A fear of roller coasters usually boils down to one of three things: a fear of heights, a fear of accidents, and a fear of being confined. But with the right approach, you can learn to control those fears and begin to enjoy the fun and safe suspense that these rides have to offer. In the late 90's, a Harvard Medical School Professor was hired by an amusement park to develop a cure for roller coaster phobia, also known as coaster-phobia. The professor found several successful ways to control stress levels and make roller coasters seem easier to deal with. You can learn to build self-confidence, ride your first roller coaster, and control your emotions throughout the game. You can even have fun. See Step 1 for more information.
Part 1 of 3: Building Your Confidence

Step 1. Find out what you're getting into
It's a good idea to learn a little about roller coasters before riding them for the first time. Usually certain amusement parks will classify roller coasters based on their intensity. So when you get there and see a map of the theme park, you can find out more about the particular roller coaster you're going to, or you can find out about that particular roller coaster online.
- Wooden roller coasters are the oldest and most classic type. Roller coasters like these are usually chain-operated, moving very quickly but most never flipping upside down in mid-air or performing complex spinning motions. Roller coasters with steel rails are much more complicated, featuring lots of twists and turns, often upside down. But some steel roller coasters are good because they will have more twists and less descents. Steel roller coasters are also less noisy and the movement is smoother than wooden roller coasters.
- If you're afraid of steep descents, look for roller coasters with curved descents instead of straight ones, so you'll get a gradual pace and not feel like you're in free fall. You can also choose the type of launch vehicle that accelerates to take you at high speed instead of dropping you off a high incline, although in some cases the type of launch is just as thrilling. This may sound funny, but most of the rides for kids are welcome by anyone and can be a good start for you to try.
- Try not to find out about certain things like how high the rails are, how fast the roller coaster is going, and some other "terrible" particulars. However, it's a good idea to find out about the twists and turns of the ride, so you can steady your body and know what you're getting into from the ride. It's also to avoid rides with stunts you're afraid of. Find out the facts about these things once you get on the rides so you can share them with others and be proud of yourself.

Step 2. Talk to other people about their experiences
Millions of people ride roller coasters every year and really enjoy it. There is little to fear about roller coasters and a lot of fun to be had from riding them. Chatting about it with roller coaster fans is a great way to get yourself interested and excited about roller coasters. Also talk to people who used to be afraid but now love roller coasters because it will help you understand what rides you should ride.
- Talk to family, friends and also amusement park employees who love roller coasters. Ask them which rides are the gentlest or least dangerous and which ones to avoid at the park. Another great idea is to ask people what their experience was when they first rode a roller coaster. You can get a good idea of what to avoid the first time you ride a roller coaster.
- Read up on the internet about great roller coasters at the amusement park you are planning to visit. Try watching YouTube videos of any rides you might be on to see if they seem harmless enough to you.

Step 3. Understand that roller coasters are supposed to be scary
If you are afraid of a shadow falling from the 12th floor at a speed of 97 km/h, that is perfectly normal. That means the amusement park has done its job! Roller coasters are made scary to give their passengers a pleasant thrill and dread, but the rides aren't really dangerous as long as you follow safety instructions and listen to instructions. A roller coaster is thoroughly tested before opening to the public and all amusement park rides receive regular maintenance to keep them in good working order. You don't have to worry about ride damage at professional amusement parks.
Each year there are reported several injuries that occur due to roller coaster rides, but most of these injuries are the result of errors and violations of the rules of the rider. If you listen to the instructions and stay seated, you'll be fine. Statistically, you have a greater risk of injury while driving to an amusement park than when riding a roller coaster. The chance of fatal injury on a roller coaster is 1 in 1.5 billion

Step 4. Ride with your friends
Riding a roller coaster is supposed to be fun and it will always be easier with friends cheering, screaming with you and supporting each other as you go along. Some people feel more comfortable riding with someone who is equally scared so you can both scream out loud and not feel alone. Others like to ride with someone who's been on a roller coaster before and can reassure you that you'll be fine.
Don't go up with people who will urge you to do things you don't want to do. Once you know your limit, don't take any bigger rides unless you're ready to cross your limit. It doesn't matter what everyone thinks of you if you've found your comfort zone and want to stay in it. Don't let anyone try to tell or force you to get on a ride that you're not ready to ride

Step 5. Look at your watch
The average roller coaster playing time is faster than a television commercial. In some cases, you will be waiting in line for 2000% longer than your time on the ride. Even though it's very high, the roller coaster descent will finish as quickly as you inhale. Try to remember that whatever the end result, everything you're going through will end very quickly. The waiting time is a huge source of fear and anticipation, and the ride is part of the fun.

