Liposuction, which is sometimes called body sculpting, is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures worldwide. This procedure involves plastic surgery to remove excess body fat through suction with a special tool. Some of the most common areas of liposuction are the hips, buttocks, thighs, arms, abdomen, and chest. If you are new to or considering liposuction, you should know that the recovery can be very painful and takes time, but by giving your condition a chance to fully recover, you can enjoy the results of the procedure.
Method 1 of 2: Recovering After Surgery

Step 1. Consult your doctor about postoperative instructions
Liposuction is an invasive type of surgery and may have complications. You should heed your doctor's postoperative instructions and ask anything you want to ask. This can help ensure a good recovery and minimize the risk of complications.
- Maybe you should ask about recovery at the last consultation before surgery so you understand everything.
- Make sure that whoever accompanies you with the surgery also pays attention to the doctor's instructions just in case you don't pay attention because you are too weak after surgery or because of anesthesia

Step 2. Schedule enough time to rest
Inpatient or outpatient surgery both require a few days of rest. Generally you can return to work or school after a few days.
- Talk to your doctor about how much rest you need.
- The recovery period is directly related to the size of the surgical area and the amount of fat the doctor removes. If the area of the operation is large enough, you may need more rest.
- Prepare the house and bedroom before surgery. A supportive environment, including a comfortable mattress, pillows, and bed linens can aid in effective rest and recovery.

Step 3. Wear compression garments
After surgery, the doctor will apply a bandage and possibly a compression garment. Bandages and compression garments can help compress the surgical area, stop bleeding, and maintain the contours of the surgery.
- There are doctors who do not provide compression garments. You should buy it yourself before or immediately after surgery. Bandages and compression garments can be purchased at pharmacies and medical supply stores.
- Compression clothing is essential. Its use is to support the body after surgery and reduce swelling and bruising, as well as increase blood circulation to support recovery.
- You may need to purchase a compression garment specifically designed for the area of the body being operated on. For example, if you had liposuction on your thighs, you would need two compression garments to fit each thigh.
- You may need to wear a postoperative bandage for two weeks, while most people wear compression garments for a few weeks.

Step 4. Take antibiotics to prevent infection
After surgery, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection. You have to take the prescribed antibiotics until they run out because otherwise there is a possibility of complications.
Recent studies have shown that antibiotics may not be needed after liposuction, so discuss this with your doctor first. It's possible that you have certain problems, such as herpes, that require you to take medication to avoid infection and transmission

Step 5. Treat pain and swelling with medication
After surgery, you may feel pain, numbness, and swelling. This problem can be treated with over-the-counter pain relievers or from a doctor.
- Numbness and stinging a few weeks after surgery is normal, as is pain. Your skin may also be swollen and bruised.
- The time it takes most people to feel better is 1-2 weeks. You may need painkillers throughout this time or even longer.
- Take over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Ibuprofen can also reduce swelling associated with surgery.
- Your doctor may prescribe pain relievers if the over-the-counter medications you are taking don't work.
- You can buy over-the-counter and prescription drugs at pharmacies.

Step 6. Walk as soon as possible
You should start moving at a light pace as soon as you can. Walking can prevent blood clots in the legs, which can be fatal. Light movement can also help speed recovery.
While it is recommended to walk or move lightly as soon as possible, you should only return to strenuous activities one month after surgery

Step 7. Treat the surgical incision
Your surgical incision may be stitched. Caring for the surgical incision can help minimize the risk of infection.
- The incision area may be open and watery for several days. This is normal, and some doctors may insert a tube to drain fluid from the incision area.
- Cover the surgical incision according to the doctor's instructions for changing the bandage.
- Clean the incision area by changing the bandage as needed.
- You can shower after 48 hours, but don't soak until the stitches are removed.
- Change the bandage to a clean one and put on the compression garment again after the shower.
- Do not leave the incision area exposed to sunlight for at least 12 months.

Step 8. Remove the stitches
The body may be able to absorb some types of sutures, but there are stitches that must be removed by a doctor. Remove the stitches at the time your doctor recommends.
- Your doctor will tell you what type of stitches to give you when giving postoperative instructions.
- Skin absorbable sutures do not need to be removed. The stitches will go away on their own.

