Dealing with the end of a phase of age is never easy. In particular, the age of 30 is usually the most difficult nadir for most people. Mainly because at that age, people usually start to realize the fact that their youth is not eternal; life will go on and they will continue to age. In addition, some people begin to think about the achievements that are considered insufficient, the goals that have not been achieved, and the failures that have characterized their 30 years of life. You feel the same? Don't worry, armed with the willingness to face and be grateful for your increasing age, you will realize that aging is a fun process!
Part 1 of 2: Dealing with the Reality of Aging

Step 1. Find out why you are afraid of turning 30
Worrying about aging is a common thing for many people. More than likely, your fear is rooted in unrealistic reactions to the prevailing assumptions surrounding the issue of aging. Identifying the reason for your fear can help you accept this new age phase more easily.
- You may be reluctant to age for fear of being called "old" by some. Don't worry, you live in the modern era! Technology and advances in health science make people today live longer. Even today, the age of 30 is no longer categorized as middle age!
- You may be afraid of aging because you are not ready to face the increased responsibilities. It may also be that you are afraid of becoming an adult because you feel that you have not shown maximum achievement at that age.
- Try writing down your fears in a diary. Once you realize that these fears are irrational, you will find it easier to accept the fact that you are getting older.

Step 2. Accept the fact that you are already 30
You don't have a time machine to turn back time, so the only thing you can do is accept that reality gracefully. Accepting this unavoidable reality will make it easier for you to go through a new phase of age.
- Many people in your life, including your parents and some of your friends, are past the age of 30 and are still living well. Realize that life will be fine as you get older (and even if you don't like it!). Who knows, you will actually enjoy the head three phase more than the head two.
- Believe in the statement "30 is the new 20". This “framework” tactic will ease your negative view of aging and make it easier for you to accept it.

Step 3. Try practicing yoga and meditating
Consider meditation and light yoga exercises to stretch your muscles. Doing so can help you stay relaxed and focused. As a result, it will help you more to accept your age with a positive mindset.
- Try doing light yoga exercises, such as restorative yoga and yin yoga. Both types of yoga are specifically aimed at relaxing and improving muscle health, as well as relaxing your body.
- Meditation is proven to have many health benefits such as lowering blood pressure, reducing anxiety and depression, reducing stress, and improving your physical and emotional health.
- Meditation also helps free your mind and allows you to let go of the things you can't control.
- Consult a doctor before you start practicing yoga; make sure your body condition is prime enough to do it.

Step 4. Remember, age is just a number
The adage, although old but not obsolete, is even more accurate in the modern era like today. Armed with technology and advances in health science, today humans are proven to live longer and more youthful.
- If you are diligent in taking care of yourself by exercising, eating healthy foods, getting enough rest, and avoiding stress, your body is guaranteed to be in much better shape than those who are younger than you.
- The media often portrays the phenomenon of aging as a painful, debilitating, and degrading process. If this portrait affects you, always remember the words of acclaimed author Mark Twain, “age is only a matter of mind over matter”. Focus not on the number that says your age, but on how much you have – and will – do, and how happy you are at that age.

Step 5. Think about your achievements so far
Your 20s is a phase full of accomplishments and plans. Remembering all of your past accomplishments and successes will make you better prepared for your 30s (the time when your plans usually start to come true).
Also take into account your greatest achievements in your 20s. For example, you may have successfully completed your undergraduate education and started a family during this phase. Use these achievements as a starting point for setting new goals in your 30s

Step 6. Forget past failures and move on
Accept the fact that failure is a pebble that no one can avoid. Learning to accept failure and move on with life can help you age happier and bolder.

Step 7. Get rid of your expectations
The inability to accept age is often rooted in the expectations you set for yourself. Get rid of all expectations that are unrealistic and difficult to meet; surely, you can create a more positive living environment and start walking on the right track.
Accept the fact that nothing is perfect in this world. In fact, imperfection will actually add color to your life. Learning to let go of expectations for perfection is a powerful way to focus your mind on positive life changes

Step 8. Don't compare yourself to others
Remember, everyone has different strengths. Constantly comparing yourself to other people will actually reduce your self-confidence significantly, especially in this age of youth. Focus on yourself and your accomplishments; not comparing yourself to others is an important step towards accepting your age.
Don't let the general picture of age and aging scare you. Don't focus too much on public figures (artists, for example) who don't look old even though they are getting older. Believe me, most of them are helped by hundreds of very expensive beauty products. If you only focus on such things, you will always have a hard time accepting the fact of aging
Part 2 of 2: Celebrating 30 Years Old

Step 1. Have a party to celebrate a new phase in your life
Start a new phase with a positive and fun. Welcoming your 30s in a positive way can help you think about all the fun things that might happen in your life in the future.