Step 6. Read the rules and restrictions before entering the queue
Before waiting in the queue, make sure you meet the height requirements listed on the front of the rides. Also make sure that you are physically fit to ride the rides. Usually, people with heart defects, pregnant women and people with other physical disabilities are not allowed to ride the roller coaster.
Part 2 of 3: Riding Your First Roller Coaster

Step 1. Start small
Maybe you shouldn't jump on a horrific roller coaster like Death Drop 2000 or the Vortex. Older wooden roller coasters, with small-medium-sized descents and no spins are usually suitable for beginners and for people who want to try roller coasters without getting scared. Take the time to look around the amusement park, check out some of the roller coasters to find the least scary.
Take a few other interesting rides first to get your adrenaline pumping so you get used to the sensation. While they may look great, roller coasters are usually no scarier than other rides. If you dare to ride the Scrambler, you can face the roller coaster with ease

Step 2. Don't watch it
As you stroll around the amusement park; when you are in line; or as you get ready to ride, try to fight the urge to look up, towards the steep descent or the most terrifying part of the roller coaster. Concentrate on talking to friends and distract yourself from what you're about to face. There's no point in worrying about seeing steep descents while you're still on the ground. Think about something else and keep your imagination away from it.
When waiting in line, focus your attention on the faces of people getting off the rides at the end of the game, not on the horrible descents and spins. It could be that the guys looked like they had a great time and they all came out fine. You'll be fine too

Step 3. Sit in the middle
If this is your first time riding a rather scary roller coaster, the best place to sit is in the center so you can focus on the back of the seat in front of you and not have to worry too much about what you're getting into. The middle is the least terrible place on a roller coaster ride.
- Or you may want to sit in the front so you can see if sitting there makes you feel better. For some people, not knowing what they are going to face is even more frightening.
- Don't sit in the back seat, which exerts a stronger g-force during sharp turns and descents. The ride feels even more intense when you sit near the back of the train.

Step 4. Follow the park staff's instructions and ride directions
As you get to your seat and sit in your carriage, listen carefully to the verbal instructions and follow the directions of the officers. Each roller coaster uses different safety devices, so you must listen carefully to make sure your safety is in place.
- When sitting in a chair, make sure that your seat is comfortable and that the safety device slides down onto your lap. If you can't reach it, or if the safety device is too complicated, wait for instructions from the staff. If you lock the safety device yourself, the officers will still come and check to make sure everything is in place.
- When you have put on your safety device, just sit back and relax. Put glasses, or any loose jewelry you may have in your pocket and take a deep breath.
Part 3 of 3: Living the Game

Step 1. Look straight ahead
Keep your head firm and lean against the back of the chair, and try to focus on the path in front of you or the back of the chair in front of you. Don't look down or focus on things to your right and left as this will accentuate your speed as you glide and increase feelings of disorientation and nausea. In other words, don't look down.
- This step is especially helpful if you're on a circular path. Look straight ahead and focus your attention on the roller coaster track, so you will only feel a slight sensation of weightlessness which usually turns out to be quite fun and will be over in a moment.
- Resist the urge to close your eyes. Inexperienced passengers often think that turning a blind eye will help make the journey less scary and you'll feel better. But closing your eyes will cause a feeling of disorientation and can make you nauseous. Focus your eyes on something that is still and don't close your eyes.

Step 2. Take a deep breath
Don't hold your breath while riding the roller coaster, otherwise you can feel dizzy and things will only get worse. As you approach the steep descent, take a deep breath and try to focus on your breathing instead of on other things. This step can help to center and calm you, focusing on a small thing. Just inhale and exhale, your journey will be pleasant.
To help you focus, count your breaths as you inhale. Inhale deeply for a count of four, then tense your muscles for a count of three, then exhale for a count of four. Repeat this cycle to calm your nerves

Step 3. Flex your abs and arms
At some point in the journey you will start to feel as if you have butterflies flying in your stomach, maybe sooner than usual. The thrill is part of the fun of the roller coaster, but it can be a little annoying for some people. To reduce it a bit, you can tense your abdominal muscles and arms by grasping the handles provided for you on the seat and chair to try to stay calm.
On the roller coaster adrenaline will be released in large quantities, triggering impulses that arise when you feel you are in danger (fight or flight impulses). Your blood pressure will rise, you will sweat, and your breathing will speed up. Your vision will also become sharper and you will be ready for anything. You can ease this symptom a little by tensing your muscles to communicate with your body, letting your body know it's okay to calm down a bit

Step 4. Ignore the spooky decorations
Many of the rides will increase the spooky factor by including gruesome paintings, dark lights and some animatronic animals or monsters along the way to frighten you. If you often feel afraid of physical sensations, these spooky decorations can really frighten you and make things a lot worse. Then you better ignore the decoration as much as possible. If the ornaments dart or move, keep your eyes straight ahead and don't mind. Breathe normally.
Plus, some rides with storylines can help distract you. If you get caught up in the story, just stay focused on the entertaining side of the story and stop worrying about how scary the rides are

Step 5. Scream loudly
You definitely won't be the only one screaming and after all, roller coasters are usually full of people joking and yelling at each other. Instead of standing still and being scared, screaming can actually make the game more fun. In addition you can also combine your screams with shouts of "Hurray!" Yelling can get rid of fear and make you want to laugh.

