6 Ways to Reduce Pain from Herpes with Home Remedies

6 Ways to Reduce Pain from Herpes with Home Remedies
6 Ways to Reduce Pain from Herpes with Home Remedies

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There are two types of herpes disease caused by two closely related viruses, namely herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2). HSV-1 usually causes cold blisters or sores on the mouth and lips, while HSV-2 causes the same in the genital area. Both types of herpes are very itchy and painful and can infect both men and women. The herpes virus enters the body through direct contact (sexual intercourse, kissing, touching) or indirectly (by using contaminated items) with an infected person. There is currently no cure for this disease, but you can take steps to reduce the pain and discomfort associated with herpes outbreaks either with home-based products or by consulting your doctor. You can also reduce the length of time you have inflammation.


Method 1 of 6: Treating Herpes at Home

Ease Herpes Pain with Home Remedies Step 1
Ease Herpes Pain with Home Remedies Step 1

Step 1. Compress the sore area with ice

The easiest way to reduce the pain caused by herpes is to apply a cold compress with ice. Ice can reduce pain by freezing the skin and reducing pain nerve activity.

  • Wrap the ice in a towel so it doesn't feel too cold. Then, place the compress on the inflamed area.
  • Every time you apply ice, use a new, clean towel. After use, wash towels with warm, soapy water to prevent transmission to others.
Ease Herpes Pain with Home Remedies Step 2
Ease Herpes Pain with Home Remedies Step 2

Step 2. Use a warm compress

If cold compresses don't help reduce pain, some people feel more comfortable with warm or hot compresses. Prepare a clean cotton cloth or towel and warm, barely hot water. Soak a cloth/towel in the water, wring it out, then place it on the infected area that hurts.

Every time you apply hot water, use a new cloth or towel. After compressing, wash the cloth you use in hot water with detergent to prevent transmission of infection

Ease Herpes Pain with Home Remedies Step 3
Ease Herpes Pain with Home Remedies Step 3

Step 3. Apply propolis on the infected area

Propolis is a kind of thick resin oil that can be an antiviral drug and can speed up the healing process of herpes inflammation. You can use an oil or cream containing propolis to reduce pain and help heal herpes sores.

  • This product is sold in various drugstores and health food stores.
  • Purchase an oil or cream (not capsules or tincture), and follow the directions for use.
  • Before using propolis and other skin medications, first try it on an area of skin that is not injured and wait 24 hours to make sure that you don't have an allergic reaction to the drug.
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Ease Herpes Pain with Home Remedies Step 4

Step 4. Use aloe vera to help relieve pain

You can use aloe vera gel or oil to relieve pain. Apply directly to the herpes sores you are experiencing, either directly from the aloe vera plant (cut a little, then apply the sap) or with a commercial product that contains aloe vera (follow the instructions for use).

  • You can also let this aloe vera gel or oil dry first and then rinse off the hardened layer. Reapply as needed every four hours.
  • Whether directly from the aloe vera plant or from a commercial product, the cooling effect of the gel you use can reduce pain and speed healing. If you do have an aloe vera plant, take a fresh aloe vera leaf, cut it in half with a knife, and apply the sap on the infected area.
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Ease Herpes Pain with Home Remedies Step 5

Step 5. Take a lysine supplement

You can speed healing of inflammation with 1-3 grams of lysine per day. There is research showing that lysine is effective in reducing the number of sores in oral herpes, but it can only be taken for a maximum of 3-4 weeks.

  • Lysine is an amino acid (the "building block" of protein) that can increase cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Before taking lysine, first consult a doctor first.
  • You can also eat foods rich in lysine, such as fish, chicken, eggs, and potatoes.
Ease Herpes Pain with Home Remedies Step 6
Ease Herpes Pain with Home Remedies Step 6

Step 6. Apply olive oil

Olive oil can be used as a skin moisturizer. This oil is rich in antioxidants and is one of the best home remedies for treating herpes sores. Olive oil contains dinitrochlorobenzana, which is a key drug in treating herpes infections.

Heat a cup of olive oil in a saucepan with a few handfuls of lavender and beeswax. Once cool, apply this mixture on the infected area. The beeswax will thicken the oil mixture and keep it from flowing elsewhere, but you may still need to lie down to keep the mixture in place

Ease Herpes Pain with Home Remedies Step 7
Ease Herpes Pain with Home Remedies Step 7

Step 7. Apply manuka honey to the wound area

Manuka honey is antibacterial and antiviral. This honey can accelerate the healing of herpes inflammation. You only need to apply this honey on the area that has herpes sores. Apply several times throughout the day to be more effective.