Step 9. Watch for signs of complications
Swelling, pain, bruising and even discharge from the incision are natural effects after liposuction. Surgery has inherent risks, so watch for signs of complications, such as infection. Vigilance can help minimize the risk of serious complications leading to death. See a doctor immediately if you experience any of the symptoms below.
- Signs of infection are severe swelling, pain or heat at the surgical site, discharge of pus or blood from the incision, and fever.
- If you have shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, it may be a sign of an embolism, which forms when fat is shed during the procedure.
- If you notice a yellowish discharge around the area of tissue being removed, it is a symptom of a seroma. A seroma is a buildup of fluid under the skin that causes pain and discomfort.
- If you experience prolonged paresthesia, which is a sensation in the incision area, see a doctor. Paresthesias can be permanent.
- If you notice that the skin in the incision area is discolored or flaky, it may be a sign of skin necrosis, or localized death in the area of skin that has been affected.

Step 10. Know when you can see results
You may not see the results of liposuction right away because of the swelling. Remaining fat also takes several weeks to settle in position, and there is uncertainty of contour during this period. But you will be able to see definite results within 6 months after surgery.
- The results of liposuction may not last forever, especially if you gain weight.
- You may be disappointed if the results are not as dramatic as expected.
Method 2 of 2: Maintaining Weight After Surgery

Step 1. Control your weight
Liposuction surgery does remove fat cells permanently, but if you gain weight, the results may change or the fat will return to the suctioned area. So, keep the weight so that the results of the operation remain as you wish.
- Body weight should remain stable. An increase or decrease of half to one kilo does not have a significant effect, but an amount more than that will change the results of operations.
- Weight can be maintained with an active lifestyle and a healthy diet.

Step 2. Eat healthy and regular meals
Eating healthy, balanced, and regularly can help maintain weight. Foods that contain moderate fat, complex carbohydrates, and are high in nutrients are the best choices for general health.
- Adopt a nutrient-rich diet with between 1,800–2200 calories daily, depending on your activity level.
- You will get enough nutrition if you eat four healthy five perfect every day. These nutrients come from five food groups, namely fruit, vegetables, cereals, protein, and dairy products.
- You need 150–200 grams of fruit per day. You can get them by eating whole fruit such as raspberries, blueberries, or strawberries, or by drinking pure fruit juice. Make sure you eat a variety of fruits so you get a variety of nutrients and don't get processed at all. For example, eating berries whole will be much healthier than eating berry tarts.
- You need 350–450 grams of vegetables per day. You can get it by eating vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, or peppers, or by drinking pure vegetable juice. Make sure you choose a variety of vegetables so you get a variety of nutrients.
- Fruits and vegetables are good sources of fiber. Fiber can also help maintain weight.
- You need 150–250 grams of cereal per day, and half of this should be whole grains. You can get cereals and whole grains from foods such as brown rice, whole grain pasta or bread, oatmeal, or breakfast cereals. Cereals provide vital B vitamins to help with slow digestion.
- You need 150–200 grams of protein per day. Protein can be obtained from lean meats, such as beef, pork, or poultry, as well as cooked legumes, eggs, peanut butter, or nuts and seeds. Protein also helps build and maintain muscle.
- You need 200–300 grams or 350 ml of dairy products per day. Dairy products can be obtained from cheese, yogurt, milk, soy milk, or ice cream.
- Avoid excessive amounts of sodium, which is found in mass processed foods. Your taste buds will decrease with age, and you may want more salt. Try using alternative herbs such as garlic or herbs to help avoid excess sodium and prevent weight gain.

Step 3. Avoid unhealthy foods
If you're trying to lose weight, it's best to avoid unhealthy or junk food, which is mostly full of fat and calories. Potato chips, nachos, pizza, hamburgers, tarts, and ice cream won't help you lose weight.
- Stay away from refined carbohydrates that contain starches such as bread, crackers, pasta, rice, breakfast cereals, and pastries. Reducing these foods can help maintain weight.
- Be aware of hidden sugars in foods that can increase weight.

Step 4. Start cardiovascular exercise
Moderate-intensity low-impact cardiovascular exercise can help keep you in shape and also aid in weight loss. Before you begin, discuss your plans for cardio with your doctor and a professional fitness trainer.
- You should get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day or most days of the week.
- If you're just starting out or need to do low-impact activities, options are walking and swimming.
- You can do various types of cardio to lose weight. In addition to walking and swimming, consider running, rowing, cycling, or working out with an elliptical machine.

Step 5. Do strength training
In addition to cardiovascular exercise, strength training can also help maintain weight and liposuction results.
- Before starting a strength training program, consult with your doctor and possibly a professional trainer who can develop a plan that best suits your abilities and needs.
- Try yoga or pilates in the studio or online. These low-impact activities can help strengthen and stretch muscles and at the same time help control weight.