Step 6. Use your imagination to help you
If you're still scared, try taking your mind elsewhere. Imagine that you're flying somewhere on a plane, or that you're being whisked away to Batman's headquarters, or that you're the one driving the roller coaster. Anything that can take your mind off the ride's descents and ravines can help distract you from what's going on and make things go by faster.
- Be excited like a beast! Imagine that you are a trapped kraken monster or some kind of dragon when you climb a high vehicle. If you feel empowered, you will feel less tense and your mind will be thinking about other things.
- Some riders like to have a spell, or a snippet of a song they often sing while riding a roller coaster. Play the melody of He's Got the Whole World in His Hands" or Poker Face in your head and focus solely on the words in the lyrics instead of how you feel at the time. Or simply chant something simple like "I'll be fine.", I will be fine."

Step 7. Always use your personal judgment
If a ride looks unsafe to you or if its staff doesn't seem to care about safety; or if you have heard of previous incidents or security concerns; Don't ride the roller coaster. Especially if it will make you feel very uneasy. Most of the rides at major amusement parks are expensive machines that are well maintained and checked regularly.
Roller coaster trails are usually inspected daily before the ride is run for the first time and will be closed if a problem is detected. If a ride has been closed frequently in the past few weeks, it's best to avoid the ride. The chances of an issue going undetected are very slim, but not getting on the ride can make you feel more at ease
- Shout out. This will really help you. Shout as loud as the person next to you. Think of it like a match. That way you can take your mind off things.
- Speaking of joy, when you are riding the ride, after each descent especially if the descent is very difficult for you to deal with, just laugh. After all, you may never see those people on the roller coaster again. Laughter releases tension! It is like replacing the fear in your body with happiness. Smiling is good too.
- If everyone before you got on the ride and got off in the same state, then you'll be fine too.
- Sometimes, all you really have to do is just do it. Roller coasters are just controlled fear!
- While in the queue, make sure your friends/family are talking to you about something you enjoy or catch your eye in some way. This will make you less anxious about the ride even if it feels like you're going to pee your pants or run away.
- If your biggest problem is your fear of heights, look for a launched roller coaster. This type of roller coaster is just as thrilling and fun as a tall roller coaster, but uses a launch mechanism to move. The slow ride to the scary peak is no more, but the exciting speed, climbs and twists are still there!
- When choosing a seat on a roller coaster for the first time, choose the center. The front seats have views you may not be ready for; and the back seat gets a "kick" ride off the roller coaster as the ride crosses the top of the incline.
- Once you've ridden a roller coaster, the experience will give you an amazing sense of fun and you'll want to ride it again.
- Relax when you hear the knocking sound of the roller coaster. Your muscles tend to get tense, you start to feel restless. But what your body doesn't know is that the ride is only seconds or minutes away. You live 24 hours a day, a roller coaster takes a short time and you will enjoy the game. Another suggestion is to sing a soothing song in your head.
- If you need to bring something that will help calm you down, bring something like a small stuffed animal or picture that can fit in your pocket. Bring a stress ball to release the tension while waiting in line.
- If you are bringing children, take extra precautions regarding their safety.
- Choose a roller coaster that is neither too scary nor too trivial. You certainly want a taste of success. Choose something that is in the middle of the choices.
- As you descend a descent, take deep breaths, hold and tighten your stomach firmly - this reduces the tingling sensation in your stomach.
- Anticipate! Just think about how much fun it would be to split the air on a roller coaster! And remind yourself that you will not die.
- Projectile vomiting doesn't really exist. And even if there is, it won't hurt too much.
- If you have a weak stomach (it's easy to feel the sensation of butterflies flying in your stomach) don't ride the "roller coaster with a steep descent"
- If this is your first time on a roller coaster don't look down, ride the ride with spins or feel nauseous, because you'll regret it later because you didn't try anything new.
- If you're afraid of heights but still want that thrilling experience, ride the indoor roller coaster as it also has swirls, descents and spins. The indoor roller coaster also encourages you to ride other rides.
- Sit in the middle.
- Sit wherever you want depending on how far you want to push yourself. The front end doesn't help with figuring out what you're getting into, but it's usually the slowest part. The back is the fastest part and you can see what's going on up front. The middle is somewhere in between: fast but not terrible and sometimes there are big surprises.
- Remember, it's okay if you feel scared. You can close your eyes to feel calmer.
- Think about how excited you will be at the end of the trip so you can share it with your friends and family.
- If you are bringing someone younger or smaller on board with you, make sure they are the proper height even if they are checked before entering.
- Make sure you read all cautions and warnings before attempting to ride the rides.