  • Apply this honey with an ear stick or cotton swab directly on your wound area. At first it may be very painful, but soon this pain will go away.
  • Lie down when applying manuka honey on the genital area so that it doesn't drip / flow to other places.
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Ease Herpes Pain with Home Remedies Step 8

Step 8. Apply oregano oil on the wound area

Oregano oil contains antiviral properties that can speed up healing of herpes sores. Apply oregano oil directly on the infected area with a cotton swab and leave it on for 10-15 minutes, then wash the infected area and dry it.

You can also use oregano oil, calendula oil, and jojoba oil, either together or individually

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Ease Herpes Pain with Home Remedies Step 9

Step 9. Apply tea tree oil

This oil is known as a healer of all open skin diseases. Tea tree oil can be used to treat canker sores and sore throats and can also be used to speed up the healing of herpes sores. Dab one drop of this oil on the infected area using the dropper on the package.

Most over-the-counter tea tree oils are concentrated and go through a distillation process. You only need to use a little bit

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Ease Herpes Pain with Home Remedies Step 10

Step 10. Apply coconut oil

Coconut oil contains antiviral properties that can fight lipid-coated viruses, such as the herpes virus. This oil can fight the herpes virus which inflames and causes sores. This oil is also an effective skin moisturizer.

Although some doctors recommend consuming coconut oil to help improve your immune system, use it sparingly. Coconut oil contains 90% saturated fat, much higher than butter (64%), beef fat (40%), or pork oil (40%). Existing studies have not shown that the benefits outweigh the potential heart attack risks associated with consuming too much saturated oil

Method 2 of 6: Treating Genital Herpes at Home

Ease Herpes Pain with Home Remedies Step 11
Ease Herpes Pain with Home Remedies Step 11

Step 1. Use calamine lotion to relieve pain in genital herpes sores

Calamine lotion can help dry wet wounds and relieve pain. However, be careful; use on non-inflamed genital herpes on mucous membranes, such as the vagina, vulva, and labia.

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Ease Herpes Pain with Home Remedies Step 12

Step 2. Soak the wound in water mixed with wheat

This water can help reduce the discomfort of herpes sores. Put about a cup of whole grain cereal in a nylon sock and tie the sock to the bathtub faucet. Run the warm water through the faucet, over the whole grain cereal. Soak in the water mixed with wheat.

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Ease Herpes Pain with Home Remedies Step 13

Step 3. Soak in salt water to dry genital herpes sores

English salt contains magnesium sulfate and other essential minerals that can help dry, heal and clean wounds. English salt is important for reducing the pain and itching caused by herpes infections. Here's how to use it.

  • Warm the water for the soak, then add about 1/2 cup of british salt. Soak for at least 20 minutes.
  • Dry the infected area thoroughly after bathing. Keep the area of infection dry to prevent itching, irritation, or yeast infection. If the towel irritates your cut skin, use a hairdryer on a cold setting.
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Ease Herpes Pain with Home Remedies Step 14

Step 4. Apply lemon balm oil

This oil can reduce severe symptoms of HSV infection. Follow the instructions for use for the product you are using.

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Ease Herpes Pain with Home Remedies Step 15

Step 5. Use a combination of sage and rhubarb leaves

A study showed that a combination of sage and rhubarb leaves made into a cream was as effective as acyclovir (a strong drug to treat herpes) in treating HSV infections in the female genitalia.

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Ease Herpes Pain with Home Remedies Step 16

Step 6. Try St. John's wort. This medicine is a traditional herbal remedy that can be used to treat viral infections. As of this writing, there have been no studies of this drug in humans, but laboratory studies have shown that it can limit HSV infection.

St. Products John's wort available in Indonesia, for example, is produced by Blackmore

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Step 7. Use a zinc cream to treat herpes sores on the outside of the mouth

In laboratory tests, zinc cream has been shown to treat HSV. You can use 0.3% zinc oxide cream (with glycine). Ask your pharmacist for help to find the right medicine for you, then follow the directions for use.

Method 3 of 6: Using Drugs

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Ease Herpes Pain with Home Remedies Step 18

Step 1. Consider taking an antiviral medication such as acyclovir, famciclovir, or valacyclovir to treat genital herpes

These medications require a doctor's prescription. The way these drugs work is by limiting the DNA polymerization of the herpes virus and preventing its division. These drugs are usually given for the initial inflammation and to control subsequent inflammations.

