4 Ways to Get Rid of Gasoline Smell from Hands

4 Ways to Get Rid of Gasoline Smell from Hands
4 Ways to Get Rid of Gasoline Smell from Hands

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Mechanics or gas station staff already understand very well how strong the smell of this fuel is. The smell of gasoline emanates easily and does not go away quickly. Fortunately, there are several ways to get the gasoline smell off your hands without using harsh chemicals. You can use white vinegar, vanilla extract, lemon juice, or detergent and salt to make your hands smell nice and clean.


Method 1 of 4: Cleaning with White Vinegar

Get the Smell of Gasoline Off Your Hands Step 1
Get the Smell of Gasoline Off Your Hands Step 1

Step 1. Pour white vinegar on your hands

The chemical properties of vinegar can break bonds in gasoline so the residue can fade. You can use any type of white vinegar. Pour enough into the hands to wet the palms and fingers.

Get the Smell of Gasoline Off Your Hands Step 2
Get the Smell of Gasoline Off Your Hands Step 2

Step 2. Rub white vinegar for 30-45 seconds

Rub your palms together quickly. Link your fingers together and massage with white vinegar too. Continue for at least 30-45 seconds, or more if you prefer.

Get the Smell of Gasoline Off Your Hands Step 3
Get the Smell of Gasoline Off Your Hands Step 3

Step 3. Rinse hands with tap water

Once your hands are thoroughly scrubbed, you can rinse the vinegar off your hands. Place your hands under the running faucet and wash them with soap and water. Wash until the white vinegar smell no longer smells. Then, dry your hands with a towel.

Method 2 of 4: Using Vanilla Extract

Get the Smell of Gasoline Off Your Hands Step 4
Get the Smell of Gasoline Off Your Hands Step 4

Step 1. Mix vanilla extract and water

Pour a few drops of vanilla extract into half a cup (120 ml) of water. You can add a few drops of vanilla extract if you can't smell it in the water.

Get the Smell of Gasoline Off Your Hands Step 5
Get the Smell of Gasoline Off Your Hands Step 5

Step 2. Pour the mixture into your hands

Rub your hands together while they're smearing the mixture. Continue for 30-60 seconds. You can stop scrubbing when you no longer smell the gasoline on your hands.

Get the Smell of Gasoline Off Your Hands Step 6
Get the Smell of Gasoline Off Your Hands Step 6

Step 3. Wash hands with soap and water

After the smell of gasoline is gone, wash your hands with soap and water. You don't need to scrub hard because the vanilla extract smells good enough. Dry your hands with a towel after washing them.

Method 3 of 4: Using Lemon Juice

Get the Smell of Gasoline Off Your Hands Step 7
Get the Smell of Gasoline Off Your Hands Step 7

Step 1. Mix lemon juice and water

Pour the lemon juice and water in equal volume ratio (50:50) into a small cup. Stir the solution with a spoon or other stirring object.

Get the Smell of Gasoline Off Your Hands Step 8
Get the Smell of Gasoline Off Your Hands Step 8

Step 2. Pour the lemon juice mixture into your hands

Rub the mixture into your palms and fingers for at least one minute. Massage the lemon juice into your hands so that the smell of gasoline is completely gone. Continue scrubbing for at least a minute, or more if you prefer.

Get the Smell of Gasoline Off Your Hands Step 9
Get the Smell of Gasoline Off Your Hands Step 9

Step 3. Rinse hands

You can rinse your hands with water alone or with added soap. Lemons usually smell good enough that you don't have to get rid of the smell. Dry hands after washing.

Method 4 of 4: Washing with Dish Soap and Salt

Get the Smell of Gasoline Off Your Hands Step 10
Get the Smell of Gasoline Off Your Hands Step 10

Step 1. Put 1-2 teaspoons of salt in a cup

Pour 1-2 teaspoons (5-10 g) of regular table salt into a cup. Place the cup next to the sink so that it is easily accessible when you wash your hands with dish soap.

Get the Smell of Gasoline Off Your Hands Step 11
Get the Smell of Gasoline Off Your Hands Step 11

Step 2. Pour dish soap into your hands

Dish soap will break the chemical bonds of gasoline. Pour enough dish soap into your hands just to lightly coat your palms and fingers.

Get the Smell of Gasoline Off Your Hands Step 12
Get the Smell of Gasoline Off Your Hands Step 12

Step 3. Rub hands with dish soap and salt

Pour the table salt over the dish soap. Rub your palms together, and massage your palms and fingers thoroughly. Continue for a minute.

Get the Smell of Gasoline Off Your Hands Step 13
Get the Smell of Gasoline Off Your Hands Step 13

Step 4. Rinse hands with water

You don't need to add more dish soap when washing your hands. Simply place your hands under running tap water to wash off the salt and soap. Dry your hands with a towel when you're done.


  • There are also commercial products available specifically for removing the smell of gasoline from hands, such as Gas Off. This product is available in repair shops or online stores.
  • You can also use hand sanitizer, hydrogen peroxide, and mechanical soap to get the gasoline smell off your hands.
  • Wash your hands with toothpaste instead of soap because it is quite effective at getting rid of the smell of gasoline on your hands.