Step 2. Be confident in whatever you will–and have–you learn
Be confident about the things you learned in your 20s and rest assured, all that knowledge you can apply to increase your success in your 30s. By instilling self-confidence, you have paved the way for more self-acceptance and success in your 30s..
- Confidence can come from anywhere, including when you realize that you already have a history of education and good relationships.
- If you feel like you've taken good care of your skin in your 20s, rest assured that you won't get wrinkled quickly. Confidence can also come if you've earned a degree, have a good job, or have healthy, funny kids.
- Even if you are confident and successful, realize that the possibility of failure will always exist.
- Be grateful for the fact that most people in their 30s usually feel more confident and comfortable with themselves. Understanding and being grateful for this reality will help you relax and be happier in life.

Step 3. Plan and define your goals
By your 20s, you may have established specific life plans and goals. So why not do the same at 30? In many cases, goals or plans in your 30s are an extension of what you set in your 20s. Having a plan and goals helps clarify your purpose in life in this new phase.
- Set goals for all aspects of your life: personal, professional, etc. For example, you might want to start a family and complete your master's degree in your 30s.
- Determine your short-term and long-term goals, then reevaluate them annually.
- Plan to enjoy life to the fullest through education, travel plans, or simply getting involved in the local community. Getting involved can help you forget the haunting “end of age”, as well as remind you that your 30s is a more meaningful phase than any previous phase of your life.

Step 4. Enjoy your financial freedom
At the age of 30, usually people are well established and have steady jobs. Enjoy the fruit of hard work in the form of financial freedom that you have by traveling or buying a new house.
Of course, you don't have to spend a lot of money. Even something as simple as eating at a new restaurant can be categorized as “enjoying financial freedom” which may be difficult for you to do when you were a teenager

Step 5. Explore new things
Trying out new, exciting activities (or maybe those that someone else has recommended to you) can make turning 30 feel so much more fun. Even if you don't like it at first, at least your knowledge and adaptability will increase. Cultivating curiosity by exploring the world around you is also one of the best ways to celebrate your new age. At this age, you will also find it easier to appreciate simple activities such as visiting new places or trying new foods and hobbies.
- Engage in various artistic activities such as painting, dancing, or composing music. You can also try a new sport or spontaneous exercise with your family. Joining a photography club or a book club is just as much fun!
- Open yourself up to trying new things, even if the activity may seem unattractive at first.

Step 6. Get involved in the local community
Getting involved in local communities, such as through local political organizations, will connect you with people who hold different views. This experience will make you realize that aging is a dynamic process and not terrible.
Consider volunteering at a local hospital or soup kitchen. Realizing the fact that you are still healthy and well off will help you to appreciate life more

Step 7. Travel as often as possible
Traveling – especially to another country or city with a different culture – offers a number of advantages that you may not have realized. When you travel, you will be exposed to different cultures, perspectives, histories and worldviews. All this new knowledge can make you more grateful for life.
- Traveling – no matter how close the distance – will allow you to see the world with a richer perspective. Even if you only visit the city next door, you will still be faced with new experiences that can enrich yourself! Not infrequently, a different sensation will actually bring up a new side of you that you didn't know about. As you get older, you will also become wiser and able to appreciate the differences around you. In addition, you will also recognize and appreciate your role in this world.
- Every now and then, try venturing into areas you've never been or are "unusual" visited by tourists. The hidden features that these places have can really enrich your experience. To seize this opportunity, you must first increase your confidence at the age of 30.

Step 8. Take good care of your health
Taking care of your health is the most important part of aging happier. Keeping healthy by exercising and dieting also helps prepare you to be more grateful for getting older and all the changes that come with it.
- Eat healthy foods that meet your nutritional needs. For example, make sure you get enough protein, vitamins, and fiber from foods such as low-fat meats, nuts, vegetables, and fruit.
- Make sure you make time for physical activity, such as jogging or jogging, for at least 30 minutes a day. Also make sure you take time to relax and unwind, such as by reading a book or watching your favorite movie. Uniquely, this habit will encourage the realization of a healthy and regular diet, and maintain your overall health.
- For example, running 5 kilometers gives you the opportunity to forget about personal or professional problems while maintaining your physical health.
- In this tech-savvy world, solitude is a rare but indispensable thing to maintain your emotional health; mainly because solitude minimizes the amount of information and sensations you have to process each day. For example, you can turn off all electronics at 10pm. That way, you have one to two hours to spend time with your family without any distractions.

Step 9. Be grateful for what you have
There are many people who can't even reach the age of 30; they are not as lucky as you. Therefore, be grateful for the fact that you are alive and fulfilled. Gratitude is a powerful weapon against all negative thoughts that arise when you reach the age of three.