  • These medications are only used in severe cases of oral herpes.
  • Acyclovir is available in many forms, such as tablets, syrups, injections, and topical creams for the skin and eyes. Each of these forms should be used according to the medical condition and age of the patient. The cream can be applied directly to the wound, either in the mouth or on the genitals.
  • Acyclovir is usually given in a dose of 800 mg, 5 times daily, for 7-10 days.
  • Ophthalmic creams can be used to treat herpes keratitis (herpes affecting the eye, making it itchy and festering). Used once before bed.
  • Tablets and injections are more useful for treating herpes systemically. In severe cases, tablets are taken twice a day.
  • The most common side effects of these medications are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, fatigue, dizziness, and muscle aches.
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Step 2. Take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug such as ibuprofen

This non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug can reduce irritation and inflammation in the wound area. This drug works by blocking two enzymes associated with the production of prostaglandins, COX-I and COX-II. Prostaglandins are substances associated with inflammation and pain. This non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties that can help reduce fever. You can relieve pain from herpes with over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

  • For example, use cataflam (diclofenac salt) and ibuprofen in the form of tablets, syrup, soluble sachets, suppositories, or creams. The usual dose for adults is one cataflam 50 mg tablet taken twice a day after meals.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have side effects, including intestinal and gastric diseases such as nausea, vomiting, and stomach or intestinal ulcers. People with liver and kidney disease should consult a doctor first before taking this medicine.
  • Take the lowest possible dose that will relieve your pain. Do not take this medicine for more than two weeks without consulting your doctor. Chronic use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is associated with the formation of intestinal ulcers and other diseases.
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Step 3. Take acetaminophen

Like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, they can be used to treat pain, but they have less anti-inflammatory properties. However, these drugs still have analgesic and antipyretic effects and can relieve some symptoms.

  • Paracetamol, eg panadol, can be taken as a tablet, syrup, or suppository. The usual dose for adults is two 500 mg tablets taken at most four times per day after meals.
  • Take the lowest possible dose to relieve your pain. Excessive use of acetaminophen can cause liver damage. Overuse is also linked to kidney damage.
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Ease Herpes Pain with Home Remedies Step 21

Step 4. Use a local anesthetic such as lidocaine

You can use local anesthetics directly on the painful area, especially on the genitals or rectum to relieve the sensation of irritation and itching. A common example is lidocaine in the form of a gel. This lidocaine can seep directly through the mucous membranes and create a freezing feeling on the infected skin.

  • Lidocaine can be used twice a day.
  • When using lidocaine, wear gloves or an earplug to prevent freezing your fingers.

Method 4 of 6: Preventing Herpes

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Ease Herpes Pain with Home Remedies Step 22

Step 1. Use the echinacea plant to boost your immune system

Echinacea is a medicinal plant that contains antiviral abilities. Echinacea is known to increase the ability of the immune system. All parts of the echinacea plant, such as flowers, leaves, and roots, can be used to treat herpes sores. Echinacea can be made into tea, juice, or pills.

  • Echinacea supplements are widely available in pharmacies, certain supermarkets, and may also be available on the internet.
  • If using echinacea as a tea, drink 3-4 cups per day.
  • If used as a supplement, follow the manufacturer's instructions for use.
  • If you have tuberculosis, leukemia, diabetes, connective tissue disorders, multiple sclerosis, HIV or AIDS, autoimmune diseases, or liver disorders, Echinacea may be able to intervene in the healing process of these diseases. Consult a doctor before using echinacea.
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Ease Herpes Pain with Home Remedies Step 23

Step 2. Use licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

Licorice root contains glycyrrhizic acid, which has been shown to have a therapeutic effect in the treatment of herpes. High concentrations of glycyrrhizic acid have even been linked to permanent inactivation of the herpes simplex virus in laboratory tests. However, it should also be noted that prolonged use of licorice root can lead to high levels of sodium in the body and loss of potassium; people with heart problems or pregnant women should not take licorice.

  • For the treatment of herpes, you can use licorice root extract. Apart from that, you can also use two capsules of licorice root extract.
  • Consult your doctor before using licorice root. Glycyrrhizin, the active ingredient in licorice, can cause pseudoaltosteronism, which is a disease that causes headaches, fatigue, high blood pressure, or even a heart attack. People with heart problems, kidney or liver problems, high blood pressure, hormone sensitive cancers, diabetes, low potassium, or erectile dysfunction should not use licorice.
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Step 3. Use medicinal seaweed

Seaweeds such as Pterocladia capillacea, Gymnogongrus griffithsiae, Cryptonemia crenulata, and Nothogenia fastigiata (red seaweed from South America), Bostrychia montagnei (seaweed), and Gracilaria corticata (red seaweed from India) can stop HSV infection. The seaweed can be used as a medicinal food when added to salads or goulash, or it can also be eaten as a supplement.

