Sneaking is a great trait to have even if you're not a spy around the world! Surprise parties or pranking people will be easier and more fun if you can be a little less candid. For the bad guys, sneaking can also be used to get what you want when you can't honestly get it, whether it's access to a members-only club or access to an R-rated movie. Develop your sneaking skills to enjoy a life full of excitement, thrill, and excitement. most likely, shame!
Method 1 of 3: Act Like a Real Sneaker

Step 1. Lie well
Sneakers aren't just about moving around stealthily without being seen. Equally important are “social” sneaking skills – abilities that will help you get what you want from people and help you get out of trouble in case you get caught. The main one of this ability is the ability to lie, convincing lies. You must be able to provide logical, reasonable, explanations for your behavior over time.
One way to become a shrewd liar is to take a play class or enroll in a theatrical production. Actors, on the one hand, are professional liars – good actors use their faces, voices, and bodies to create compelling stories

Step 2. Hide your true emotions
A simple “Poker face” will blow your mind away! When you're sneaking, it's important that you appear serious about any lie you're concocting, even if it's a wild one! “Sell” your lie – your voice, face, and body must support that the idea you are speaking is the truth. This doesn't mean just maintaining a tense expression all the time – to support your lie, you may need to practice appearing happy, sad, joyful, and many other emotions if you can!
There's a reason it's called a “poker face” – to help develop rock-cold control over your facial expressions, invite friends to play Texas Hold'Em or some other variation of poker, where players are encouraged to hide their emotions

Step 3. Design your reasons beforehand
While sneaking, you run the risk of being caught in the end – how you handle the situation can make the difference between staying sneaky or being laughed at. Make a reason why you sneaked earlier – one that makes sense according to the place. For example, if you're caught sneaking upstairs while there's a party downstairs, let's say you're looking for the restroom.
If you sneak around people who don't know you, you can re-plan your excuses to the extent of having a fake name or fake background story. Support your story with your clothing choices – if you're pretending to be a religious missionary, for example, it's best if you wear clean trousers, a white shirt and tie, and take a religious book with you

Step 4. Be charming
Naturally, it's easier for people you like to get what they want – if you're more charming, you have the option of talking to people who would otherwise notice you're sneaking. Maintain a friendly, attractive demeanor. Look them in the eye. Joke with them – about how boring your job is, if you want to build a quick report card. Pretend to support their opinion. Get them to like you – remember, you don't have to be their friend after you trick them, so take every opportunity you get.
Don't be afraid to flirt! If you think you've got that person's “attention”, take a chance! A few words from an attractive woman, for example, can convince a security guard to open the door of an already packed nightclub

Step 5. Use your appearance as a social lever
Humans are shallow – sadly, most of the time, people will judge you based on how you look. While you're sneaking, make this your advantage! You may want to dress in stiff trousers and a polo shirt to look clean and harmless so people will look at you. On the other hand, maybe you want to get a haircut, wear a nose ring and a leather jacket to make it look intimidating. Use your wits– ask yourself, “what kind of person has the best chance of overcoming the odds in these circumstances?”
If you're very brave, you can even create disguises and pretend to be someone else – keep in mind that being a fake cop, etc., is a serious offense

Step 6. Use the element of surprise
When you want to reveal the fruit of your residence to someone, make sure they don't notice it for better results. Make your behavior and environment seem as normal as possible until the last second. For example, if you're planning a surprise birthday party at someone's house, make the house “just the way it used to be,” except for the room where the guests are hiding. When you lure the birthday person into the room, use a poker face to make yourself appear nonchalant.
In the example scenario, be sure to keep your expression until the surprise has been delivered! If you can't help but laugh even a few seconds before, you run the risk of losing the surprise
Method 2 of 3: Become Invisible

Step 1. Observe your surroundings and the people around you
The true smuggler is aware of his surroundings. He sees and hears obstacles, whether they are living things (eg people or dogs) or inanimate objects (eg wired fences). When you sneak in, keep your eyes open and ears always listening!
- If you get a chance, learn where you'll be sneaking and the people you'll meet. Take notes. Even a simple map will help you plan a strategy to sneak into the place.
- See patterns in people's behavior. For example, if you see your friend arriving home after work at 6pm every day, you know you have to prepare your surprise ahead of time.

Step 2. Overhear important conversations
You may learn information you shouldn't if you're looking for opportunities to "hear" private conversations. If you're at a friend's place with some other friends and you think they're planning a prank for you, sneak in the door while they're talking in another room, then listen through the keyhole or stick a glass to the door to hear it.
If someone is talking on the phone on a fixed line, try picking up another phone on the network to eavesdrop on their conversation from another room. Just make sure to do it very, very quietly – do not breathe on that phone.

Step 3. Keep the observer's eyes out
The most basic aspect of a sneaker is not being seen as doing anything bad! Whether you're stealing fries from a friend's lunch or sneaking out during curfew, you don't want to be seen. Always keep something between you and others who might see you. If necessary, crouch or change shape to hide your presence behind a table, tree, wall, or anything else that can block the view of others.
- Avoid large open areas. You can't look in every direction at once, so in this area it's hard to keep track of other people and easy to spot. Stand near a wall whenever possible – you know you can't be seen behind a wall, so you can focus your attention on an angle from which you're more likely to be seen.
- If you can, study the previous building plan. Even a basic understanding of where rooms, windows and doors are located can help you make good choices about which areas to avoid and where to hide when needed.

