ones who stay in class. While you don't have to be a genius or a valedictorian, make sure you get good grades. Popular kids mostly want to go to a cool college because they want to get a good job after. Don't sacrifice your grades just to make yourself look cool.
- Stay away from trouble. Cool kids know when to break the rules and when not to. But getting into fights, drugs, booze, and being a rude student in front of the teacher is not the way to earn these cool points. Many cool and popular kids are actually teachers' favorite students. This allows them to get more attention in class because the teachers like them.
Part 2 of 2: Adopt a Cool Attitude

Step 1. Know that less also means more
The key to being cool is not to try too hard. Cool people aren't pushy and they're not "needy" people either. When you're trying to be cool, just try to relax. Don't get too excited or overly excited.
- Don't be nervous. When talking to people, stay relaxed, calm, and don't stutter. Don't always fix your hair, straighten your clothes, or bite your lip. This is a sign that you are restless. Try not to fold your arms while speaking. You want to show coolness, not your nervousness. Take a deep breath before speaking, then speak slowly and in an orderly manner. Try not to say "um" or "aaa" too much.
- Be like a loner. This doesn't mean that you have to be uninterested or not smile when someone is talking, just keep in touch. It just means that you don't have to explode when you see the coolest kid in the class. Don't like chasing people and being pedantic. Just relax. Nod when needed, smile, and still greet anyone. Remember, "less also means more".
- Don't push yourself too hard to be liked, accepted, or known. Don't give too much importance to these things. Let other people obsess over it. Stay focused on being in control, calm, and cool.

Step 2. Don't be a loud and annoying kid
As you walk down the halls, don't scream, shout, or laugh too loudly. You don't want to be the center of attention just because your voice can be heard by everyone down the hall. Talk to volume normal ones. When you laugh, don't overdo it. Try not to laugh too loudly or out loud.

Step 3. Be yourself, but don't overdo it
Being cool is how to be yourself. Pretending, being a copycat, and following other people's styles is not cool. You have to be unique, be yourself, and be self-interested. After all, since you want to be cool, you have to make sure not to overdo it. High school is not suitable for people who only live in their own world. Save things like this for later when you go to college.
- Unfortunately, this may mean belittling certain aspects of yourself. Do you like Comics, video games, or pop culture? Do you like death metal, gothic culture, or veganism? If so, decide how much of this personality can be shared by not isolating your friends. Is it possible that they will stop talking to you if you talk about comics all the time? Will they think you'll look weird if you start dressing in all black?
- If you really want to be cool and blend in with the rest, try not to experiment too much. One of the keys to being cool in school is to be like the majority of other kids.
- Try to find a balance between being yourself and not distracting your classmates with things they don't understand.

Step 4. Realize that self-confidence is key
Think about what the coolest people in movies and TV have in common; they are confident. They know they're cool, they like themselves, and they don't need to seek recognition through other people. Having confidence helps you to be less pushy, because this is definitely not cool.
- Most people don't have innate self-confidence. Therefore, they pretend to be confident. Pretend that you are confident until you really feel it.
- Create a mantra for yourself to say. Say to yourself, "I'm awesome/cool/nice/intelligent/funny/etc." Keep it in your head, stick it in your locker, or any other method that will work for you.

Step 5. Use social media wisely
Sites like Instagram and Twitter can help you increase your cool factor. When using Twitter, don't talk about other people. Instead, make tweets that are funny and engaging. Be smart. Don't be flooded with notifications. Instagram can be another way to collect some cool points and increase your popularity.
- Post when you know people will be paying attention. Evenings and Sunday afternoons are great times when your schoolmates are not busy doing other things.
- Don't post too often. Again, the idea that "less is more" is also important here. You don't want to flood your friends' Instagram with notifications or bore them. You have to be able to make them curious about your life. Make your post once or twice a week. Make sure to only make good posts. Don't just post pictures of food or your pet cat.
- Save money on posting your photos. Don't be the girl who always puts up a selfie with the "duck beak" style, or the guy who always shoots topless six packs. Post spontaneous selfies, like when you're in a cool place or with your friends.
- Follow other people. Like their photos, make sure they know who you are so they can follow you back. But make sure the ratio between the followers of the people you follow is comparable. You don't want to look like someone who follows everyone, but who no one follows you back. Stop following people who refuse to follow you back.
- Have fun with Instagram. Post memorable photos for yourself, like photos where you do fun things, and photos that show you have an interesting life.

Step 6. Dress appropriately
Being cool doesn't mean following all the latest fashion trends. Instead, watch and see what all the cool kids at your school are wearing. What models are trendy at your school? Shop from stores where other cool kids shop and try to imitate their looks.
- Don't copy completely. Put your own personal touch into the style of your outfit. Wear the accessories or shoes you want to wear, wear a t-shirt in a color you like, or dress in a style that makes you feel comfortable. The key to dressing appropriately is to feel comfortable and fit into what you're wearing.
- Do not be too excessive in fashion. Dress simply. Too many fashion trends in one outfit will make you look messy. Instead, combine one trendy piece with another, simpler outfit.

Step 7. Maintain good hygiene
Having body odor, having dirty hair, and not taking care of yourself is anything but cool. You don't have to have a perfect body, but you do have to take care of yourself. This ensures that you can always look your best in front of your friends.
Bathe regularly. You have to make sure that you keep your body clean, as well as your hair and face. Brush your teeth before school every morning. Use deodorant. However, don't wear so much cologne and perfume that people can't stand standing next to you because of the smell
- Don't be rude or spread gossip; Kindness is the best way to be accepted.
- Don't always agree with them (popular people) on everything they say. They won't like you if you act like a follower.
- You may be faced with peer pressure, but if you are honest and express your disagreements well, you will definitely be accepted.
- Find out what's cool at your school. In some schools, exercise is cool, while in others, being a follower of trends and fashion is cooler. Find out what is more popular at your school.