If taken in supplement form, follow the instructions for use

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Step 4. Eat a healthy diet

Take care of your health as much as possible by eating healthy foods. The healthier you are (and your immune system), the easier it will be for you to treat existing herpes sores, and more likely to prevent further herpes outbreaks and reduce their severity. The "Mediterranean diet" rich in olive oil, fruits and vegetables, can help improve your immune system and protect you from inflammatory diseases.

  • Avoid processed and packaged foods completely.
  • Eat whole foods. Food that is as close to its natural state as possible. For example, increase the amount of fruits and vegetables you eat. Reduce consumption of red meat and increase consumption of chicken (without skin). Eat complex carbohydrates, which are carbohydrates found in whole grains, beans and vegetables. Add in the consumption of nuts and seeds which are high in minerals, vitamins, and healthy fats.
  • Avoid processed or added sugar. This includes sugars added to processed foods such as high fructose corn syrup. If you need sweet food, eat fruit. Also, avoid artificial sweeteners.
  • Add healthy fats, such as omega-3 fats found in fish and olive oil.
  • Drink wine in moderation. Grapes are part of the Mediterranean diet and can improve health if taken in moderation.
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Step 5. Drink plenty of water

Your body will work better if it is well hydrated, and it can easily fight off herpes sores. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water per day, whether you are inflamed or healthy.

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Ease Herpes Pain with Home Remedies Step 27

Step 6. Exercise regularly

The body will work optimally when we exercise. Regular exercise can keep your immune system healthy and help fight inflammation.

  • You can start by walking more often. Park your car away from your destination, use the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator, take your dog for a walk, or go for a short walk. If you want, go to the gym and ask a fitness trainer for help. Do weightlifting, cardio, whatever you like and can do regularly.
  • Of course you need to consult a doctor, and know what you should or should not do. Avoid exercising too hard.
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Step 7. Use relaxation techniques to deal with the stress associated with herpes

Stress and pressure can trigger inflammation. Thus, you need to find a way to relax and rest. Try yoga, meditation, exercise, or deep breathing to calm yourself down. Relieving stress is easy: take up a hobby you enjoy, or take a walk around where you live.

Method 5 of 6: Treating Inflammation

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Ease Herpes Pain with Home Remedies Step 29

Step 1. Wear loose cotton clothing

Always wear clothes, especially underwear, made of loose cotton. Cotton is a natural and gentle material for your skin, and does not irritate the skin further. Your skin will heal and breathe easier with cotton fabrics.

  • Other synthetic materials do not absorb sweat and will make your genital herpes symptoms worse. This includes all synthetic materials, such as nylon and silk.
  • Avoid tight clothing because it can hold sweat and irritate the skin more.
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Ease Herpes Pain with Home Remedies Step 30

Step 2. Keep it clean

Make your personal hygiene a priority that needs to be maintained. Take frequent showers, especially in summer or when the weather is hot. Change your clothes when they are sweaty or dirty.

Use soap to wash infected areas and hands, especially after using the toilet, after applying topical creams, after contact with other people, and before eating

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Step 3. Avoid sexual activity

If you have herpes, avoid any sexual activity so you don't infect your partner. You can infect your partner when they're not inflamed, but there's a greater chance when your infection is active.

Always practice safe sex with a condom to avoid contact of the liquid with the slightest wound that may be on the skin. Unsafe sexual activity of any kind can be risky for you and your partner

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Step 4. Take care of yourself

Because herpes sores are closely related to stress and illness, it's important that you take good care of yourself so that the current sores go away quickly and prevent future ones. Here are some good suggestions to keep in mind:

  • Sleep 7-8 hours a day. If you are tired, your immune system will be tired.
  • Eat lots of vegetables and fruits, such as apples, spinach, cabbage, bananas, papayas, carrots, mangoes, etc. Avoid sugar and nutritional foods. Drink alcohol in moderation.
  • Manage your stress level. Consider yoga or meditation to help relieve stress that may be causing further inflammation.

Method 6 of 6: Understanding HSV-1 and HSV-2

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Step 1. Determine the origin of the herpes infection

Herpes can infect healthy people through direct contact with infected people, such as through saliva, pus from herpes sores, or through sexual contact. An infected person can infect anyone even if that person's virus is in a "sleeping" state (not causing any symptoms). There are patients who do not know they have the virus until the virus is inflamed, which is characterized by herpes sores.