Step 4. Minimize the noise you make while walking
People can hear you even if they can't see you, so one of your concerns when sneaking in the house is to make as little noise as possible. Use the following techniques as much as possible to lower your voice and reduce the chance that people will hear you coming from far away!
- Walk with gentle steps. Bend your knees slightly as you slowly shift your weight from one leg to the other. Do a gentle heel-to-toe step.
- Wear clothing that makes no noise. Don't wear clothes that make a sound when you move. Soft fabrics are best – sweatpants and many types of athletic wear work well.
- Soft footwear. If you must wear shoes, wear a pair of shoes with soft soles that won't squeak on wet surfaces. Sandals are better. Socks alone are better!
- Do not touch noisy surfaces. Most carpets are quieter than hardwood floors, which can squeak and echo your footsteps. Also avoid stepping on metal, glass, or twigs when outside.
- If possible, make big movements only when there is sound to cover it up (for example, when a plane is passing).

Step 5. Don't stand out in a crowd
If you're going to sneak into a place where there's already a lot of people there, you're bound to be seen and heard. Instead of avoiding being detected, you should focus on creating an impression that people who see you won't remember. Dress up and be unobtrusive for this situation. Be friendly and open, but don't talk to people you don't have to talk to – the fewer people who remember you, the better.
When trying to avoid conversation, try to look like you have something to do. Walk with purpose – as if you had important business waiting and you couldn't be bothered

Step 6. Have a quick hand
When you are discreet, you will need to grab hold of or catch something from the other person without realizing it. People who practice hand speed have hands that are stable, agile, and calm. Practice simple magic tricks to improve basic techniques like palms that will help you steal your new prize.

Step 7. Use redirects
Learn to create distractions to distract people. If you're trying to sneak out of the house during curfew and your dad is watching TV in the living room with your only exit in sight, you'll have to devise an excuse to get him to leave! For example, tap a shovel in his study, making as much noise as possible. Immediately run to the hiding place (hopefully you've determined beforehand), then wait for him to examine the sura. As soon as he leaves, quickly sneak out the door!
Pickpockets use diversions to steal wallets – you can use the same principle to secretly annoy your friends! Keep your friend focused on one thing – a funny video or card trick for example – while you stretch your arms out of sight to grab what you want

Step 8. Increase your strength and flexibility
Professional sneakers benefit from good exercise – good physical condition can make a big difference when trying to climb a fence and being out of sight. Similarly, a flexible body can slip into tight hiding places more easily than a rigid and inflexible person. It even has the benefit of increasing your cardio stamina – just in case you get caught and have to run, that's it!
If you haven't started yet, start a balanced exercise routine to get started on a personal fitness path
Method 3 of 3: Honing Your Sneaking Skills

Step 1. Practice basic sneaking skills
When you're just starting out, try to trick it in small, almost-detected ways. If you are in a small place for example, if you are driving a car, you can concentrate on improving your skills without having to take into account your surroundings.
Try this experience: While sitting in the passenger seat, see if there are coins on the bottom of the cup. Slowly but surely, take the coins one at a time. Make sure the driver doesn't see you, and try not to make any noise. Then, try putting all the coins back into the cup's base. This exercise will improve the stability of your hands, the ability to move silently, and the ability to read the body language of the person you are tricking

Step 2. Expand your sneak practice
Once you're confident about sneaking in small, controlled environments, it's time to practice sneaking in larger, more active environments. Every additional person around you is a variable you have to take into account – being able to take into account other people's position and line of sight even when you're not looking at them using cues like footsteps, etc., is a vital sneaking ability.
- Try this exercise: at a social event, catch a glimpse of a person holding a drink. Wait until he has his back to his drink, then move the drink to another room. Once you've moved it, come back and watch the person try to remember where he put it. This exercise improves your ability to remain unobtrusive in crowded areas as well as your ability to control your emotions in the presence of the people you work with.
- A good test to test your ability to move quietly, get up late at night and try to walk around the house silently while everyone else is sleeping – pick a spot in your house to sneak around, then sneak back into your room, going through as many rooms as you can. In the silence of the night, you will be able to hear even the smallest movement.

Step 3. Keep your social skills sharp
You want to be able to weave lies, excuses, and personal information to address people who are looking for trouble that could interfere with your mission. Practice your ability to fool and charm people – often, this is just as important as the ability to move around without being seen or heard.
- Some people have a profoundly negative reaction to lying that is detected by others. To combat this, start by telling a harmless, harmless lie. When someone asks for the time, tell them one minute less than the actual time. Eventually you will overcome your reluctance and slowly amplify your lies, soon you will be able to tell the risky “truth” convincingly.
- If you're not socially picky, try speaking at a gym or members-only club as a test of your sneaking skills. Put together a good excuse beforehand – maybe you left your wallet in the locker or maybe your friends are waiting inside but they can't let you in because they're in the pool away from their phone!
- Always have a practical excuse when you sneak.
- If you get caught in the middle of the night, let's say you need to go to the restroom, or get a glass of water (except outside). Then say you heard something and don't want to wake people up and don't want people to think you're crazy.
- When sneaking, also do a lot of things at once, to distract you from the person you don't want to attract.
- If you get caught carrying someone else's stuff, think fast and say “Oh! Sorry! I think this is my tea” (or whatever). Make sure you look surprised and sorry.
- Remember, if you can see someone, maybe they can see you too.
- Calm down, and don't draw attention to yourself unless you're sure what you stole is safe in your pocket, hand, or sleeve. Chatting can sometimes be helpful (many people don't just walk into a room and then leave without saying anything).
- If you go to the restroom, try to urinate in a place where there is no water, so that there is no splashing sound.
- When walking on wooden floors make sure you are close to the wall because the floor near the wall is more solid, so it won't squeak at all (or just a little).
- Never sneak around the workplace at night unless you know you're unlikely to be seen, or you'll be in trouble.
- If you get caught in the step above, you will look stupid.
- No, never sneak into important government, military, police, or corporate locations. That's for professional spy work. Don't end up in jail for playing James Bond!
- If you get caught, you'll be in trouble.