  • Viruses present in saliva can be transferred to other people through shared personal items, such as toothbrushes, dental floss, make-up such as lipstick, used cutlery, towels, or through direct contact such as kissing.
  • HSV-1 causes oral herpes, although there is also research showing that it can cause genital herpes. HSV-2 commonly causes genital herpes; Semen and vaginal fluids are the perfect medium for the transfer of the HSV-2 virus.
  • Always use a condom when having sex, be it oral, anal, or vaginal, whether the infected person is inflamed or not. Always remember that condoms are not a complete guarantee that you or your partner will not become infected, but they can drastically reduce the risk.
  • If your herpes is inflamed in your mouth, avoid oral sex or receive oral sex from someone who has herpes sores, without a condom.
  • If a pregnant woman gives birth while her vagina is experiencing herpes sores, the chances of her child getting the same infection are even higher than when the woman is not experiencing any symptoms.
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Step 2. Determine the cause of the inflammation so that it does not recur in the future

A person infected with herpes will carry the virus in their bloodstream for life, but the symptoms will not appear continuously. However, there are several factors that can trigger the onset of herpes inflammation.

  • If you are sick, the virus that is already in the body can be triggered to become active and cause certain symptoms.
  • Stress or fatigue can trigger stress in your body and affect many things in the body.
  • Any drugs that cause immunosuppression such as corticosteroids or cancer chemotherapy have the potential to activate HSV.
  • Sexual intercourse that is too frequent can trigger genital herpes.
  • A woman's menstrual cycle can also trigger herpes symptoms, perhaps as a result of hormonal disturbances, discomfort, and weakness.
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Step 3. Determine what the herpes symptoms look like

Herpes symptoms may appear 2 weeks after infection and may persist for 2-3 weeks. Herpes sores are the main symptom of an active herpes infection, but they are not the only symptom. Some of the other symptoms are: pain when urinating, flu-like symptoms, pain in the knee, pus from the vagina, and swollen glands.

  • In men, herpes sores can appear on the penis, buttocks, anus, calves, scrotum, in the urinary tract or inside the penis. In women, herpes sores can appear on the buttocks, cervix, vaginal area, anus, and the outside of the genitals. Herpes sores are painful and itchy, especially at the first inflammation.
  • Patients with genital herpes may experience pain when urinating or defecating as a result of herpes sores around the genitals or rectum. In some cases pus will also arise from the vagina or penis.
  • Since HSV is a viral infection, some patients may experience flu-like symptoms, such as fever, headache, fatigue, and enlarged glands.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are usually located in the groin but can also be found around the thighs.
  • Other symptoms of genital sores that your doctor can diagnose are a yeast infection (caused by the fungus Candida, the disease is called candidiasis); a disease caused by the Coxsackie A virus type 16, called Hand-Foot-and-Mouth disease; syphilis (due to Treponema); and infection with Herpes zoster (Varicella zoster/herpes virus type 3), the virus that causes smallpox.
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Step 4. Learn how the HSV virus works on your body

Your immune system will detect the HSV virus when you are infected or have inflammation. Your immune system will then create antibodies to fight the virus. Your lymph nodes will swell as a result of producing and multiplying these antibodies. Your body temperature will also rise to create an environment that bacteria and viruses don't like. When your body finally gets the virus under control, usually after a few days, the symptoms will go away.

However, your immune system cannot completely eliminate this virus. Everyone infected with HSV will continue to be infected. Nonetheless, the antibodies that emerge will help the person to fight inflammation in the future, whether for HSV-1, HSV-2, or both

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Step 5. Talk to your doctor when you have active inflammation

HSV-1 and HSV-2 can be diagnosed when inflammation appears, by observing the wound and taking a sample that can be tested in a laboratory. There is also a blood test that can determine the presence of antibodies to the HSV virus. The doctor will ask for your medical history, other people you share the equipment with, and marital status. He will also ask about your sexual activity with your partner and what protection you are wearing.

  • The most effective first test is a herpes culture. A small amount of fluid from the wound is taken to rule out other possible diagnoses.
  • In certain cases, other blood tests can also be used to determine the presence of the herpes virus when there are no sores. These tests can measure the presence of antibodies against HSV-1 and HSV-2. However, these tests are not always accurate. Better to use the herpes culture above.


  • Keep in mind that herpes infections are very common, whether the sufferer knows it or not. Most adults have HSV-1, and a growing number of people have HSV-2.
  • Some patients may have only one inflammation, and others may have multiple inflammations at a time. Everyone's body response and medical history are different and cause different HSV symptoms.
  • HSV treatment is usually aimed at reducing the chances of HSV inflammation. The goal is to keep this virus sleeping, not infecting other people and reducing symptoms, itching and pain caused.
